All Chapters of FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
189 Chapters
An Old Enemy (2)
They were about to discuss what happened when Victoria came into the scene.  His mother looked at him and nodded. She gave Althea a one last pat on her back and finally gave the both of them a distance. “What will you do about your shop? Want us to rebuild it with you?” Shaking her head, Althea replies. “No but thank you for the offer. I can manage.” “How?” “How…?” Althea raised a brow. “Victoria, I own another two other shops. It’s okay. Besides, I have my friend backing me up.” “Ah!” Victoria nodded in realization. “It was foolish of me to forget about that! What a shame…” “Pardon?” “Nothing!” She smiled again. “By the way… Where are you sleeping? You and Kai?” &ldqu
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An Old Enemy
Victoria and Tyler also stood, and they watched them exit the house in silence. Only when Victoria gave her son a piercing glare did he move to follow after them, laughing lowly.  - “Are you done?” Becca asked, peeking through the gap of the barely opened window. She stayed on the car after they got here, saying that it’s not necessary for her to come inside too.  Althea pulled open the door of the backseat and made Kai enter then closed the door again, sighing loudly. “It’s done. Have you booked a hotel room already?” Becca nodded her head, “Yes, the hotel’s 20 minutes away from here.” Althea nodded back and sat on the wheels. “Is that so? Then let’s go.” While Althea was wearing her seatbelts, Becca leaned on her seat and stared outside, thinking. Althea was about to start the
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A Nobody
CHAPTER EIGHTY-ONE:A Nobody-- Becca decided to stay with them until she finds an apartment and a new work. The haunt is awfully slow, so bitten with the guilt of something she didn’t do, Althea was still paying for her when she babysits Kai whenever she has to go out to do something. Before Becca was able to find a new job, Jack expressed his sadness to Althea about what happened to the shop. He blamed himself for not guarding the shop that day. If he did, he might even stop the fire before spreading or stopped that man before he can even light a speck of fire. Althea just shook her head and laughed it off, saying it was nobody’s fault. Although it was pretty ironic for her to say that since she herself was feeling guilty. Later that day, he also passed his resignation letter to Althea. She was worried at first, thinking that he might not see a job immediately, but Jack assured her that he already found one, he ev
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They, Them
CHAPTER EIGHTY-TWO:They, Them-- Two days after, Becca moved out with Jack. Both expressed their gratitude to her and vice versa. Althea wished them good luck before watching them leave from afar. The sight of them driving away was rather lonely, it was like she was sending her children away for boarding school. The time they spent might be small and short, it didn’t hinder the fact that they all grown closer.  When they were already nowhere in sight, Althea turned back and went inside the hotel, trying to smile despite the emotions swirling inside her. It was really funny, to think she’ll be like this to the people she didn’t spend her whole time with. If her old self sees her like this, she’ll mock her. She was known to be aloof and cold after all.  “Mom.” Kai called out after she entered their room. Althea looked up and saw the kid making a small hop to jump
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A man with a silver eye
CHAPTER EIGHTY-THREE:A man with a silver eye-- That day, Althea was busy watching out for Kai to be bothered by the continuous ringing and buzzing of her phone. There was nothing more important than her child’s safety. Althea watched from afar as her son rode a horse in the merry-go-round ride. Kai searched for her face and when their eyes met, the young boy beamed at her. His eyes were going into slits in happiness and with one hand, he waved at her. Althea’s heart thump in nervousness, thinking that her son might fall from the horse, but seeing that his figure did not wobble at all, she sighed in relief and waved back at him. Then she mouthed at him, “Be careful!” Her son obediently nodded his head and once again held the pole of the horse with two hands. Althea let out a small chuckle before letting her eyes stray at the place where they’re at. The amu
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CHAPTER EIGHTY-FOUR:Escaping-- “Are you planning to die?” Ask the man. It startled Althea awake. She removed her focus from his eyes and focused on what he was saying. “If so, then don’t bring your son with you. He is too young to die.” He was mocking her. Althea knew, based on the tone of his voice. It might be hard to be heard against the noise of the chaos, but Althea caught it. He was clicking his tongue, and the disappointment on his face was clear as day. Like he was watching a horse racing and his horse was lagging. Althea gritted her teeth and glared at him in anger and irritation. Her face heated and immediately red in embarrassment. She was angry at herself and the man, even though what he said was out of concern. She’s irritated at herself for being slow and as just what he said, as if she was asking to be killed. She saw her son looking
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Storming Out
 CHAPTER EIGHTY-FIVE:Storming Out-- Althea looked on the corner of her eyes and saw Tyler driving seriously. His face was devoid with emotion, but you can see his jaw tightening. Althea looked down and saw that the hands that were stirring the wheel have their veins bulging. He was gripping her wheels too tight.    Althea was surprised when she saw this, it was like the first lesson on her college days that aims to refresh the knowledge she has on it when she was in elementary. She knew what he was feeling even without it showing clearly on his face.  It was like her seeing the him when they were younger. When he used to give her a silent treatment whenever he was angry. But even him being angry, he still won’t forget to open doors for her.  Althea removed her gaze on him and looked outside the window. It was a sunny day, there were only a few ca
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Like Old Times
CHAPTER EIGHTY-SIX:Like old times-- Tyler hopped off the car and chased after Althea. Fortunately, she hasn’t gone that far since the guards her assigned for her stopped her from going further away. Although it was not a fun sight since she kept on cursing them out. Tyler can still remember that she’s like this whenever she’s furious. The side that only he knows.  It’s really bad since her smart and collected image will be destroyed immediately if they saw her like this. She’s just continually spitting profanities. Tyler was glad that he did not bring the boy with him. “Let me go!” Her voice became clearer as he approached them. “Let me go or I’ll punch you!” “We can’t do that ma’am.” Said the straight-faced man. “You must stay here.” “No!” Althea explo
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Another Guest
CHAPTER EIGHTY-SEVEN:Another guest-- Morning the next day, Althea woke up earlier than anyone in the house can. She went downstairs and tried to find the kitchen in the massive vacation house of Tyler. When she finally found it, she already wasted 10 minutes of her life.  Althea can do nothing but sigh deeply because of it. They had no chance to explore the house yesterday, after Tyler told where hers and Kai’s room is, which is the room right next to his by the way, she and her son went there and locked themselves in. It was also the time for his sleep, so she slept with him.  Both were tired from the chaotic morning they had.  When they woke up, it was already 8 in the evening. Tyler was considerate and he just sent a maid to bring their dinner in their room. Both ate and stayed in their room the whole night. Getting enough rest, Althea is full of energy.
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She’s an adult! Not a raging horny teenager!
CHAPTER EIGHTY-EIGHT: She’s an adult! Not a raging horny teenager! --   Victoria raised a brow after seeing their exchange. She then said with a smile on her lips. “Oh, what’s this? It looks like you both know each other thoroughly to be able to understand each other with just a glance-   “No.” Althea shot her statement down mercilessly. She opened the gap of the door wider to let her in.    Victoria looked at her son and Tyler shrugged at her. She entered the house with a chuckle. After that, she looked at the interior of the house. After seeing enough, she hummed in delight. “This is not bad, my son.”   Althea confirmed it by then, Tyler was not lying. It seems like Victoria really has no idea about this place until now.   “I know.” He replied airily. His answered made the two of them scrunched their nose. He then gestured at a maid. “Make us coffee. Bring
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