All Chapters of FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
189 Chapters
“What I am trying to say is,” Dave sighed. “You cheated on her, remember? Now you have seen her for after seven years and had the nerve to ask for her hand again- even dragging her child on this. Isn’t that pure shamelessness?” “I do admit that I am shameless but… Is there a need for you to slap it down on my face that hard?” “It is.” Dave leaned on the backrest of the sofa. “I just want to remind you that it’s not wise to play somebody else’s feelings for the second time.” “I am not.”“You aren’t?”“I am serious.”“Really-“ “I am.” He wasn’t smiling, nor does his eyes. Dave instinctively closed his mouth and discontinued his question when he received his stares. He was familiar with it; this was a stare of someo
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CHAPTER NINETY-SEVEN: -- Tyler had the thoughts of just burning the notebook down to ashes after he wrote those things on it. He was planning on just taking a pic of it or just write another one on his phone, but Dave insisted that he must use paper and pen to take notes. He said it’s better that way since paper notes are easy to remember than those written in the computers.He gave it a deep thought before agreeing. He wasn’t wrong, handwritten notes are better than those notes that were typed. Besides, nothing will happen that need to be anxious about, right? It’s not as if anyone will see the notes, right?Right?Fool.What a fool he is.His eyes caught the open notebook lying on his bed. Tyler feels like he had gone crazy as he was seeing a smirking face that emerged on the paper. The book looks like he was mocking him. It looks like enjoying the time of his misery. Tyler tried to igno
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CHAPTER NINETY SEVEN (TWO)  "Hey… are you kidding me?" Tyler almost choked on his words. He tried to yank the door again but it seems like Althea was stronger at him as he cannot pull it open. He tried again but failed. It felt like his energy was draining. They were slowly pouring out from their reserves like how sands pass through the small gaps of your palms. His handd were holding and pulling on the knob weakly. "Let me open the door… please." He begged. He wanted to see, he wanted to confirm if he wasn't hallucinating, and to confirm if she really said those words.  Althea answered the question, and what she said was like a bombshell falling from a fighter plane. It fell on the ground, then exploded. It shook the area, made people speechless and frozen in shock. Tyler has no idea what to say. All he knows is he wants to open this
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CHAPTER NINETY EIGHT Althea's eyes were wide as saucers and she stared at Tyler in shock. He has his eyes closed, not caring about anything but the attack he was making.  His kisses were rough and forward. She can feel him gnawing on her lower lip like it was the sweetest candies he ever had. Since her mouth was parted, his tongue slid in shamelessly.  It touched her tongue, then searched her whole mouth like a thief searching a house. It was thorough, he wasn't letting a spot untouch. Her ears started to heat up. Her tongue was slowly following his lead. He noticed it too as he leaned in to make the kiss deeper. His hand slid down to her hip and gently caressed her side. The hand on the back of her head also slid down to her neck before it tapped it slowly. It feels like he was beckoning and seducing a swan from a lake to get into the land. Althea
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CHAPTER NINETY EIGHT (TWO)  "Kai-wait! "Althea yelled for the ninth time this day. "Stop running away! Where are you going?! And stop throwing stuff-"  She dodge just in time the other vase that Kai pulled down from a table and let it crash loudly on the floor. She had to be careful not to wound herself from the flying fragments of the broken vase, so the gap between the two widened even more. It made her click her tongue. Although her son is smaller than her and has shorter legs, he was able to increase the distance so she could not catch up to him. She can't remember teaching something like this to Kai- no sane mother will teach their 5 years old kid about something as dangerous like this. That is pure stupidity!  If it's not her, it is more unlikely not his father, Augustine, because that bastard can't even make time to talk face-to-face with his
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CHAPTER NINETY NINE Kai was born on a stormy day. Althea was very anxious at that time, especially since it was her first time giving birth, also, the kid was a product of one night stand. Aside from being anxious, she was being eaten by guilt too.  Since she got pregnant after having sexs with the husband of an old friend. No words can describe how devastated she was when one day she just began vomiting and showing signs of early pregnancy.  No words can describe how she felt while waiting in the bathroom with the pregnancy test kit in her hand. And no words can describe her feeling when finally, two red lines appeared.  The lines were too much for her, she remembered breaking down there and there when she saw it. She was in a public restroom, but she sobbed loudly that it was heard from outside of the restroom.&nb
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Ninety nine part two
CHAPTER NINETY NINE PART TWO "..." Althea opened her mouth and tried to speak but a lump on her throat was stopping her. She was frozen solid at his words. It struck her speechless and she could feel herself standing on the edge of a steep cliff. She can feel the rushing waves coming crashing and slamming itself to the stonny cliff. The cold breeze was like the hands of death touching her skin.  "Mom?" Kai must have sensed it. He touched the cold face of his mother before stroking it as if he was trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry. I know why you did that- Charlotte explained it to me that you were trying to-" "No. You're right." Althea cut him off from his stuttering. "No matter what excuses I have- I still abandoned you." Kai opened his mouth to speak but himother cut in. "But what happened in the past won't happen again this time -
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One Hundred
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED The morning was cold, the soul, grasses and the leaves outside were moist from the morning mist. The sun was slightly peeking from the east and its light was just barely touching the ground.  Althea went out to the balcony with a thick blanket dumped on her shoulders. She was still in her pajamas and her comfy fluffy indoor slippers.  Since it was freezing outside- it was 5 in the morning- she had a piping cup of coffee in one hand, while the other had her phone.  She leaned on the nearest wall then dialed a number. As the phone rings, she takes a sip of the hot coffee and made her mind wander back a bit about what happened yesterday. - After what happened that morning, Kai was the first one who fell asleep. He was sleeping on top of Tyler with the most comfortable position. Tyler was slowly stroking his
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One Hundred (Part Two)
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED (PART TWO) Althea tried to change the subject after hearing what she wanted to know, but she should have known that no matter how she tries bending and changing the subject, she would somehow know how to get it back.  She's persistent, even when she's still a kid chasing for her husband.  She's a handful. She ended up telling her about everything that happened for the past months down to the slightest details. Charlotte interrupted her here and there but she managed to get the whole story through without hanging up on her. She should get used to this kind of attitude. No, she must have already gotten used to this kind of attitude after years of bein
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One Hundred One
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED ONE == They were in the middle of unpacking their luggage and the things from the boxes when Tyler came. He came in with his suitcase and his disheveled face. The eyebags on his eyes clearly indicated that he had sleepless nights. His hair was in disarray like he was running around the whole day.  Well, he did run just to decrease the time of going here. When he reached the doors of the house, his eyes immediately went to work and searched for the faces that he hasn’t seen for days. Meters away from him, near the staircase, across the piles of boxes, he saw her. She had her hair up in a messy bun and stray strands of hair was on her forehead and the back of her neck.  She was sweating and was carrying a small box on her hand. It seems like she still helped them unpack even after telling her not to because they can all do it alone. She has a sma
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