All Chapters of Apaurushya: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
284 Chapters
Everyone was getting edgy now. The Soul Armors that once seemed majestic have now turned into clawed and burnt scraps of metal. Holes and deep claws appeared on their surface. The situation was turning grim each second, until the Rain opened her mouth abruptly. "I can be the bait..." "No…" Agenor said a few moments later. "You know we can't kill them all…" Rain replied. "Nobody is going to be the bait… just keep fighting, I will think of something! If not, I will use my berserk skill..." "Don't spout nonsense..." Maira replied, "Berserk is not the solution here! You know that already..." Agenor went into mulling again and didn't
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Authority and Worth
Rain's pupils dilated the moment she sensed the end coming close. The cunning fiend had already closed the gap and now was ready to grab her neck.She could have jumped back or sideways, but even that wouldn't make any difference. The bloody palms of the Malaka inched towards her chest ready to rip her to shreds.Jaws wide open, his pungent breath rubbed against her skin that made her puke her guts out. An intense lustful leer incited disgust inside her mind.She could see that Agenor was too far away. Comprehending that she was out of options, she raised her dagger and put the blade on her neck. 'So this is the end… thought I could make a new start, but maybe I'm destined to be used by lustful fiends as a tool…'
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The Relay Strategy
"My worth... isn't something I have to prove to you. Although I wonder If I get you all out of there with the plan that your leader thinks is futile… Would you consider me better than him?"Creed words struck the entire team like a thunderbolt. Falco, too, felt the rug getting pulled under his feet. His face turned ugly "The fuck did you say?" Falco's eyes turned dark, as if something possessed him. "If I wasn't stuck here, I would have punched you in the face…""Hmm… Why are you so riled up?" Creed's chilling voice reverberated once again, "You can't trust my judgement because I'm a new member... isn't that what you are indirectly saying to me?"Maira interrupted, "Gryffon! Don't rile him up… "
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No Strings
Soon enough, Falco felt a gust of warm wind brushing against his left ear. An arrow rushed towards the horde, sunk deep inside Malaka's forehead.  The abrupt impact of the tensile arrow, straight to the head, imparted blunt force trauma which temporarily numbed his senses.  By now, Falco had already raised his weapon to strike the beast, but he realized that the beast that got shot was coincidentally at a divergent angle and inside the range of his current strike.  For some reason, Falco felt a bit restrained. He knew that the assault numbness would fade away soon, agitating the beast even more. Apparently, this was the best time to strike. In the end, he decided to strike shot Malaka and not let the chance get away. He immediately altered the trajecto
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No String - II
Their eyes were still fixed on the arrows homing on the beasts. No matter how much these Malaka tried to dodge the arrows, one way or the other, they kept penetrating them in the head.Maira uttered, as she scratched her eyebrows, "Are you seeing this?""What kind of assist is that?""Assist!!" Agenor shook his head in confusion, "Look closely…""This is not assist... He is pulling the strings!"Agenor added, "Every time he launched his arrows, he manipulates his strikes!  He is so subtle about this, Falco does not even know it.""For that, he needs to… Does he know Falco's attack patterns?""I don't think so…
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Everyone in the group was experienced enough. He also knew that If Nakiya and Colt were here as well, they surely would have been able to get out of this situation without even needing his help.  Nevertheless, he understood it was possible for them to draw out enough power to land systematic assaults on the beasts. The only thing they lacked right now was support against the overwhelming numbers. One by one, Maira stamp-out 23 Malakas in approximately 2 minutes. Being an archer herself, she got immediately accustomed to the timings of Creeds's shots.  Although she was being surrounded by at least 15, the chain mace proved to be a lifesaver. Her range of strikes wasn't just limited to close quarters anymore.  She could strike the beast from a distance a
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The closest Malaka hurried to grab her neck, but she dodged sideways and precisely dug her rapier inside his left shoulder socket. She couldn't detach his entire arm, but the deadly precision made his arm go limp. Before Malaka could figure out what just happened, she did the same with his right shoulder and left knee to make him kneel on the ground.  Before she could get out of the pinch, another one jumped at her. Fortunately, she was able to temporarily dismantle his joints too. Beasts kept rushing at her, but she kept dodging left and right while disabling their joints at a violent pace. Though It seemed like a smooth battle, her forehead was drenched in sweat. The burden kept increasing and so far, even a single arrow had yet to come to help her. She mutila
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Synchronic - [Rewritten]
The closest Malaka hurried to grab her neck, but she dodged sideways and precisely dug her rapier inside his left shoulder socket. She couldn't detach his entire arm, but the deadly precision made his arm go limp. Before Malaka could figure out what just happened, she did the same with his right shoulder and left knee to make him kneel on the ground.  Before she could get out of the pinch, another one jumped at her. Fortunately, she was able to temporarily dismantle his joints too. Beasts kept rushing at her, but she kept dodging left and right while disabling their joints at a violent pace. Though It seemed like a smooth battle, her forehead was drenched in sweat. The burden kept increasing and so far, even a single arrow had yet to come to help her. She mutila
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Chakra Poisoning
"Every time the second arrow penetrates their skull, it simultaneously hits her rapier as well.""So what ? The impact still should not be enough to kill it…""Yes! That's what I thought at first but the arrow's impact transfers the kinetic energy to the rapier's thin blade, ultimately making the blade vibrate violently inside the beast's head, scrambling their brains from the inside.""The second arrows' primary job isn't to land the killing blow, it's to make the blade go berserk. When the arrow invades the beast's skull, her rapier becomes more lethal. Unlike their strong bones, inside are soft so the rapier causes irreversible damage and kills from inside."Agenor added, "however, this doesn't mean his second arrow is adding nothing to the synchronic impact. I
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Final Run
Agenor stood dazed while an anesthetic blur of consciousness wrapped around him like an inescapable blanket. His mind couldn't comprehend the stream of volatile thoughts that swirled inside his head. Almost as if someone pulled the rug from under his feet, while several predefined conclusions started crumbling like a house of cards. He clenched his fist and stared at Creed, who was cleaning the bloodstains from his arrows on the ground."She told you this?""Yes!""Any chance of gaps in the memory...maybe a cognitive bias…""Not sure… but she seemed confident!"Agenor kept phasing out while trying to sort out his thoughts. His changing expressions did not bothe
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