All Chapters of FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
189 Chapters
One Hundred Nine
== CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED NINE == “I’ll be back later.” Althea tip-toed to kiss him on the cheeks.  Tyler pouted after the short contact and took her waist. “You’re leaving me and Kai?” Seeing his sorry face, she can’t help but laugh. She pinched his nose tightly that it reddens. “Stupid. I’ll be back, I’ll just meet my friend.” Tyler ow-ed when she pinched the tip of his nose but tried nothing to escape from her claws. His brows furrowed instead. “That friend of yours… Why is that you never tell me her name.” Althea paused and watched his frowning face.  The friend she’s referring is Charlotte, obviously. Charlotte is back from her business trip and contacted her last night, saying that she wants to spend time with her a
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==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TEN== Her phone arrived late in the evening with a letter in a pink and scented paper. It was weird but fine until she opened the letter. The contents were printed, and the first words were in bold and capitalize, so after opening it, your eyes will automatically drift there. DEAR MY LOVE, Althea just opened the letter for a second before closing it again, sensing her back getting cold, she turned and sure enough, she saw his cold green orbs staring at her. His eyes questioning. Althea laughed bitterly inside her and mouthed to him that it was from a friend. He suspiciously looked at her before turning away with Kai in his arms, sleeping. He walked towards the stairs to bring the slumbering boy in his room. When Tyler finally left her line of sight, she sighed and scowl at the letter while silently cursing Charlotte in her heart.  That s
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== CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN== She sat down again and let a minute of silence surround them. She can hear the distant laughter of other people and their chatters. There were also the sounds of the fluttering birds and the gentle swaying of the leaves from the wind.  She looked up at the sky, trying to organize her thoughts. It was hard, she doesn’t know what to tell them first. These few months were event full, there are many things that happened that she can’t understand them at all. Still, there was a need to tell them about. She wants to complain, she wants to ask for advice, and she wants to share her excitement to them. Too bad, they’re gone. “Hey, mom and dad. I… I honestly have no idea what to say.” She laughed at her honest words. The winds picked the flowers they put in a vase in between the two tombstones. It seems like they we
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One Hundred Twelve
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWELVE== “Sir, the madam’s phone has been ringing for a while now.”  Their head frowned after he presented Althea’s phone. He was standing upright and he just glanced at the phone briefly. As he said, it was ringing. Someone was calling her phone. The madam apparently had left her phone behind. Not strange since she’s just accompanying the young master in the comfort room. And she stated that she’ll be using it herself.   The leader took the phone from his hand to read the caller’s ID. It was the son of their boss, not surprising.  The phone continued to vibrate without any signs of stopping soon. He has to answer it himself.  He turned to look at the public toilet where the two went and answered the phone. His voice,
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==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN== The outside was cold, there were pedestrians that were hurrying towards their destinations and rubbing their hands together at the same time, trying to produce heat through friction, and preventing their hands from freezing. Winter is near. The cold wind occasionally swept past through the people, making them shiver, their feet doubled their effort to walk, carefully to not stumble on the ground and hit their faces on the paved street, then instead of going home, they will be sending themselves to the hospital next to the busy street. Inside the hospital, Sharon was pacing back and forth in front of a closed door. It was numbered 203; it was a private hospital room. The secretary was a little bit pale, and a whole day had yet to pass, but her face was painted with a terrible exhaustion. As she was anxiously walking in circles and d
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One Hundred Fouteen
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN== The went out of the hospital the very same day he went in; he can’t lay on the comfortable mattress of the hospital bed while Althea and Kai are in an unknown situation. So, despite the strong refusal of his parents, the secretary, and his doctor, he stubbornly said that he has to go. He must go and find them himself. They were all left helpless and were left to watch him stand, change clothes, and exited the hospital.  Victoria and Joseph exchanged glances before trotting behind their son who went out of the hospital fast as how fast he went in.  As what his parents said, they immediately mobilized their troops to search the area where the two went missing. Unfortunately, the surveillance cameras nearby were broken- deliberately. The damages of the cameras showed that they were forcefully yanked, and who did that? They also don’t know; the security f
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==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN== A suffocating silence engulfed Althea the moment she fluttered her eyes open. There was no noise. It wasn't an exaggeration to say you can almost hear your blood rushing in your veins.  Her mind is still hazy and muddled- like it was submerged in water for a long time, turning sluggish.  She moved- no, to be precise- she tried to move. It was stopped with the rough, and tight binding on her body; the waist, her hands, and both feet. Startled, the woman looked down and casted her blue eyes to it- It was a rope. Seeing the rope that was tied on her- rendering her immobile- countless memories came rushing in her mind.  She gasps, realizing that she was kidnapped. Althea hastily swept her eyes on the room and took everything in as much as she could- from big details down to the sm
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==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN== The iron door closed slowly behind him. It clanged against the metal door frame, and the noise revabrated in the silent hallway. The said hallway was, like the room, dimly lit. It was illuminated by fluorescent lights that were slightly yellowish due to its age. The flies and moths here were worse than the room, circling on the sources of lights, casting their shadows on them. In the hallway, next to the door were two big men. They were standing upright with a stern expression. Both of their bulky hands were on their back, and their gazes were right at front. When they noticed that Dino finally exited the room- where a muffled screaming can be heard- they simply greeted him. "Sir." Dino on the other hand nodded at them but said nothing. He walked away from the door and when he was a good distance away from that certain room, he picked the phone up.
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==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN== "What are you doing here?" Tyler asked with a frown. Sheryl, who was standing by the door, also frowned and her eyes dropped on the ground and said pitifully. "Why are you asking me that? Am I not even welcome here?" Tyler's furrowed brows deepened and he looked at the other with annoyance. "Even? Who gave you the illusion that you are welcome to any of my property?" He heard her gasp, Sheryl looked at him, her eyes filled with pain that was glistening with tears. She said disbelievingly. "How can I not be? I am your fiance!" "..." Tyler sighed and pressed his finger against his throbbing head.  He thought that his day would not get any worse, but to think that she'll show up on his doorstep at the peak of his despair! "Look, Sheryl. We're not talking about this, AGAIN. I'm tired toda
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==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN== He saw the world crumbling down at that moment. Tyler had no idea how much time had passed before he could speak again and asked his mother if he was joking, because if she was, he was not happy. Jokes are supposedly funny, but Victoria's words were like lightning striking him under a tree where he was taking refuge during a raging storm.  All hopes and his denial to accept dissipated into thin air when she repeated her words again. But this time, clearer, Victoria's voice was cold and solid, she was resolute and it sounds like there was no room for negotiation.  Tyler refused to believe her still, until later that day. True to her words, her force backed out, and Tyler had no authority to force them to stay. He tried but his words were casted aside, leaving him rooting on the ground. Tyler was speechless and mad. He cann
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