All Chapters of FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
189 Chapters
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE:--They had a daughter, they had.It was like someone had pressed the rewind button, he saw right before his eyes the scenes as they continue to drag backwards, like a broken clock that rotates counter-clockwise, until it stopped in that particular moment.Tyler felt like he drank a potion that made his memories as clear as day as if those things just happened yesterday- he watched, as he continued to glue his mind in that exact piece of memory while fully knowing how it ended, he still tried stopping it, he still tried changing the predestined ending.But nothing happened, even the pause button was broken- and the story continued to flow like water of a broken pipe.Tyler weakly laid his forehead on his arms that were on the stirring wheel.He had no idea how and when did he got inside this car, he just knew that, after everything Charlotte said to him, he mindlessly wandered around and somehow ended
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY:--TW: VIOLENCE, BLOOD--“I heard that she told you everything.” Althea stated right after the door closed. Aside from her, Tyler was left alone inside, standing on the feet of her bed like a nail. Althea waited for him to answer, but her sentence was left hanging in the air by his silence.“…”Althea looked down, her expression was obscure, but when she raised her head again, her smile still remained the same. “Tyler, you don’t have to be guilty, everything’s fine now…”“NO!” Finally, he spoke, and like his appearance, he shocked Althea with his yell. He advanced and in no time, he was by her side and clasped both of her shoulders. Startled, she looked up to see his eyes bulging at her. “Don’t say that- please don’t just casually say that and ignore everything that happened in your past-“His sentence
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (2):--Although Sheryl had that look of innocence, it was icy cold and there was a hint of indifference as if she was not bother by the slowly dying man on her feet.“Oh, it’s just you, Dino…” a smile- she let out a smile.It was eerie and sinister, he shivered, but not from fear.All his life, he lived a boring and repetitive lifestyle. So, when he was suddenly transferred here, he did not care. All he did was live quietly while learning and serving them.But the sight of her made the long dead excitement in his heart stir. It made his blood rush on his veins wildly and they palpitated. The blood, its horrible smell, the fact that a girl, younger than him at that, just killed a human- Dino was not bothered at all. Rather, it stirred something very, very different inside him as he watches her stand in front of the corpse while holding the murder weapon in her hand-Admiration.
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE:--“Till this day, you haven’t said anything about who your employer is.” Tyler stated towards Dino as he watched him through a thick glass of wall, they were inside a room that was only separated with tall, thick, and heavy glasses. Tyler sat on his chair in an upright manner, while Dino was sitting languidly with his chin on top his palm. “It’s better to sing the name unless you don’t want to ease the punishment you will get.”Dino, on the other side of the room, snickered at his words. “Even if you’ll let me go, I’ll never betray my employer.”Tyler frowned as his emphasis of the word ‘never’. Is he loyal, or is he lying through his teeth?“On the other hand, even though if you will give me a pardon, or you will imprison me here for the rest of my life, my fate is already decided.” Dino adjusted his posture on his se
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ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO:--“I can’t do that!” Tyler expressed his disapproval. “You earned and treasured the organization the most to just give it like that!”“Just giving it away?!” Victoria frowned. “You got it wrong. I never thought of just giving it away to anyone. You are my son; you have all rights to inherit what I worked my ass for.”This thrown him into silence. Victoria gazed at the maids in the room before waving them away. After making sure that no one was there to listen on their conversation, her expression turned solemn. “You don’t need to feel bad; I am retiring anyway. I’ll be giving you everything I owned one way or another, so does your father. You know this would happen, right? Ever since you were born, every asset we have are yours- everything will eventually fall on your hands.”-Victoria stood beside the t
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-THREE:--“He’s on the run,” Tyler asked immediately after stepping inside her office. Victoria didn’t turn to look at him and continued to peer outside through the window wall. It was night, the light of the buildings that stood tall was shining splendidly against the dimness.  “As expected,”He didn’t hear her reply but that doesn’t matter. He invited himself to sit on a single couch. “What do you want to do with him?”Laughter echoed throughout the room. It was coming from Victoria. She laughed like she just heard something ridiculous. “You should ask yourself about that.”She whipped her head to lock her gaze with him. “What do you want to do with him?” Tyler perused Victoria’s expression, trying to find something off, but all he saw was a vacancy. It looks like she truly doesn’t care. 
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134 (part 1)
ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR:-There was war.The ground shook as the soldier marched, on their hands were the guns that fires to kill the mortals. Missiles launch and eradicate buildings and houses. The battle cries of the soldiers were drowned by the pleas and begs of the civilians.“Quick, hurry!” There were two people in front of Emmanuel, extending their hands towards him with expression urgent. Emmanuel, with his seven-year-old body, attempted to get a handle on their hands. They took it and ran. They ran, and ran, and ran like a horse galloping on the solid ground. Their feet and their bodies were tired, sweats started to form on their foreheads. Their throats were hurting from its dryness, and their stomachs were boiling in hunger.Emmanuel wanted to stop, but his exhaustion was making his mouth shut. Suddenly—He fell on his knees, his hands slipped from their grasp. He grunted, h
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134 (Part 2)
-Years later.Marcos strode the walk side with his powerful feet and bypassed many people along his way. Many women who can’t help but be bewitched with his face turned their heads to look and drool at him.Despite these stares that were like pins and needles assaulting his very being, his steps were unwavering and he still confidently walked towards a certain flower shop. His boss had ordered him to buy flowers for Althea—who was currently inhabiting together with her son after that incident in the amusement park. She said that she wants to eliminate the gloominess in her heart by giving her what she likes.Marcos, as usual, carried out the order without a word.This flower shop is where he frequented it.After buying the specific flower, he turned to get back to Victoria’s office when his phone lit up.It was not strange, many people contact him before they can contact Victoria, but when he saw that i
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE:--“—Let’s get married.”“Sure.”A burst of crisp laughter broke out. Tyler's entire body shook with his laughs. “That was fast! At least hesitate for a little!”Althea thought about it and placed the spoon on the plate. They were in the middle of having their dinner when Tyler brought the topic up. Kai was sitting next to her as she feeds him. She hummed. “… Hmm… Sure….?”Tyler grinned. “Then it’s settled. I will make preparations soon.”Althea just nodded her head in agreement and they went back to eatin
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX:--The bells rang—Althea—who was clad in her white wedding dress—tossed the flower bouquet in her arms into the air. Cameras flashed and the sound of the clicking shutters echoes all throughout the venue. The handful of women who went to their wedding flocked to get the bouquet while laughing their hearts out. In the end, it was Emily who caught the bouquet. Althea saw that and laughed. “Sure enough, it’s your wedding next, Emily!”Emily likewise laughed and suddenly looked behind her shoulders. Meters away, Marjorie was sitting with a wine glass in her grasp. Marjorie never let her eyes wander away f
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