All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
304 Chapters
Chapter 84
 1468 word(s)Published168 The next day Danika and Baski didn't get the opportunity to see the King because it was filled with activities. Just as the king said, the next morning, he told Zariel about the plan for the irrigation and water distribution to the people. He also told Zariel that she is in charge. So, she left the palace and went into town with them where she supervised and directed the sharing of water. Coming outside town reminded her of Sally. Her former maid that was always beside her for years. She misses Sally so much even though she writes to her from time to time. It paid off that she thought Sally how to write. Sally might not be perfect and might get most of the words wrongly, but what matters to Danika was that she's able to return her messages and she was also able to comprehend Sally's messages after a few careful reads. She hop
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Chapter 85
 1007 word(s)Published169 Danika was tired and worn out by the time the project finished. She took Corna back to his mother's house and dropped him at the front porch. Lowering herself to become eye level with the boy, she ruffled his hair again. "You'll be fine, Corna. Be a good boy, okay?" Corna nodded obediently. "You are a good Qween... Very beautiful Qween." Danika smiled at him, even as she wondered what's with the little boy addressing her the same way Remeta addressed her? "I'm not a Queen. I was a princess, Corna. But now, I'm not anymore..." The boy reluctantly released his finger from his mouth with a pop. He moved closer and placed his little hand on her belly. He touched every corner of it like a doctor would do during examination. He looked up to her confused face and smiled. "Pwince of Rwain. Evewything will be fine
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Chapter 86
 1343 word(s)Published170 Vetta rose from the bed and pulled off her clothes. She'd prepared for this night, so she wasn't really wearing much. Sitting up naked beside him, she shook her head miserably. "I am your Mistress, My King. I feel like I'm no longer good enough for you. Maybe because I wasn't born with a Royal Blood inside me... Maybe because you have forgotten everything we've been through. Maybe you glance at me and remember dirt..." Tears filled her eyes and she sniffled, "The same dirt King Cone created when he raped my mind and my body, right in front of you..." King Lucien slid his eyes closed, the memory made his heart—which was warm earlier in the day—go cold. "He dropped a burger. Wanted me to crawl on my hands and knees, and eat it out straight from the ground with my mouth. Like a dog." He remembered one of the events. 
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Chapter 87
 1160 word(s)Published171 Danika woke up feeling unwell. It is not unusual for her ever since she got pregnant, but today was worse than the others. She vomited her lungs in the toilet, lowering herself to the floor beside the seat, she laid her head on it and tried to get some sleep. She was feeling that sleepy. A knock came on the door, followed by the creek of the door. "Danika?" Baski's voice came through. "In here..." She tried to shout but it came out like a croon. A few seconds later, Baski appeared at her door and looked at her with concern, "Your food is down the drains." "I couldn't keep it in. I feel very queasy this morning. More than the other days." Baski walked closer and helped her get up from the floor. She led her out of the bathroom, "That's what being pregnant is like. Some days are better&
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Chapter 88
 880 word(s)Published172 Callan was working at the back of his house. Peace and serenity was the only companion he has with him, exactly the way he likes it. The chirpings of birds in the morning. The sound of giving flowing down the hill a few miles away. The soft sweeping of wind every moments. He was deep in thoughts as he caught the linens he wants to use as new cottons for his house. He was quickly jerked out of his thoughts when he heard a soft but firm knock on his front door. He dropped the scissors and the linen-cloth, and got up from the wooden chair. He walked back to his house through the backyard and entered the sitting room,going straight to the door where he pulled it open. It's a visitor he never expected after months of absence. After he heard of her impending marriage to a King. "Good day, My Lady." He extended w
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Chapter 89
 1053 word(s)Published173 "Let me make something clear, Princess. You do not get to threaten me. Not today. You can only ask the gods to keep me in a better mood on this day so I won't strangle you after I take what I want from you, over and over again." Finally, his hand released her abused plumpness and he stepped back. Her eyes watered and she looked around fanatically for an escape. This can't be happening! This can't be!! She has a sickening feeling in her gut about what 'he wants from her', bile rose on her throat. Over her dead body will she allow that! "Money! I will give you money, just let me go!" She screamed at him. Her fear and will to escape this hellish fate overrode her sense of reasoning and she made a run for the door again. Before Karandy could reach for her, a huge wave of dizziness found her first. She cried o
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Chapter 90; Last Episodes of Part 2
  LAST EPISODE 1. Vetta wouldn't stop smiling. She was having a very beautiful day and it showed on her face. She might be carrying the King's child. She might be pregnant for him already. The thought couldn't stop making her smile. Not to mention that her plan is already in motion. She'd been watching when Danika walked to the backyard to get her clothes and didn't return. Vetta doesn't need to be a seer to know that Karandy must have grabbed his quarry. Poor pregnant woman. And poor Karandy too. Men will always be men, Vetta thought as she turned and began walking outside in search of the king. The useless asshóle might have noticed that there's a loophole in her plan, but lust blindsided him. His obsession of Danika's body has blocked him from seeing every other thing. Including his own doom. "Did you s
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Chapter 91; Last Episode of Part 2.
LAST EPISODE 2. He has wasted so much time because of the fight she put up. So much time. Karandy counted on kidnapping her, drugging her and fûcking her mindless. He never counted on her putting up so much fight, due to her present condition. Watching Danika victoriously after the swallowed the pills, he let go of her neck and watched her with the joy of a cat that caught a mouse on it's trap. Danika began sobbing. She pulled herself from his grasps to get away from him, and he let her. He knows that she will come crawling back. "What did y-you give me?" She croaked, her voice hoarse from being choked twice. "You will find out soon enough." Was his smug response. Danika does not want to be here at all. She wants out of here. She wants away from here! She staggered to her feet and started towards the door...
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PART THREE; Chapter 1
    Name: MY WOMAN. MY POSSESSION. Subtitle: The Rise Of Queen Danika.   ✴️✴️ EXCERPT FROM THE STORY✴️✴️   The whole court stood up when King Lucien entered...except the other Kings who attended.   King Philip. King Valendy. King Moreh. King George.   The four Kings sat watching observingly from their seats. They must be as surprise as Danika is, standing right there in the middle of the court.   She does not know why she is in court today. It filled her with dread to think about it.   She doesn't want to be here. This Royal Court, is a place she doesn't want to stand upon again. Because this place means one thing for her: Her humiliation.   King Lucien took his stand at the front of the courtroom. "I call upon Slave Danika."   Danika's heart skipped three beats. Doing her best to sta
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Pt 3. Chapter 2.
 1058 word(s)Published177 "Guards." He never raised his voice. Never looked at Danika for once. '"Your Majesty!" Three guards behind him answered at the same time, stepping forward. Dread filled Baski. Whatever it is he has to say made her so scared. New tears filled her eyes. "Please, Lucien... Please..." He didn't spare her a glance. "Take the slave to the dungeon. I, King Lucien, sentence Slave Danika to death. She will be hanged on the morning of the fourth day from today, at the square." Baski began crying earnestly. He didn't miss a beat as he continued, "Until that day, she will remain in the dungeon with no food and water." That said, he turned and walked out of the storeroom. "Oh, Heavens!!" Baski cried out in misery, raising both trembling hands to cover her mouth. Vetta felt vic
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