All Chapters of The King, The Prince, and the Last Faerie: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 Chapters
Chapter 21 - History Devin woke me up in the late afternoon, when the sun was starting to sink into the bright rolling clouds. The sky was turning colors, bright pinks, reds, and purples all melting into the light blue painted a perfect end to the day. Devin needed to meet his father for dinner, and he was going to use the opportunity to ask for a little more freedom for me. The thought of finally being allowed out of the blank walls I had been staring at for weeks had me giddy, even if I had to be escorted everywhere. Devin walked me from his room to mine, and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before shutting the door and locking it behind him. The loud metal loudly grinding into place into the lock, as he left me alone. My body was still sore from the past day’s events, and as I lifted my arms to stretch, I caught a whiff of myself and wrinkled my nose.“Time for a much-needed shower.” I said to myself, and moved towards the small bath
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Chapter 22 - Red *Prince Devin’s POV*   Warm light shimmered across my body as it filtered through the dark curtains of my windows. I opened my eyes, slowly taking in the soft shadows that danced across the opposite wall. Swirling and changing colors as the sun was starting to sink lower in the sky. It was probably late in the afternoon, and I had uncharacteristically slept the entire day. I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and looked at a clock that was ticking on the opposite wall. It was only quarter past six, so I still had a little less than an hour before I had to meet my father for dinner. I sighed, and swung my legs off the soft mattress, stretching my arms above my head before standing. I turned to pull the thick comforter back over the pillows, and a small lump caught my attention on the other side of the bed, black hair spilling out from under the blanket in long obsidian waves across the dark silk sheets. My eyes widened
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Chapter 23 - Fear   My heart was beating fast as Devin ripped me through the hallways, terror increasing my breathing as we took staircase after staircase down to the lower levels of the castle. He was looking straight ahead of us, the muscles of his biceps flexed tight in anger, as he held my arm in a steel grasp. I didn’t know what had changed in the hour we had been apart, and by the way he was acting, I was afraid to ask. This wasn’t the prince who had held me tightly through the morning; this was a different kind of monster. If it wasn’t for his telltale blue and brown mismatched eyes, I would think it was a completely different person who was dragging me around so carelessly. It was as if he regressed back to the prince I had originally met in the dungeons, a person full of distrust and hate, calling for my head without asking any questions first. I stumbled over my feet after a particularly quick movement around a corner, and almost fell to the gr
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Chapter 24 - White Time seemed to stand still as I stared back into the unblinking white eyes. My mind screamed for me to move, to get up and run as far away from this creature as possible, but my body stayed frozen in fear stuck to the cold and damp floor. If the creature could sense my alarm, it paid no mind to it, as he continued to analyze me through the darkness. It was close enough that I could feel its putrid breath fanning over me, and I could feel nausea starting to come in waves, although I didn’t know if it was from the fear or smell. “Sssilent, why are you sssilent?” The creature asked, making my eardrums scream at the sharpness of the sound. I watched as its eyes shifted to the side, as if it was tilting its head in confusion. The white eyes glowing in the darkness, just enough for me to see them, but not enough to get a good glimpse at its face. Although, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see what it actually looked lik
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Chapter 25 – Secret “Shut the fucking door, Marcus! Hurry!” The person who was pulling me away from the creatures screamed, and the sound of metal grinding on stone again rang through the room. My eyes snapped open to see the beasts charging at us; stumbling over each other trying to get close enough to sink their disgusting jaws into the closest flesh they could get to. They were running on all fours, arms bending out at a devastating angle every time their knuckles hit the hard stone floor. Their mouths were open wide, long streams of black colored drool dripping from their pointed teeth, and they were screaming; an ear-piercing sound that resonated around the cave, stuck somewhere between human and beast, and so wicked that it made my skin crawl and my heart stop. Their eyes were wide and wild, the milky color adding to the brutal look of them, as they charged forward towards the murderer of their brother. I reached out with the tendrils of
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Chapter 26 - Shifter “She never asked for this, any of it. The only reason she is here is because she didn’t want to be impregnated with one of those deformed creatures.” Moira’s voice was quiet, speaking in hushed and angry tones. “Now she’s getting thrown into a war she doesn’t even know about.”“What do you want me to do Moira? We can’t just smuggle her away from the kingdom. The King will destroy the village looking for his pet.” A gruff male voice said quietly, and I recognized it at Marcus.“She’s not an object.” Moira snapped at him, and grunted in anger. “We can’t just let her continue to be subjected to this abuse.” Silence enveloped to room, and I heard someone shuffle their feet across the ground nervously.“We could take her to the Gold Moon Pack.”  Marcus said quietly, and I heard Moira gasp as if the mention of
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Chapter 27 – Identical   “You can’t think that I would actually fall for that did you Moira?” I snapped at her, and rolled my eyes. “Everyone in the kingdom knows that Devin is an only child. The king’s pride and joy.” I spat, and turned away from her, leaving Moira doe eyed behind me. I stepped back over to one of the chairs, and sunk back into the soft cushions, folding my arms over my chest as I looked at the three people in front of me. All of them looking back at me with their mouths hanging open like fish; stunned at my reaction. “I-‘m not lying!” Moira barked at me, and I raised my eyebrows at her. This day had been too eventful already to throw some mysterious brother into the mix. She wanted to protect her cousin, and I understood that, but making something up about a lost brother was bordering mental. “Alright, Moira. If you’re not lying, then where is he?” I asked with a half-smile on my face, enjoying watching her squirm. She looked a
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Chapter 28 - Threader   “You want to kill the king?” I felt my heart come to a stop in my chest as I watched Simon slowly nod his head at me as if he was explaining it to a child. I looked between Marcus and Moira, looking for some reasoning in the nonsense, but both had a determined glint in their eyes as if there were no other options. “Are you all insane?!” I all but squeaked out, as my voice had gotten so high it was barely there anymore. Droplets of sweat were starting to slide down my forehead, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the heat of the spewing fire, or the consistent rollercoaster of my emotions.   “We’re not insane Aspen. You’ve seen what he is capable of.” Moira said stiffly, and Marcus nodded his head to agree with her; both of their faces grim with solid understanding. “Did you already forget about the law that sent you here in the first place?” Nausea turned my stomach at the thought of the fate that I just had just ba
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Chapter 29 – Again   Moira and I slid silently through the halls of the castle. Listening intently for any sudden noises or footsteps, and moving as quickly as we could without being spotted. The sun was just starting to set, and deep orange light was cascading thick shadows over the stone. We were moving back towards the cave of the lost children, and even though it was late enough that most of the staff had gone home for the night; there were still many guards milling about the castle.  They had kept me in the hidden infirmary room for the twenty-four hours I was supposed to be with the children, as we prepared a plan. It wasn’t anywhere near perfect, or really a good plan at all, but it was all we could do with the little information that we had. It consisted of very few, but precise steps that could either save the entire kingdom or get all of us slaughtered. Either way we wouldn’t have to see what was to come, and I was beginning to accept eith
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Chapter 30 - Nightmare White hands were reaching for me through the darkness, as I ran down a long hallway. The sickening smell of death followed me, and I gagged as I tried to move as quickly as I could away from the beast. My foot caught on an uneven stone, and I stumbled and fell to the floor, landing hard on my side. I scrambled to get back up and keep moving, but was not quick enough, as thin bony fingers wrapped themselves around my ankle and dug sharp claws into the soft skin.“We found you.” The voice high pitched, and blood curling. As a monstrous face with white eyes appeared from the darkness behind me. I screamed, and clawed on the stone underneath me, but it was no use as it began to drag me towards its lithe figure. Opening its wide mouth into a guttural laugh; sharp teeth gnashing together in victory. My heart was beating fast as I fought to get away; reaching to pull on the gnarled fingers, but they had too tight of a grip arou
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