All Chapters of FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
189 Chapters
One Hundred Nineteen
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED NINETEEN== Althea hid Kai on her back quickly admits of her dizziness. Her grip was too hard that her son let out a small cry. Althea was guilty after inflicting pain on Kai despite it being unintentional, but she can't think of it as of the moment, her mother instincts were screaming at her to protect the kid. She glared at Dino who was looking disgusted at the puddle of mess she made on the floor.  Although they were kept here underground without sunlight, somehow, they remembered to give them foods and took them to the toilet to excrete wastes. Althea always wondered why they were still keeping them alive, what was their purpose, and what do they want from them.  But none of it matters for now. At least for now. Althea was waiting for an opportunity to escape for these past few days, but it seems like she was stuck on a dead end, seeing nothing but a
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One Hundred Twenty
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY== As Dino was taking the call outside, Charles was staring eye to eye with the pale Althea. He spoke, lowly, making sure that no one other than him and her hear his words.  "Two days from now, do everything you can to escape with your son. We can only offer you slight distraction, and you have to carry yourself there and out. We can give you nothing more, good luck." Althea asked, her voice crack. "... Why are you helping us?" The man raised an eyebrow. "Helping you... Ah, yes. That what must it looks like to you, but..." Charles smiled strangely. Althea felt shivers on her back. "By this time, surely you know who I am and my involvement with a mafia organization, so let me just tell you one thing; we aren't helping you, my boss is not that kind enough to do so, the boss is doing everything for their amusement, nothing more." His
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One Hundred Twenty-One
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE==Victoria did not mention anything to her, she just called and said to take care of her son. Sharon thought that she can't do it herself since she'll be busy finding traces, but it looks like it’s not the case.  What it was, or why it is, Sharon can't afford to think about it now. She needs to stop Tyler from going out and cause accidents. He's too drunk. "Sir, comeback here. It's already nighttime, you have to sleep, and eat. You must rest sir." Sharon said nonstop. Tyler did not respond, so she can only continue. "Sir Tyler, I understand your frustration. I know it's hard, we don't know where they are, their situation- I know how you feel-" "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL!" It was like a roaring thunder, booming right after the lightning strikes, not letting anyone to get ready of its piercing cry. Sharon was greatl
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One Hundred Twenty-Two
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO== On the second floor of the bar, a private room with glass wall, which you can see the outside from the inside but not vice versa, there stood a figure with glass of wine on their hand. The eyes which resemble riches and wealth gaze like a hawk, looking down at the drunk figures near the bar counter.  The figure gently let the glass of liquor in their hand sway, mixing the liquid inside.  The figure saw the woman gave the other man a drink and the other did not even gave it a second thought before chugging it down.  The person inside the private room doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. In the end they sneered and brought the glass to their lips. "What a fool...!" The person was silent after that, savoring the sweet after taste of the liquor. When the person saw that the two went to the exit to
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One Hundred Twenty-Three
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE==Later, the chief went back to work, ordering his people one after another, while Tyler remained in the office, eating a food that he ordered from a delivering company. He also called Sharon to bring him fresh clothes.  The chief told him to go home first, and they will eventually contact him the day they will move out, but he insisted on staying, saying he will help in any way he can. When the chief agreed, he drove Sharon out.  After eating his fill and fixing himself in the bathroom. He came out fresh and full of vitality. He can feel his heart thumping fiercely inside him. Sending more blood in his brain, sending more oxygen and nutrients to make it function properly.  That was when he thought of one thing. The first words from the police's message early this morning. He asked the chief. "Tip? Who gave
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One Hundred Twenty-Four
==CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR== “You better forget about it if you don’t want your son to have a gaping hole on his head.” Dino threatened. “Although, I doubt that this information is helpful at all. Who will you tattle to? A ghost?”  Dino chuckled at his own joke while Althea closed her mouth from his threat. She lowered her head and urged Kai to eat again. While holding the shaking body of her son, many thoughts were running in her head.  A her. Dino’s boss is a woman. A woman with hostility to her? Who is it? Althea rummage in her head and she thought of one woman.  But she’s not certain yet. She has to get evidence.  Then, for some reason, she felt it. Her eyes gaze at the door and saw a man- a guard that she hasn’t seen before- looking at her with intense stare. With Dino’s back fac
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TW: Violence, blood.  CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE: - Looking at it at the very beginning, the place doesn’t suit the vibe of being an hideout. You can completely see what was happening inside from the outside as the walls have cracks on them that can fit two grown men. The inside was completely deserted, no one was wandering around, not even animals. And because of that, it was also a perfect place to hide as there is a hidden underground passage leading to the quarters of the former employees in the factory. Together with the map, the anonymous sender also sent them the blueprint of the factory. The place is truly amazing, the building itself consumed at least 200 sq meters, it was two-storey, and it has a basement that is filled with rows of rooms and rooms for the people that used to work here. The police did their resea
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX: - His words were like an oasis in the middle of a desert. Saving her just in time before she dies from the heat and dehydration. Althea’s eyes lingered to his face and her words were stuck on her tongue. “I… Thank you…” Althea managed to squeeze out from her heart. Kai caressed her face while his eyes were shut tightly close. Althea pulled him closer, the boy did not offer any resistance and obediently laid his forehead on her shoulder. Althea felt like she fell into a land of serenity, where a vast of grasses spreads out towards where even the eyes can’t see. Her mind ironically gained tranquility even at the center of the bloody field where a fight just happened. Her senses heightened and she can hear her heart beating and pumping blood. She can feel the coldness of the corridor and the h
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRER TWENTY-SEVEN:--At the same floor but different place, Althea hid in a room while holding her breath as if that will make her invisible. The situation of Kai keeps running in her mind and worry and anxiety was not a good combination.Nonetheless, she did not let it show. She tried sharpening her hearing, listening to every sound her ears can pick up as much as possible. Beads of sweat traced from her forehead to her chin. Hearing nothing but stillness, she peeked from the crack of the door.No one was there.It has been long since Dino and the mysterious man sent by Silver had ceased, but she did not know which side was the winner. To be safe, she made Kai go by himself and stayed behind. She realized that running away was not the ideal thing to do in this situation.She has to remain and somehow deal with Dino, if ever he is still alive, so that he can stop chasing them.Althea had no idea how, but even if it cos
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT--“Charlotte,” Tyler called out unconsciously, he stood up from sitting and approached her, puzzled at why she was there. “What are you doing here-“He was not given a chance to finish his words when a sharp slap landed on his face, the loud sound of the contact of their skin sounded throughout the hallway they were in. Tyler face turned to the right after getting hit by Charlotte’s palm.She was a frail looking girl, with a small stature and delicate figure, there was no way that it was her strength. But the situation of his cheeks begged to differ. Tyler’s cheek was throbbing really bad at the contact. He felt that it was swelling and blood started to rush to that side of his face.He looked back at Charlotte with disbelief in his eyes. They haven’t meet for years and this was the first thing she did when they finally met? Slap him? He tried recalling everything he said o
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