All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
756 Chapters
"That's it, I was right! It is rutile!" Christian exclaimed, paper in hand, bursting into Aaron’s office. Elliott glanced over his shoulder, a puzzled expression on his face as he paused midsentence to see what their lead tech person was so excited about.Aaron looked a little less confused but still needed some clarification. "Christian, come on in," he said sarcastically. "I take it you got your report back from Dr. Patrick then?" He sat behind his imposing oak desk, peering at his teammate with an intense blue stare.
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To the Trees
"So, anyway, as I was saying," Elliott stated, returning to the conversation they had been involved in before Christian burst through the door, "we think Giovani and Zabrina may have entered the Amazonian rainforest. There's just no sighting of them after they landed in Peru. So, we are sending a team in to see if we can track them in there.""In the rainforest?" Aaron asked, attempting to clarify.
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Words From a Friend
By the time Cadence reached her hotel room, she was very near to tears. It had been a long, busy two weeks, and she seriously thought her road trip was just about over, and she needed to return home at last. Though it would have been very simple to multi-task, she changed into pajamas, grabbed a bottle of water and made herself comfortable on the bed before she sent her first message. "Hey! What's up?" she asked, attempting to keep her tone nonchalant. Despite the fact that the IAC worked through their eyes, they could actually hear the other person's voice, which included tone."
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Time to Go Back?
Giovani awoke to the sound of howler monkeys in the trees above their makeshift hut. He hardly ever slept; it wasn't necessary for his body anymore. He was a highly efficient blood metabolizing machine. Yet, since they had determined to make the inner recesses of the Amazonian Rainforest their home, he had found himself sleeping more and more out of sheer boredom.Zabrina, on the other hand, always seemed to find something to keep herself occupied. He could hear her now puttering outside, likely building something or putting a more appealing spin on something they already had. In his entire ex
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"I have some good news and some bad news," Laura explained to the rest of her team after hanging up the phone. After their conversation with Sharon, the band of renegades had decided to start making their way back west. Because they were aware they had been spotted at the airport upon landing in South Carolina, they determined it would be best to rent a car. After much negotiation, they agreed to head to Arizona. While it would make the most sense to hang out in Peru until Giovani reappeared, since that is where he was last seen, they knew LIGHTS had far reaching fingers and likely had their eyes all over the region since they were also searching for the same suspect. They had been successful at laying low near Tucson, and they knew Cadence was also in the area, so they decided to head that way.
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A Look Around
Cadence hadn't slept well. That was nothing unusual. She hadn't slept well for quite some time, particularly since the night she had pointed a loaded gun at her ex-boyfriend and pulled the trigger. Even though Jack's death had been an accident, it still haunted her.She had been told eventually she wouldn't have to sleep as much as a human. Eight months into her Transformation, she was not there yet. She had been lagging all day from a lack of rest. For once in her life, she wished she were actually a coffee drinker.
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Plan of Attack
Cale caught up to her outside beneath an expansive oak tree. He hesitated to say anything, unsure whether or not she was still working. After a moment, he finally whispered, "So, what do you think?"Cadence smiled. "I think it's fine. I mean, I think it's doable." She was nodding, her hands on her hips. Glancing down momentarily, she realized she had collected some cobwebs on her black capris, and she absently swiped at them as she returned her attention to the doctor.
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Plan of Attack
Cadence nodded and watched her teammates mount their bikes before turning back to the silent Adonis next to her. He seemed to be deep in thought, his eyes locked on the building before them. Once the roaring engines were far enough away, she turned back to him. "Do you think we should go somewhere else, in case they return? Or do you want to stay here and observe?"Her voice broke his train of thought. "Oh, uh, we've observed them coming in before. And, oddly enough they do drive a Hummer." Cadence didn't think it was odd at all that she had picked up on that. She had noticed some clues to ind
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Why is He Here?
Despite the fact that she had consumed no alcohol the night before, Cadence awoke feeling as if she had been hit by a Mac truck. The restless nights were starting to add up. By the time she'd made it back to her hotel, met with Aurora and Meagan and went over the new plan, and unwound a little bit, the sun was creeping over the horizon. Even after nearly ten hours of attempting to get even a couple of uninterrupted, consecutive hours of slumber, she finally hauled herself to the shower, hoping the hot water would somehow make her feel as human as a non-human could feel.She spent much of the r
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Stop Interfering
"How's it going, Cale?" Aaron asked as the doctor got within a few feet. He offered his hand, which Cale accepted, the questioning expression still on his face. "I just happened to be in the area, and I heard that you had a pretty significant hunt going on tonight, so I decided to stop by to observe."Cale nodded and then finally spoke. "All right," he said. "I wish I would have known you were going to be around. I feel like you should know the plan."
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