All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
304 Chapters
Chapter 74
 893 word(s)Published158 Danika's bladder woke her several times in the night. She had to untangle from the king and use the bathroom each and every thing, and when she gets back, he takes her right back into his arms—even with his eyes closed. They overslept. When they woke the next morning, the bighteness of the day was harsh inside the King's Chambers. As she stirred, his eyes opened too. They looked at each other in the light of the day. It is probably one of those times in life when time stands still. Danika's mind was filled with uncertainties. What will happen now in the light of the day? Will he go back to being so cold to her? Try to forget the events of the night before? "Good morning, My King." She whispered. "Good morning, Danika." His voice was anything but cold. Just the voice of a man who woke up after a good
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Chapter 75
 1198 word(s)Published159 Later in the day, cleaned up and after another round of sleep, she went in search of Baski. She found her on the woods with Remeta, picking a basket-full of herbs. They all walked together to the palace and back into Baski's bedroom. The older woman was livid and worried, but Danika went right ahead to explain what happened in the King's Chamber. She gave her the general reason, skipping the intimate memories she made with the king. Those are private and hers alone to cherish. She told Baski about the way he was so deep buried into the past, he almost lost his sanity with her. How she came close to telling him that she was pregnant and his response to that. "Oh dear..." The older woman palmed her own wrinkled forehead, "I'm glad you withdrew when you did, I can't begin to imagine what would have happened to you if you told hi
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Chapter 76
 1029 word(s)Published160 Her hand touched her stomach caressingly. Her belly is no longer as flat as it used to be, there's a slight bump to it. And while she can easily pass it up for something she ate, how does it she explain the hard surface of her belly? Karama's stay in Salem has protected her for long. She has spent time with the king outdoors. Taking walks, riding with him, strolling the lanes with him. She smiled at the memory. After that night in the King's Chambers, he has become freer with her. Closer to her. She has come to crave and enjoy every single minute they spend together. He hasn't taken sèxual intimacies from her again since that night, in respect for the Courting Week. They kiss a lot and she has even taken him into her mouth and sucked him occasionally, but they haven't had sèx since then.
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Chapter 77
 1016 word(s)Published161 "I saw you and the king that night. In his chambers. On the floor. In each other's arms, asleep." Came the calm reply at last. Danika didn't have to think hard for the mental image to come. When it did, her blood ran cold. She saw her intimate night with the king. "Oh..." Danika muttered guiltily. She doesn't know what to say about that. Once a princess herself, she can understand the disrespect Kamara feels. Not to mention the anger and even hurt. Kamara let out a deep breath. "I'm not angry at you. I'm not even hurt, or I would have done something about it these past few weeks." "You aren't?" Danika asked, uncertain and bewildered. "No, I'm not. Sadly, what I saw made it easier for me to understand a lot of things. I made peace with it." "I don't understand."
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Chapter 78
 1138 word(s)Published162 "Danika is carrying the King's child. She is pregnant." Vetta announced in a voice that was deceptively calm. Karandy watched the woman who seated at the wooden chair at the other side of the room looking at him with a cool expression that revealed nothing. It's been two months since he saw the King's Mistress, it particularly surprised him to hear her impatient knock on his door this morning. Another surprise is the words pouring from her mouth. "It is not possible for her to be with child for him. Why would she risk herself so dangerously? The former princess is smart." He contributed. "Oh, she is very smart. And that is why she got pregnant for the king. It is a dangerous game. Either the king kills her for it, or he accepts her. If the latter happens, her status might change for the better and she will be a very important
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Chapter 79
 1442 word(s)Published163 Kamara reached her door, Danika standing beside her. She turns and faced Danika. "I will be going back to my father's kingdom on the morning of the morrow. I will miss seeing you, Danika." "I will miss seeing you too, Kamara." Danika shifted on her feet, already tired from standing for too long. "I wish you the best with your Callan." "I wish myself luck too. I still have a few weeks with him before the next step to my marriage, when King Lucien will come to ask for my hand." Kamara's lips curved sadly, "I wish a miracle will happen and I'll be with Callan instead of King Lucien. But then again, wishes has never been horses." "Yes, it has never been." Danika echoed, remembering her current situation. She shook her head. "I remember when I was a princess too..." "You should never forget something like that
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 1063 word(s)Published164 In the evening, Danika was in her bedroom brushing her hair when Baski walked in. "The king requests that you should be the one to bring his dinner to him in his Chambers." She informed her with a concerned smile. Danika's heart skipped three beats. "Baski?" The older woman walked closer and took the comb from her. She watched her through the mirror as she ran the comb through her long blonde hair. "My dear?" "I've run out of time." She whispered, her hand caressing her slight bump. "I know." Baski let out a shuddering breath, "I know, Danika. But, the Heavens are with you. They will guide you." "Courting week ends tomorrow. He wants to spend the night with me." "I know that too. I was thinking, maybe we should go together to tell him about your condition. If I go
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Chapter 81
 911 word(s)Published165 Danika reached the King's Quarters and knocked on the door. She waited patiently. "Come in." Came the deep voice of the king. She hasn't heard his voice since the day before, it coursed a shiver down her spine. It made her heart to flutter too. She has it bad for him. It isn't something she doesn't already know, but the knowledgeable never seizes to hurt her. Love is not supposed to soothe and hurt at the same time, but hers does. She opened the door quietly and let herself into his Chambers. He was rolling a well-written scroll up, and dropping his inked pen on the desk. He raised his head and looked at her. "I brought your food, My King." She inclined her head. He gestured his head towards the table without saying a word. She nodded and walked to the small eating
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Chapter 82
  1017 word(s) Published 166   "Come and seat with me. I do not want to eat alone. I do not want you to go."   Danika turned towards him at the deep baritone of his voice, her heart doing a summersault.   He doesn't want her to go. He wants her to stay with him.   "As you wish, Your Highness." She replied hoarsely.   She walked back to the dinning table and sat down beside him. He dug into the broth in front of him, scooping it up and into his mouth.   She watched him eat, keeping quiet because she knows how much he loves his silence. There was no food in front of her, she wasn't really hungry.   Just having this moment to watch him eat was enough to feel whatever hunger in her. She loves him that much.   Folding her hands on her laps, she resisted the urge to caress her baby. It's a bad h
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Chapter 83
 1266 word(s)Published167 Danika noticed that the king was troubled. It shows on his face as their meal progressed. "What troubles you, my King?" Danika asked, her eyebrows creased with worry. King Lucien isn't used to sharing his problems. He said nothing. She noticed his defensive hesitation and didn't press. He has let her in long enough for her to know him for who he is. A man who's more used to keeping to himself than talking to people. But, she already has his trust. He has already let her in. He will tell her when he's ready, and not before. After the meal, she got up and began clearing the plates. She got to his side and packed up his plates. She was about to carry it up when his arm suddenly wrapped around her midriff. "Don't. Don't turn around." He ordered, stopping her impulsive movement.&nb
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