All Chapters of BLAIR: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
322 Chapters
Chapter 297: Natural Talent
The sun had set on Phulu and smoke rose out of the chimney of houses. Matthew was invited by the chief to have a feast at her house. It was not a feast for the entire village since it was so sudden. The ones that were present were only the students from earlier, some higher ranking villagers and of course the chief’s own children.The villagers paid their respects by bowing to Matthew and offering their own food. Matthew did not like being treated like some kind of deity, but telling them would be useless since he didn’t know the language. He accepted them all and set them aside.While waiting for the feast to be prepared, Matthew played with the children. They invited Matthew to play football when he walked by. Their teacher, who was supervising them, was actually about to scold them. Matthew interfered and said it was fine.Obviously, the children were no match for Matthew although he lacked any skills. Matthew decided to be a goalkeeper. With him as the goalie, none of the shots ma
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Chapter 298: Not As Dangerous
Matthew and Amari set out in the morning. They bid farewell to the chief and children and were off.Amari only brought a sling bag with her. She changed out of her dress and wore a shirt and shorts that were easier to move around in a jungle. With Amari as the guide, they proceeded smoothly along a track.“Sorry, Lord Dragunov, traversing through this must be hard on you.” Amari said.“It’s cool. I’m used to it.” Matthew replied.The soil was moist and covered in leaves. Each step they took would crunch the leaves and twigs. The air was really humid as well but thankfully it was not hot yet early in the morning. Matthew could also sense some critters in the vicinity but none seemed dangerous aside from possibly poisonous ones.“This jungle apparently has a high level of mana density. Although not lethal, it can cause dizziness, sickness, and mana poisoning. If not treated immediately, it can be lethal too. Since you are strong, you should be fine, sir.”“I know. Blackwood Mountain has
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Chapter 299: The Eze
A pair of men wielding a spear were chatting on a wall. The wall was made of thick logs with pointy tips. They stood on a platform behind the wall, just above the gate.Then they noticed someone approaching the wall. It was a woman who was being carried by a man. The guards actually recognised the woman and shouted her name."Amari! Amari!"Amari heard her name being called and replied to them. "Kamari! Faraji!" She waved at them.The guards said something to her.-this conversation was in a different language-"What's wrong?""Oh nothing, urp! I just sprained my ankle, I think." Amari almost puked but held it in."Who is that guy?" The other guard asked.Amari took a second to control her urge to throw up. "Ugh.. Dragon Emperor Dragunov."Both the guards found it hard to believe. They observed Matthew more carefully and recognised his face.""Lord Dragunov wants to meet the Eze. Open the gate for us, will you?"The guards looked at each other again before they gave the word to the ot
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Chapter 300: The Copier
“Who are you?” Matthew asked the man who was wearing a sci-fi battle suit. The man had white spiky hair and an equally white pair of eyes. His suit was mostly black with neon white tubes along his back, arms, and legs. Grey parts covered his chest, abdominal muscles, biceps, and quadriceps. “Name’s 4M5Y4R YB. My colleagues usually refer to me as YB. People of this world call me The Copier though.” “Copier?” “Kind of a stupid name, isn’t it? Well, it doesn’t matter.” “So you can copy people’s ability?” Matthew asked. “Ding ding ding! You’re right! As expected of Lord Dragunov.” YB clapped his hands to applaud for Matthew. “What do you want?” “Now what could a person who induce fear and follow the victim all the way out here want? Hmm~ I wonder.” YB scratched his chin. “Oh! I think it’s to kill him!” “Kill me? What for? Did the Scarlett King send you?” “Scarlett King? No no no. I work for someone else. Well, as of now, I'm self-employed. I do bounty hunting and other stuff." "
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Chapter 301: The Dragoknight Armour
Matthew was suddenly donned in golden armour. Two blue rectangular jewels acted like eyes and a spherical one as the core on its chest. A darker shade of armour looked like three horns that converge in the middle of the forehead and a pair of teeth on the lower jaw. The pair of Dragoknight gauntlets were also present on Matthew’s forearms and he even had a long tail coming out of his lower back.Matthew looked at his hands and was astonished. “What is this?”:Looks like I managed to activate it in time: Arshild said.“What?”:It’s a feature that I had almost forgotten. Honestly, I didn’t think that you’d ever need it. It is the Dragoknight’s ultimate ability, [Dragoknight Armour]. I designed it to enhance the user’s abilities and energy absorption rate:“Ability enhancement? That means…” Matthew looked at YB and got a new found confidence.:Well, it burns through a lot of your mana though so it wouldn’t fit you. It was originally designed for the Hero after all:“How long do I have?”
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Chapter 302: The Mysterious Anomaly
After having a nice lunch with the villagers, Matthew set off on his own to the anomaly in a new change of clothes. He wore a dark blue vest over an orange shirt and a pair of peach trousers. He had a map with him which marked the location of the anomaly. He sprinted as fast as he could at the start and slowed down when he got closer.Of course, Matthew had no idea where he was on the map so he had to find the nearest village first to reorient himself in the right direction. He didn’t enter the village and only used it as a point of reference. After confirming the direction, he continued on his journey.It was already afternoon when he left. Now it was close to sunset when he arrived at the approximate location of the anomaly. He didn’t sense anything out of the ordinary though. The only thing that indicated this as the possible location was that it was an open area with no trees.“Unless I got the location wrong…” Matthew checked the map and his surroundings again and again.“Does [A
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Chapter 303: Reunited & Epilogue
After their short and heartfelt reunion, Matthew and Rose were now sitting facing each other in the living room. Cups and plates floated from the kitchen and gently landed on the table.“That’s really cool.” Matthew said.“It’s a way of training my precision and efficiency. I used to struggle a lot with it.” Rose said as her left hand gestured the movements of a teapot and poured tea in it before setting it on the table as well.“I can see that you’ve come a long way.”“As do you.” Rose said.“So, how have you been?” Matthew asked.“I have been well. Loki took good care of me. He trained me in all sorts of magic and even taught me to do daily chores.”“Oh. I guess I should rethink my plans of punching him when I see him again.”“Haha! Well, I wouldn’t mind that.”“Where is he anyway?” I don’t sense him in this place.“He probably knew you were coming and went out before you got here. That’s just how he is.”“How would he know though? You know what, I’ll ask him later after I punch him
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Chapter 304: Volume 9: Interlude; Prologue
It was a quiet noon as usual in the library in Cecilia’s mansion. Cecilia was chatting with Yuki while she was reading a novel. Cecilia rested her head on the table while she talked and Yuki only replied every now and then with a few words. Cecilia was pretty much talking to herself really.While they were talking, Yuki noticed a group of people in armour was marching down the lane by the window. Upon closer inspection, she identified that they were knights from the Stone, Umbra and Minos noble families. She knew something was up.“Cecilia. Looks like we got guests.” Yuki gestured at them with her chin.Cecilia looked out and saw them as well. She also had a feeling that this was not good.…At the front yard of Cecilia’s mansion, the knights from three regions were standing in formation as if ready for battle. There were a total of 60 knights behind their master who wore the official noble clothing. Facing them were only ten guards from Cecilia’s side who were on duty.Cecilia came o
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Chapter 305: Take It Upon One's Self
After their long awaited reunion, Matthew and Rose decided to teleport back to Cecilia’s mansion. However, they did not expect any welcoming party for their sudden arrival. Yet surrounding them were knights in shining armour with three different insignias standing in lines with their swords pointed at them. With this many knights, one would think that they were going to battle.“Uhh… What’s happening?” Matthew asked after a brief silence from everyone out of shock. His gold and blue eyes looked around to assess the situation.Paul had been acting high and mighty before, but now that the Dragon Emperor himself was present, he became nervous. He swallowed dry saliva before opening his mouth. “Why if it isn’t Lord Dragunov!” He said with a fake smile.Matthew immediately knew something was not right, but kept his cool. “Who are you?”“Ah, forgive me, my lord. I am Paul Stone of the Northwestern Region.” Paul introduced himself in a bow. Then he straightened back up. “I came here by the k
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Chapter 306: Negotiation
Matthew and Rose were escorted on foot by 60 knights down the street all the way to the king’s castle. Usually criminals would have their faces covered to not start rumours and to protect their privacy, but Matthew and Rose’s were not covered. While marching through Cecilia’s region, the pedestrians would look at them with confusion, then suspicion because they knew Matthew as a dear friend of their lady but the Scarlett Witch was something completely different. All they could say was that the situation was weird and rumours began to spread and surely it would get worse the further it was spread.It was exactly what Paul wanted. Even a Dragon Emperor was not above national law. Other countries cannot interfere with the affairs in the country that the Dragon Emperor resided in. If there was destruction caused by them, then they will have to be punished or pay a fine. There hasn’t been any chances to take action upon Matthew until Paul decided that he has had enough.“You destroyed a pa
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