All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
756 Chapters
Disaster Strikes
Back by the driveway, Elliott was watching Sam rather closely as they covered the only reliable exit to the property. The cowboy was a tricky son-of-a-bitch, and they'd had a run in before, several months ago, when he was bad-mouthing Cadence after the last hunt they had been on together. Elliott hadn't been a fan of Cadence himself at the time, but no one should ever talk to a lady the way that Sam had spoken to Cadence.Meagan had stepped a bit in front of them, clearly trying to see if Cadence was in position yet. "I can't see anything," she mumbled.
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"Oh, my God!" Cadence exclaimed just above a whisper. She was vaguely aware that Meagan was sitting on the ground nearby crying. "Jamie!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Where the hell is Jamie?" she yelled, throwing herself on the ground next to her broken friend.The expression on Aaron’s face said it all. "He's hit, too," he choked out.Cadence's eyes widened even further. "
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"Cadence! Don't do it!" Aaron had caught up to her. He grabbed her from behind, wrapped one arm around her waist, and lifted her cleanly off of the hysterical woman."Why not?" she argued, flailing. "She deserves it!""You're not a murderer," he reminded her, sitting her on her feet. "You only kill Rogue Vampires. She’ll get what she deserves, but we’ll do it the right way."
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Hannah had caught up to her in the lobby and the women had ridden up in silence. Upon exiting the elevator on the hospital level, they were greeted with a whirl of flurry. It was organized chaos, and Archie was there to meet them. They didn't know where Aaron was; he had driven away from them pretty quickly, and Cadence could only assume he was there somewhere. He had shut his IAC off once they had left the scene."Ladies, first of all, I am so very sorry for your loss," Archie said a sympathetic look on his face. "I know Cale is taking good care of your friends, but I'm going to show you dire
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View From the Top
The view from the top of the building was spectacular, especially at night. The green, sparkling silhouette of the Silver Legacy Casino, as well as the red ambience of the two Harrah's towers, highlighted a sea of twinkling lights, glitter, and flickering star-like facades. In the distance, the mountains loomed, though they were almost impossible to make out without using night vision. Nevertheless, they were there, standing watch, their menacing beauty a cautionary reminder that looks can be deceiving.Aaron had been sitting there for quite some time, attempting to enjoy the silence. It had b
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The Way it Should Be
Cadence tightened her grip on his hand as she continued to explain. "Meagan's sleeping, and Christian should be released soon. But he is asking for you. I'm not sure what he wants to talk to you about, but when you get a chance, you might check in.""Sounds like you've been busy," he smiled. Why hadn't he realized she would take over? It made perfect sense, now, that she would. He had thought she might be too upset to function. He had clearly underestimated her again.
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Waiting a Long Time
Walking down the hallway in her search for Cale, Cadence literally ran into Eliza stepping off of the elevator. "Hey!" the San Fran leader exclaimed, steadying herself on too-high heels. "Watch it, Cadence. Geeze!""Sorry," Cadence muttered, completely unaware whether or not it was truly her fault. "Have you seen Cale?" she asked, in too much of a rush to really care if she had pissed Eliza off.
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The hotel room was nothing to write home about. Of all the rooms Cadence had stayed in these past six months, it might quite possibly be the smallest. Yet, it was clean and functional, and all she really needed was something resembling a bed. Not that she would be sleeping much anyway. Thoughts of everything she’d gone through that day were sure to keep her up for most of the night.She changed into a black satin camisole and matching boy shorts--absently thinking about how she had packed them just in case. At the time she’d been fantasizing about what might happen if she had the chance to g
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Everything's Different
Waking up after a tragedy was always very difficult for Cadence. That space between slumber and consciousness where one is just aware enough to know that something is wrong was the most unsettling sensation, and in the past, she had often avoided it by simply refusing to sleep under such circumstances. When she awoke, her emotions were juxtaposed between devastation and elation. She was immediately aware that Elliott was gone; however, the memories of the night she had spent with Aaron barred the grief just enough to let a light of hope and tranquility calm her spirit. They would find a way to move on from this together.
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Find Him
Sighing, Cadence turned to Hannah. "All right, Hannah, we're going to take the G5 back to headquarters. Christian's going to check his lab and see if anything is missing. Can you arrange for the plane to leave as soon as we get to the airport?"Hannah nodded, and Meagan asked, "What about us?""I'll send the plane back just as soon as we can," Cadence assured her. "Hannah will stay here with
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