All Chapters of BLAIR: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
322 Chapters
Chapter 277: Volume 8: Oceanic Terror Prologue
Waves crashed on the harbour wall as the sea breeze blew. Birds cawed high above, circling the harbour. Ship workers were seen all over the area, banging nails on ships, sweeping the decks and floor, brushing the side of the ships, and transporting goods among many others. People were bustling to get on the ships and others were waiting for theirs.However, they all stopped whatever they were doing when a commotion suddenly arose. People pointed fingers and took pictures on their smones. The commotion came from a man with golden hair with blue and gold dichromatic eyes. He wore a blue shirt and a red jacket over it. He also had a backpack on him. The man was surrounded by knights that cleared the way ahead of him.Beside the man was a tan skinned woman who wore a headpiece that veiled her head and face except for her eyes. Her clothes were decorated in gold showing her wealth and authority. Her eyes were almond shaped and light brown in colour. Her body was slender yet had beautiful c
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Chapter 278: Unexpected Audience
Two weeks have passed since the tournament ended and it was the day that Matthew planned on leaving the mainland toward the island of Phulu. After saying his farewells to his friends and family, Matthew went to the San Coro International Harbour several days before. Matthew ran across forests and deserts to get there. He thought it would have taken longer, but he got there within two days.Matthew was wearing a red hooded and long sleeved jacket to cover himself from the sun, and a scarf that covered his face. His body was covered in sand.There were two guards at the gate and more on the walls. The two guards saw Matthew approach them and greeted him.“Hello there, sir. How can we help you?” One of them asked.“Hi. I want to head to the harbour. Where is that?”“Oh, you mean the international harbour? It’s in the City of Kubalt, west of here. Err, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get here? I don’t see a carriage.”“Oh, don’t worry about that. So it’s west of here, right?” Mat
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Chapter 279: For Hire
There was a castle made out of smooth sandstone standing in the middle of the city. The castle’s area alone covered a fifth of the entire city. Knights were posted all around and on the walls and were also patrolling in groups within the castle’s premises.A carriage tattered in golden colour arrived at the front gate of the castle. The knights escorting the carriage opened up the carriage door and formed a line all the way to the gate. Matthew got off the carriage. He changed out of his hoodie and was wearing his usual jacket now. It took an entire night to get here.A lizardman in white robes and a turban on his head came out of the gate and walked toward Matthew. He was probably an important figure in the castle. When he was close, he stopped and kneeled.“Lord Dragunov, please follow me inside. Her majesty Queen Cleopatra is waiting.”Waiting? She sure got up early just to see him. It was literally just after dawn.“Lead the way.”“Yes, sire.” It was only when Matthew said so that
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Chapter 280: Shiver Me Timbers!
About one week has passed since their departure. They were about halfway to the Cobalt capital city. Matthew was starting to get used to life on the sea. Everyday, the crew caught fish using fishing nets and Matthew would help them pull a large haul if needed. With his strength, the fish were brought on the deck with ease.The captain always made sure that everyone had their fill and hosted the feasts every night. Everyone was given three meals a day. The captain had to make sure that no one gets sick on the ship, or else it may impede their duties.The captain was a man in his late 60s with a large body and equally large heart. He was a nice old man and speaking to him left an impression on Matthew that he was full of wisdom. He spent his years at sea for almost four decades already. It was no wonder that he knew how to take care of his crew.Matthew was chatting with the captain after dinner. Matthew was holding a cup of fresh orange juice while the captain had a mug of beer. They w
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Chapter 281: The Red Eye Pirates
A pirate ship had engaged in combat with the merchant ship. Thanks to Matthew and Afro’s involvement, the pirates were subdued with ease. They were tied up and brought onto the main deck of the pirate ship.“Thank you for your help, sirs.” The captain said to Matthew and Afro after they threw down the last of the pirates.“You’re welcome.” Afro said. He was currently in his shark form. His shirt was torn and only had an oversized white shorts.“Ugh! Who’d have thought a Dragon Emperor would be here?”“We were fully equipped to handle this.”A couple of the pirates whispered to each other.“Oi!” The captain stomped the deck and shouted. “You are either going to tell me who sent you, or you will be food for the fish!” The captain was incredibly furious and scary.“Ha! As if we’d tell you!”“We’re loyal to the captain!”“Is that so?” The captain picked the pirates that spoke up. “Then I suppose an example would suit you better?” He dragged the pirate to the edge of the ship and held him
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Chapter 282: The Cobalt Capital
A few more days passed and they finally saw the Cobalt Harbour. The ship’s crew was busy preparing the ship for docking. Afro helped out as well since half the crew were on the pirate’s ship. Matthew tried to help as well but he didn’t know what to do exactly and could only watch them.The anchors were dropped and the sails were furled. Once the ship was docked, both the ship’s crew and the harbour’s began working to unload the ship. The pirate ship was practically empty and only its tied up crew members were brought onto the pier. There, Cobalt authorities were discussing with the captain.Matthew and Afro got off and were not that far from them. It was not their place to be involved in the nation’s procedures.“Well, I’ll be heading back home now. Do you need any help finding a ship to Phulu?”“No, I don’t think so. I’ll ask the people nearby. Well, they’re practically surrounding me already.” Matthew could tell that everyone had their eyes on him.In this part of the world, humans
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Chapter 283: The Dragon Emperor of Divinity pt.1
“Sorry to have kept you waiting.” Shima said as he walked side by side with Matthew.They were walking in the palace and passed by guards that were on patrol. All of the guards saluted them as they did.“You didn’t have to come personally.” Matthew replied.“When my guest is someone as esteemed as you, as king, I believe only I am fitting to accompany you. Aside from Lady Cobalt of course.”Shima Melcros, the king of the Cobalt United Kingdom. He was a blue scaled fishman with a slender stature yet defined muscles. He only wore a kilt made from beautiful translucent jellyfish-like material and had a golden ribbon resting on his shoulders. On his neck were five pairs of gills. His hands and feet were webbed like a duck’s and fins on the forearms and on his hind legs. Shima had yellow fish-like eyes and his ears were fins. His hair was blue and reached his shoulders.“What brings you to my palace?” Shima asked.“Well, I was just stopping by to meet Cobalt originally. But since all route
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Chapter 284: Dragon Emperor of Divinity pt.2
“Who are you? And why do you disturb my slumber?” A deep mature female voice resounded in the chamber.Matthew got a good look at Cobalt. She was lindwurm type dragon with a long flat tail like a crocodile’s. Her arms were webbed and had fins on the side. She had deep blue eyes and frills on her cheeks. She also had three horns on top of her head that curved to the back. The scales on most of her body were dark blue from her spiked spine and became lighter as it went to her under belly until it was white. Upon better look, Matthew noticed that she had gills behind the frills.“Your aura feels familiar. Answer me, human.” Cobalt spoke again.Matthew returned from zoning out a bit and introduced himself. “Oh, I’m Matthew. We just came by to visit you.”“We?” Cobalt lowered her head to inspect closer, but there was really no one other than Matthew.“Hello there Cobalt.”“It has been a while.” Arshild and Draco spoke through the Dragoknight.“Those voices… Arshild and Draco? My, where are
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Chapter 285: Kraken Versus Scarlett
600 years ago, there was a great war that shook the entire world. Unlike the World Wars on Earth, the Scarlett War was not a conflict of multiple countries against other countries. It was a conflict between one country against all others.This story took place about two years before the war.Leviticus Scarlett was a half human half demon. He was always treated unfairly because of his origin. His mentality was strong and endured the abuses, until a certain event happened and made him snap.He came alone and was floating above the ocean where the Kraken dwelt below. They struck a conversation before the fighting began.“Why do you come, O king of demons?” The Kraken asked.“To kill you, ancient one.” Leviticus answered.“I know of your strength. You are not someone that I can defeat, that I know.”“Then why not surrender and die a quick death?”“You are too arrogant, king of demons. You should learn that your way of achieving your goal is pointless for the people will never agree.”“I o
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Chapter 286: The Only Way Through
“That’s the entire story.” Cobalt said as she swallowed an entire fish whole.Cobalt had just finished telling Matthew of the fight between the Scarlett King and the Kraken.“Just like that?” Matthew thought it was rather easy.“Well, Kraken mostly does mental attacks and does not specialise in offence, and against the Scarlett King, she couldn’t do much. Fighting that monster is almost impossible to win. Draco would know.”“Indeed. His ability to use both astra and magic is amazing on top of his intelligence. Although I was confident that my strength was greater, he managed to catch me off guard.” Draco said.“I see.” Matthew was amazed every time he heard of the Scarlett King’s feats. He defeated multiple powerful beings alone and brought chaos to the world, yet wished for peace. It did not make sense.“It was said that it took the entire might of the Heroes to defeat the Scarlett King, or so the books say. The truth was that there was an inside conflict between some of the children
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