All Chapters of BLAIR: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
322 Chapters
Chapter 287: The Trench
Matthew set off with Dzy as his guide. They rode a mosasaur with armour plating to head toward the trench where the Kraken dwelt. The mosasaur was swimming really fast and it was easy to lose a grip on their reigns, but Matthew was able to hold on. They lay their bodies flat on the mosasaurs to reduce drag so that the mosasaurs can swim faster.Still, the trench was far away. On the way there, Matthew got a glimpse of the cities within the Whale Clan territory. It was near the surface and had really large houses that were spherical in shape and connected by what seemed like tubes made from bubbles. Matthew could sense people in the towns, but all their auras were dull as if they were lifeless. No, that wasn’t the correct way of describing. It was like they lacked any emotion and thought, unconscious, yet they were moving as if everything was normal.(That’s the Kraken’s doing. If she really is as Cobalt said, why do this?) Matthew thought but he saved that question for when he actuall
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Chapter 288: Pirate Invasion
Shima, accompanied by a group of knights, slammed the door to the meeting room with great force.“What’s happening?” He asked the people that were present.“The Whale Clan and the Deep Clan are headed toward the capital with great speed. Reports from our scouts say they’re bringing everyone, civilians included.” Hardy answered.“Why?”“According to scouts, the Kraken is controlling them and forcing them to come here. They aren’t equipped at all aside from those that already are. Seems like this force was hastily put together, or not actually put together at all.”“By the gods. This is a much worse situation than when the Scarlett Army attacked. We don’t want to kill our people and that would be troublesome to deal with.”“Not only that, sire, there is also an armada of 50 ships coming in from the north. From their flagship, it’s the Red Eye Pirates.” Hardy added to his report.“50?! I thought they had only 20. When did they gain such numbers?”“We suspect that they joined forces with
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Chapter 289: Out of The Trench
Matthew opened his eyes and saw that he had returned to the location where he and Rose first came to this world. It was the exact same scene.“This place again. Why am I dreaming of it? What actually happened?” Matthew didn’t know that he was knocked out when he confronted the Kraken.“Matthew, son of Mark.” A voice echoed from all around. No, it was multiple voices without a source.“Who’s there?” Matthew asked.“Why, you’ve already forgotten about me? The world tree?” The voice said.Mentioning the world tree, Matthew knew who it was. It truly has been some time since then.“Yggdrasil?”“So you do remember.”“What is it? Did you bring me here?”“Hmm, you could say that. It took a great deal of effort to bring you here. Had you not been knocked out, I couldn’t have possibly met you.”“I was knocked out? How?”“You faced your fated foe while you were unprepared and were defeated quite easily.”“My… fated foe?” Matthew had so many questions that his mind was a haze now.“Yes. Leviticus
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Chapter 290: Pirate Invasion pt.2
An armada of pirates were pushing through the Merman Army and were close to the capital now. The Merman Army were not able to hold them off. By their commander’s order, they retreated back and regrouped with reinforcements from the Reptile Clan’s army.Reinforcements from the Shark Clan were still quite aways so they had to hold the enemy off until then. The Red Eye Pirates were full of capable fighters especially their ship captains. Even one of the captains can create weather changing attacks.Halcyon created strong gusts of wind with each swing of his spear. The winds created massive waves that kept knocking his enemies off balance. Flying high above water, it was difficult to hit him. With his support and scouting from above, he was able to direct Morozko on where to place the rest of the crew.Kirilov had a gun for his left arm and blasted powerful jets of water out of it, puncturing holes in the bodies it hit. He held a large blade in his right hand and swung furiously at his en
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Chapter 291: Destroyer's Arrival
The biggest ship in the armada, the Morozko’s ship ripped through any defences the Cobalt Army had with ease. Morozko commanded the ocean itself with a special pole shaped device he stole from the treasury at one point in his life. Of course, the area he could control was still limited, otherwise he could destroy the kingdom. The soldiers that were able to confront him directly were met with their demise as his strength was far superior. His skin was more durable than armour and his punch was greater than a cannon. The crew on his ship was also formidable. The capital was now within sight and Morozko commenced the barrage of cannon fire at it. Each ship was equipped with a large cannon just below the bow and it fired large balls of steels. “Fire!” BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The steel balls were fired and flew across the water but did not hit the buildings. A barrier stop
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Chapter 292: That Was Pretty Bad
Matthew was engaged by two opponents who were making the best of their environment. As someone who was not accustomed to underwater battle, Matthew was at a disadvantage.Utilising his new skills, Matthew was able to stand his ground. Arshild moved the shields to block all incoming attacks with Draco's guidance. Somehow, Draco was able to perceive the attacks that Matthew couldn't. Matthew didn't think much about it for now.Matthew fired beams of astra at Kirilov and it hit him though Matthew himself was not sure if it did. Blue blood was seeping out of the holes that Matthew blew in his body.(How the hell does he know where I am? My skill should be perfect!) Kirilov thought to himself.Pshew!Kirilov fired another pressured water shot at Matthew. It was blocked by one of the three shields he had around him. Matthew fired back and it almost hit Kirilov if he didn't dodge.(Not only can he tank my attacks, he's got those shields as well. And if I stop moving I'll get hit instead. Thi
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Chapter 293: Solving The Equation
On the other side of the battle, the Cobalt Royal Army were able to hold off the attack by the citizens under Kraken’s control. Although they were having trouble with subduing the citizens, the soldiers caught most of them and tied them up. Cretoxarinh and Kraken were still duking it out while Cobalt was still working on cancelling the mind control spell casted on Kraken.(How long has it been? An hour might’ve passed and I wouldn’t notice it. I’ve almost got the spell undone. Seriously, whoever crafted this must have a vast knowledge in magic. I can only think of three people that can pull this off, but why are either of them doing this?)Cobalt shook the thoughts away. (Maybe Matthew knows something. I will just ask him later.)While Cobalt was busy, Cretoxarinh bit down Kraken’s tentacle and severed it. It swam away with the tentacle in its mouth while swallowing it. After that, it turned around to attack again.Its body generated electricity and was unleashed when it got close to
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Chapter 294: Destroy The Pirates
Splash!Matthew emerged on the surface after defeating the three right hand men. The waves were violent and threw him around. The ships were still bombarding the barrier but it seemed that there was little to no effect."Cobalt's shield sure is tough, huh?" Matthew commented.:The capital should be fine as long as the barrier holds up. You should take out the rest of the pirates now: Draco said.“Yeah. I should take out the captain first. Without the leader, the rest should fall too. Now, where are you?” Mathew asked himself as he expanded his [Astral Sense] and found Morozko’s location. “There.”Matthew conjured the chained blade again. He spun the blade above his head by the chain and threw it toward Morozko’s direction. The blade pulled him along with the chains and Matthew flew across the ocean.On the other end, Morozko was contemplating on how to get over the barrier. It actually seemed like the barrier just got stronger.“What’s happening? Did Cobalt reinforce the barrier?” Mor
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Chapter 295: Next Stop, Phulu!
A few days have passed since the pirate invasion took place. The people of the Deep and Whale Clans have all returned to their separate territories after receiving proper treatment. The pirates were brought back to the capital to be judged accordingly. Some were sent to imprisonment for life, some for a few years, and others were sent to public services.Matthew finally returned to the palace after helping out with the pirates. He was given a medal of honour for his contribution to the battle as a citizen, not as a Hunter since it was not a quest. Kraken was also present to offer her apologies to the people. Cobalt was also invited, but as expected she rejected and went to rest in her home.After the ceremony, Matthew was summoned by Shima to his office. Matthew closed the door behind him after he went in. Shima was waiting by his desk. He gave Matthew a smile.“Please have a seat.” Shima offered.“No thanks. I want to leave as soon as possible. I’ve got a ride waiting for me.” Matthe
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Chapter 296: Unwelcomed
Matthew set off to continue his journey to Phulu with Cretoxarinh’s aid. Thanks to a device that Shima gave, Matthew stayed dry even underwater with his stuff included. A trip that would’ve taken a few days by ship was done in only one with Cretoxrinh.Once they were in shallow water and Cretoxarinh couldn’t proceed further, Matthew decided to continue on his own. After bidding farewell, Matthew activated the back propeller that he was also given. It was certainly faster than swimming, but it was still a bit slower than Cretoxarinh. To make up for this, Matthew threw in some astra into it and juiced it up-Bwoo!A bit too much.“Whoa!” Matthew soared through the water at an alarming speed and before he knew it, his face was being dragged in wet sand, then dry sand, and finally crashed into a boulder.The boulder was blown to bits and Matthew’s head was thankfully intact. It did scratch the glass on his mask though.“Oof!” Matthew lifted his head out of the rubbled and looked around. T
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