All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
756 Chapters
Bad News
With that, Aaron was gone, leaving her contemplating whether or not she should have apologized. She couldn't force him back on, though she could request a conversation with him. "Surely he knows I was just joking," she said aloud to herself. There were definitely times that she wished she felt that way--that she really wanted him gone. But she had momentarily faced a reality without him when he was shot protecting her early on, and the thought was unbearable. Ultimately, she decided he had to know she was just being a bitch, so she left him alone and contacted Cale instead to let him know she wasn't going to be able to see him that night after all.
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To Be Continued
Cadence had been so focused on Cale’s handsome face, she hadn't even noticed the view at first. Once she did, she quickly walked to the window. "Oh, wow! You can see everything from here. Look at that amazing skyline!"He laughed, walking up behind her and putting his arm around her waist. "It's not bad.""How do you ever get anything done?" she asked, squinting to see if she could see
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Hostile Meeting
Aaron was praying that Eliza wouldn't be the first to arrive. He was notified when her plane landed a little while ago, and even though he assumed her luggage would take at least fifteen minutes to transfer to the car he sent to pick her up, she could very well arrive in his office early.When he heard a light rap at the door, however, he knew precisely who it was. Though he was sitting at his desk all the way across the room, he made it to the door in less than a second and opened it for her. "Hi," he said, stepping out of the way so Cadence could enter.
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Are We In?
Cadence was well aware of what Aaron was thinking before he even said a word, and the pressure on her leg let her know Elliott was waiting for it, too. It only took a second before Eliza said, "Well, I think that went pretty well, didn't it?""You think we should do it?" Aaron asked her, calmly."It sounds like a really good plan to me," Eliza remarked. "I mean, it needs some tweaking, but i
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Three Musketeers
There was a knock on the door, and Elliott looked at her oddly. "How do you two always know where the other one is?" he muttered as she went to let him in.Before she could even say anything, Aaron said, "I'm so sorry."She laughed and ushered him in. "It's fine. It's not like I would be asleep anyway."
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A Good Night's Sleep
It didn't bother Aaron that he found Cadence's door locked about an hour later when he returned to her apartment; there weren't too many locked doors he couldn't find his way through, and that included Cadence's.As he entered her bedroom, he could tell by her breathing that she wasn't asleep, although her steady breaths indicated she had been in bed for a while. He had changed into something more comfortable, though it wasn't the boxers he usually slept in, when he slept, which wasn't often. He did his best not to jostle her as he slid in bed beside her, leaving adequate room so she wouldn&rs
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Time to Get Up
"Cadence, are you awake?"Her eyes flickered open for a second, confusion setting in before she promptly shut them. The room was bright--which meant it was morning. Her head wasn't pounding; rather than feeling like she had been hit by a truck, she felt like she could pick one up and throw it.But she was still confused. She buried her head beneath a pillow before asking, "Why a
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Elliott patted her on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, too, kid. I know that's upsetting. But I'd be lying if I didn't say it makes me happy," he added to her alone.She glared at him, saying nothing, before turning back to her breakfast, clearly annoyed at his glee."Well, Eliza will be here in a few minutes," Aaron mentioned, changing the subject. "So, now that we've had a chance to... s
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"Wow... I can't believe they bought it," Finn was saying as they all sat around the same laminate-topped table in the cheap hotel outside of Alleghany, California."We're not home free yet," Laura reminded them, absently rubbing at her eye again. "We've got to be ready for anything. Don't expect them to just let us waltz in there with our own weapons, no questions asked. ""We've got to make
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"What about the north end of the property?" Aaron asked, confused."You can put some people up there if you've got anyone to spare," Laura shrugged. "But we'll be coming in from that direction, so between the three of us, we should have him covered. Besides, this is uphill, and I don't think he can out run us, Cadence anyway, uphill.""Okay," Aaron said, crossing his arms, but resting his ch
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