All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
304 Chapters
Chapter 63
  961 word(s) Published 148   Escape! 𝑬𝑺𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑬!! 𝙀𝙎𝘾𝘼𝙋𝙀!!!!   He has to keep her close. He has to keep her close! Not letting go!   King Lucien cannot think past those animalistic urges that beat down on his head. Cannot hear past them.   She struggles against him. It angered him that she's trying to get away from him. She's not leaving like his sister did! Not like Declan did! He'll do everything to keep her close!   Never! She is not getting away! He is not letting her go!   He palmed her thigh and lifted her leg, baring her to him. Pure animalistic instincts rode him so hard, he was shaking with the urge to bury himself so deep inside the soft flesh he caged before him.   Positioning himself blindly, he bumped against her but her body restricted his invasion. An animalistic growl tore from his tro
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Chapter 64
 1164 word(s)Published149 A soft hand touching him hesitatingly, it penetrated his drunk haze. So soft, and oh so soothing. It reminded him of when he was a young lad in his mother's knees. His mother would read to him, and teach him how to do maths. She will praise him and pat the soft curls of his head when he does things right. The small hand that caressed his thigh, and now, his hair, was like a soothing balm to his wounded soul. To his head raving mad. One by one, his demons began receding. One by one, the dark memories began fading. They loosened their fierce hold on him. Only a bit. For the first time, he became aware of his surroundings. Of the soft trembling body he pinned to the wall, thrusting savagely and hungrily into her. Danika. He loosened his hold on her breast, but his control was still shot
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Chapter 66
      1095 word(s) Published 150   This was between her and him. Life and death. Possession and ownership.   She threw her head back. “You’re not hurting me. I..." I love you, I love you, I'm pregnant for you, I'm carrying your child, I love you, I love you so much! "I trust you."   He groaned, increasing his rhythm until she felt sure she’d snap in two. His guttural moan vibrated through his chest as the first ripple of need travelled down his dïck, massaging her with the fierceness of his impending orgasm.   Her body clenched, tightened, wound. Taking me out of this stratosphere and placing her on a shooting star. A comet where everything was happy and perfect and there was no tragedy or sadness. No memories. No slavery. No pain.   Grief tried to steal her from his embrace and she clamped her eyes shut. Focu
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Chapter 67
 1276 word(s)Published151 Her arms felt like water, but she was able to raise them and wrap around his head. They cuddled that way. They listened to the sound of their breathings. Allowing the silence between them to stretch, it was a comfortable silence where the king tried to remember the details of what just happened, and Danika tried to surpress the feeling of worry for her child. What was done, was done. At least if she lost the baby, it will save her from all the stress and worry about the king finding out, she tried to console herself. She concentrated on the feeling of the King's head in between her breasts, his hand was caressing her skin the same way hers does to his head. They almost seem like real couples, Danika thought with an inner sad smile. She closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. "Thank you, Danika." His deep voi
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Chapter 68
 934 word(s)Published152 "Promise me..." He buried his face to her neck, "Promise me... you'll never leave my side." The vulnerability he shows her, shocked her so much. She cannot imagine how difficult these last words must have been to come from a hard and powerful man like him. Her throat cloaked up, but she whispered hoarsely, "I promise." He looked up at her. Warmth filled his eyes for the first time in five years. He lowered his head again and kissed a small bruise on her neck. "I will never forgive you if you break any of those promises, Danika." He stated softly but vehemently. "I will never forgive myself too." She will never betray this man. Why will she ever betray him? A man who has known more heartbreaks and emotional suffering than all the slaves in the whole twelve kingdoms, why will she ever be
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Chapter 69
 1075 word(s)Published153 "What if I get pregnant?" She blurted out. He stiffened all over. One moment he felt like a man, and next, he felt like stone beside her. The silence that followed was nervewrecking. Then, "You should never worry about that. I have never given you to another man. I have never shared you before, and I do not have plans to share you with anybody." he looked her dead in the eyes, "So, that is not possible, Danika." Danika's heart flew right out of her. The king lowered his bead again and closed his mouth around her nìpple, he sucked and played with the other one. The courage deserted her at his reply, and the fear of what he'll do when he finds out doubled. She must be a coward because she can't tell him about it anymore. At least, not for today. She'll talk t
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Chapter 70
 1604 word(s)Published154 CHAD AND SALLY'S NIGHT. The kìss Chad gave Sally was very tender, sweet. Her thoughts turned off as she was inundated by his touch. An insidious weakness invaded her system. Her eyes closed and her body trembled as she felt light sips taken from her mouth. His lips moved to her cheek, up to her forehead, and then to her ear. He kïssed all part of her face reverently. Her breathing fractured. Her hands slowly released their grip on her nightie, and moved to curl around his head. They kïssed for very long minutes. His hand cupped her soft brêast, moving so that he could feel the nipple hard in his moist palm. "So beautiful." Sally tried to breathe normally, but she couldn’t. Her hand went to his broad chest and moved involuntarily over the hair-roughened muscles. 
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Chapter 71
 871 word(s)Published155 Vetta was sheathing as she walked out of the bedroom. Suddenly, she wished she never came here. She wished she never heard the incoherent mumbles, and she never pressed her ear so glued to the door to decipher the things they said. She wished she never got curious. "Good night, Mistress." A maid greeted her with a bow as she passed. Vetta only glared daggers at the maid and matched right past her. What is so good about the night!? There is nothing—ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!—good about this night! Danika is right there inside that bedroom. The king drew sëxual pleasures from her body and sated himself on her. During courting season. Not only that, he is saying such ridiculous words to Danik she never expected him to say. Words she kept hoping the king woul
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Chapter 72
.936 word(s)Published156 Vetta knocked on the door of Princess Kamara's bedroom. She waited impatiently for the door to open. She knocked again and again and again. Finally, she heard footsteps and the door opened. The princess stood behind the door, and from the look of it, it doesn't look like she's been sleeping. "What are you doing in my bedroom?" Kamara asked, surprised to see the mistress standing behind her door. "I need you to come and see something." Vetta stated to her. The mistress looked a little smug too. Kamara crossed her hands. "Why would I want to go anywhere with you in the middle of the night? For all I know you might be a woman of bad mind and you would want to harm me." "Why would I want to do that!?" Vetta hissed. She didn't like the insult...being addressed as a woman with a bad mind. "I do n
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Chapter 73
 1073 word(s)Published157 Vetta turned to her when they walked far away. "It's Courting Week. You're in your bedroom while the king summons his slave to sate his hunger every night. He prefers his slave to you, and this is your week. Tell me you do not feel disrespected." "I feel very disrespected." She conceded softly. That's something. Vetta nodded in satisfaction, "It's very bad for him to treat you this way. And Danika pretends to be your friend, but she goes right behind you and sleep with the king during YOUR courting week." Kamara said nothing to that. Instead, she resumes walking. Vetta followed closely behind her. "So, what are you going to do about this?" Vetta urged her. "I do not know. What am I going to do about that?" She kept walking. "There are so many things you can do about that. The king dis
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