All Chapters of FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
189 Chapters
they went upstairs to straighten it up --
CHAPTER NINETY-ONE: they went upstairs to straighten it up --   “I’m worried for Kai, if you want t  check about his mental health, just tell me or Tyler, I’ll send a psychiatrist here.”   Althea nodded and expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, I’ll do that.”    “Then,” Victoria stood up. “I’ll get going now.”   Althea also stood up and offered to usher her to the front door. Victoria gave her a warm smile before agreeing. Both of them exited the office room and proceeded to go towards the door. They talked about the most random thing while walking down the corridor.   Victoria noticed that she’s out of it but did not bother asking her why. She just continued talking to her like she did not saw her eyes moving away from her constantly.    Althea tried to find Tyler with her eyes, but she can’t find him anywhere. She just
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A connection
CHAPTER EIGHT-NINE:A connection-- “Tyler,” It was Victoria. “What took you so long?” “I was taking a bath.” He simply answered.  “And so?” “Why, you only wash yourself for less than five minutes?” “…” “I know.” Tyler nodded then closed the door behind him. “Any way, what were you two talking about?” “Charles.”  Charles? Althea looked back at them after hearing a foreign name. She wanted to focus on their conversation but when she saw Tyler walking towards her in an even pace, it robbed her attention.  “Ah, him.” He replied to his mother, but his eyes were focus on her. He only stopped when they were arm’s length apart. &nbs
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An annoying person
CHAPTER NINETY: An annoying person   --   Althea shook her head. The two were not surprised. It just left them wondering, and it seems like the three of them will have a huge headache over this one later.    Silence dawned over the three once again, each has their own thoughts. As when they thought that the silence will remain until they say goodbye, Althea raised a question that they were waiting to hear.    “How do you know about this information?”   “… I may not look like it, but I have connections underground, Althea.” Victoria said, a mysterious smile cracked on her lips. She saw her looking at Tyler’s direction, it made her laugh. “No, no. He’s not in it too. There’s no way I’m letting him. That place is dirty, it doesn’t suit my son.”   Tyler remained silent as he looked towards nowhere, his thoughts remain unknown.  
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One month later 1
CHAPTER NINTY-TWO: A Month Later --  -- “What was that?” Althea roared at Tyler when she was sure that the two of them were out of the other’s earshot. “What were you saying to the kid? To my son!” In front of her roaring flames, Tyler answered calmly. “I said what I said. I meant what I meant.” His words fueled her anger. She can feel it boiling like a kettle of water under a hundred-degree Celsius temperature. She wants to get physical so bad and smack him with both of her hand, but if he went back down with a swollen face, she’s certain that Kai will ask what happened. In the end, she just groaned out her frustration. “You’ve gotta be kidding me, you son of a-” she clicked her tongue to stop herself from spitting that horrible word. She sighed loudly. “Stop joking aro
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A month later 2
--We're picking up the pace.--- Days passed like in a flash. Like what Tyler said, he'll prove her wrong. So in a span of one month, Althea experienced countless of advancement from him. Like today.  "Good morning," his voice resonated frim behind.   Even without looking back, Althea can smell the sweet scent of roses. She didn't look back, Kai, who was on her lap with a story book on hand raised his head to greet him. "Hello!" "Hello," Tyler greeted him back with a laugh. He went to the table and placed his flowers on there.  The rose was rich in color, it was clear that is was freshly picked. Althea spared it a glance before feigning indifference. Of course, the other notice it too.  "You're no greeting me too?" He teased. "I don't se
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CHAPTER NINETY-THREE:Different-- "What do you think of him?" "Hm?" "Tyler." "..." Kai paused. He turned to look at his mother, that was sitting on the sofa next to him.  She was leaning at the armrest and resting her arms there. Her eyes were on him the whole time he was playing on the floor with the toys Tyler bought for him. "He's nice." He answered.  A silence of his mother followed it, like how silent the house is. It was morning, Tyler was already at work, leaving the two of them in the house together with the maids.  But those women, Kai noticed, that they somehow disappear from the face of the earth unless you call them for something.  It was a little different from Charlotte's house, from his father's house, but it's not that bad. "H
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Ninety Four
CHAPTER NINETY-FOUR: -- He didn't even bother waking her or Kai up before he went to Hawaii! That stupid! Ugly! Man! "Mother? What's wrong?" "Kai...!" She heard Kai calling her from behind. The sleepiness is still in his voice and when she turned to look, her guilt bite her on her neck. The light of the sun was gently peeking through the small gaps of the curtain hanging on their room's window. It illuminated her son's pale face, but rosy cheeks and lips. The light also gently caressed his small bird nest sitting on his head. The boy scratched his eyes gently then looked at her with his eyes in slits.   The boy was still obviously sleepy yet and she woke him up, again. What happened last night re-enter her mind again, making the guilt in her chest feels heavier.  "Good morning, Kai. Noth
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Ninety Five
CHAPTER NINETY-FIVE: -- Althea's heart raced. It thumped against her chest like a running horse. A suddenly elation started to build up in her chest, it made her heart pound harder.  'Wait- no,' she calmed herself. 'Why am I acting so-" "Happy." "Pardon?" Althea was startled with Lina's interruption of her thoughts.  Lina smiled at her mischievously. "You don't have to deny it, ma'am. If you're that happy, you can see him right away- oh, I forgot to tell you, he's still in a middle of taking a bath, I'll just warn you before hand. But if you want to see his delicious, delectable body, you can enter his room and take a bath with him if you want-" "Sto- stop- what are you talking about...!" Althea hastily puts a plug in her mouth and cautiously look at her son. Relief washed over her when she saw that he wasn't listening to the co
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Ninety Five (2)
It seems like he is really fine with this ending like this. Fine!  'Let's end it!' They originally was here to just hide from those who are after them, but since its been weeks without anything happening, of course they have to go back to the city!  They also have lives to live! There's no one interested about getting caged inside a house in the middle of nowhere! She's not even allowed to contact anyone, she's wondering how they're doing now and how worried they are because they can't contact her for almost two months now.  They'll eventually leave here.  They'll go back to the city and live their own lives. They have to separate ways again and not be bothered with the other's stuff.  It seems like this was just nothing but a play for him all along.  She was played, again. 
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CHAPTER NINETY-SIX: -- A Week ago… The street was bustling with cars and people, it was lunch, they were either going out to buy some or getting their break after a hectic working hour. Everyone has the right to take a short break so they can remain productive all throughout the day. Some went out with groups, but some also ate alone at their cafeteria. They all took their time to enjoy the break and munched foods in their mouth with bliss. But that’s not the case with the CEO of the company.  He remained in his office, accompanying the pile of papers on his office table. His hands were flipping on the pages of document on his hand and his eyes were scanning through it in a fast pace. It makes the outsiders wonders if he can still even understand the document he was reading.  It was lunch, his secretary asked him what he wants to have,
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