All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
756 Chapters
Out the Front
"They have machine guns?" she asked in disbelief. She had never seen a Vampire use heavy artillery before. In fact, most of them didn't even use guns at all."Apparently," Cale replied."Shit!"
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They neared the driver's side window and the Vampire in the back opened fire. It was not a machine gun this time, at least, just a hand gun. Nevertheless, Cadence ducked back inside, fear of getting shot temporarily quelling her bravado.Aaron slowed down a little bit, partially to give her time to regroup and partially because they were approaching another car. He glanced over at her and could tell she was ready to try again, so he cleared the uninvolved minivan and accelerated.
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Just before they reached the trees, Aaron shifted the car into neutral, turned the wheel the other direction, and Cadence instinctively slammed her foot down on the brake. The car spun the opposite way before Aaron corrected it. It came to rest just inches from the trunks of the trees.She didn't realize he had his right arm braced against her until they had completely stopped. Clearly, he had been trying to protect her from the airbag. They locked eyes, and she finally let the breath out she'd been holding for the entire skid.
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Take Off
Aaron had just completed his pre-flight check list when Cadence caught up to him. Somehow, he had known she was coming, despite the fact that her IAC was off, and there was no other way he could have known; he just knew.Part of him had hoped she would miss him, that he'd make it off the ground before she arrived. But now that she was here, he was also a little relieved. Better to get this conversation over with now than to let it continue to linger.
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The Truth
It turned out the diner was a little bit more crowded around lunch time, though Cadence and Cale still had no trouble finding a table. After she'd arrived back at the hotel, she had collapsed, finally getting enough consecutive hours of sleep to qualify as more than a catnap. Even at that, she had shot out of bed about five hours later, not only haunted by her dreams but with the events of the night before hitting her full force at the same time.Cale always seemed to wear light colors, which went well with his blond hair and pale eyes. For a moment, the symbolism of early American westerns cr
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What's In it For Me?
Eliza Wrath was enjoying her new gig as Leader of the San Francisco Area. It was a pretty easy job. San Fran had its share of Vampires, but most of them had the same relaxed attitude as the humans, and the ratio of Rogues to Compliants was relatively low. Every once in a while she'd have to organize a hunt, but she had a very experienced team, and much of what she did involved nothing more than calling in various members. She actually had a Hunter Leader, as well, something most Guardians couldn't count on anymore, and Daniel had been doing his job so long, he didn't seem to mind making most of the calls. Ultimately, she had all of the power, and none of the work. For her, it was a win-win. She spent a lot of time in her office pretending to look busy while she shopped online.
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Laura Comer and Eliza Wrath were literally the last two people in the universe Aaron wanted to talk to. Yet, he spent much of the afternoon sitting in his office, waiting for them to both call, simultaneously. Just the thought of it was almost enough to make him sick. He did his best to concentrate on what Christian was explaining to him, but he was more than a little distracted."We were able to track that shipment of titanium bullets and they were stopped at customs in Miami. So far so good with that. Now, we'll just need to figure out a way to get them ourselves. In the meantime, I'm continuing to work on making my own, but it's a lot more complicated than I thought," Christian was explain
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"You don't even need a titanium bullet to kill me," Eliza shot back, trying to be smart."Oh, I know that," Laura responded, briskly.Eliza seemed to think again for a moment before asking another question she had been instructed to ask. "What if he wants in? What if he wants to cooperate with you, too?"
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Is This a Date?
Aurora and Meagan were just as excited as Cadence was for Thursday night to finally arrive. Even though Cadence wasn't quite sure if this was an actual date--since Cale had invited all three of them and several members of his team were going as well--she was still nervous as she climbed inside the Buick Enclave he had driven to pick them up. Archie and Nick were in the way-back, and for a moment Cadence wondered if this were set up to be a triple-date, until she remembered some mention that Archie had a boyfriend.Cale had insisted on coming up to get them, even though his friends wanted to st
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Come Home
Despite her more cheerful disposition, Cadence still didn't sleep well that night. She had awoken around 8:00 to a message from Cale asking if she was free for dinner, to which she promptly replied an enthusiastic yes, and then tried to go back to sleep again. After several attempts at obtaining more than an hour and a half of consecutive sleep, she finally got up around 10:30. Even though the exhaustion was still there, she was happier than she had been in a while, and she found herself humming some of the songs from the concert as she showered and got ready for the day.She towel dried her h
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