All Chapters of The King, The Prince, and the Last Faerie: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
56 Chapters
Horror Novel
Chapter 41 – Horror Novel We ran for what seemed like hours, always on the road and never in the woods. When the sun finally dipped down into late afternoon, my entire body ached and sweat poured down my limbs from the sun beating down on us. My hands were shaking with the effort of gripping onto Simon’s mane, and my head was still spinning from the accident.As Simon came to a slow trot, and then a stop, I took a second to look around us. The road stretched out for miles, barren and empty as it had been since we had left the shadows, and Moira behind us. The forest continued to stretch itself out on either side of the roadway, but now it seemed less ominous, and more of an invitation to come and sit under its shaded trees. Simon had taken every twist and turn he could find, leaving us not only in the middle of nowhere, but also far from the path that we were supposed be following before.I slid from his back, slowly lowering myself to
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Chapter 42 - Crow*Marcus* The sun had fell hours before, leading into the dark and damp night. My footsteps just barely sounded through the large stone hallway as I moved swiftly through the maze of corridors that lead to the infirmary. A puzzling message from the doctor had set me on edge, and I had to wait be to separated from the prince to move towards the meeting room.The crow is here – F.T.That’s all it had said. My mind had quickly flashed to the small, short brown-haired girl that had been invading my dreams for the last couple nights. Her timid smile and playful brown eyes setting my heart on fire even though she was a hundred miles away. Watching her leave in that car, dust flying behind the tires, was almost crippling as I was left behind. It was as if the softest parts of me left with her, leaving only the broken solider behind. The only thing keeping me here was the thought of her being safe as far away from her un
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The Farmer
Chapter 43 – The Farmer Every crunch and crack through the woods had me on edge as I travelled alone down the road. It had been hours, or had at least felt like hours, since Simon had left me with some vague instructions and a pat on the head. What I wouldn’t give right now to be able to sprout wings and take off in whatever direction I chose. Instead, I’m stuck walking down an empty road, in a heat so thick that every part of my body had a thick sheen of sweat covering it. I’m sure that if I could catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, my hair would be sticking out in every direction, the curls springing around my head from the heat as they attempted to escape their prison that was the ponytail. Not that I had anyone to impress anyway.I knew I was getting close to the little town Simon had told me about when the forest began to give way to large open fields, and large cattle roamed around wooden fences. Small houses began to appe
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Chapter 44 - Return*Simon*He should have been here by now.I paced back and forth through the shadows of the woods. It was easy to find the spot on the road where Keagan and Moira had been taken, even though wrecked car we had abandoned had already been taken away by whatever authority patrolled these roads. Large skid marks from sliding tires ran across the hot pavement, and a chill in the air left from the ghosts of the vampires led me right to where I should have been meeting Keagan.Leaves crackled under my dark boots, as I wore a slow path on the soft earth beneath them. The doctor was clear on his plan. He would approach the rouge pack, offer his services, and when they accepted and let their guard down, he would set off a sort of silver bomb of his own creation. Causing hopefully enough mass chaos that it would give him enough time to free Keagan and send him my way. He had left three days prior, and I was supposed to have Keagan in my custody th
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Chapter 45 – Drip   Drip. Drip. Drip. The sound of water hitting stone echoed through my ears, and I struggled to lift my heavy eyelids. It felt as though someone had placed hundred-pound padlocks on them, locking them closed. Drip. Drip. Drip. Moisture misted my face, and I could feel the soft droplets as they travelled down my forehead. My mind was fuzzy, swirls of colors dancing through my head as I attempted to organize them into neat piles that made some semblance of sense. Drip. Drip. Drip. I could feel something scratchy brushed up against my cheek, like I was laying on an old burlap sack. Funny, as I felt like as though I was a sack of potatoes laying in a cold cellar. A loud bang boomed around me, and my eyes fluttered, still unable to open, but more movement than I was able to pull from them. I couldn’t place what the loud sound was, but my head was spinning, and I was sure I could slip right back into un
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Chapter 46 - How “There you are.” Devin growled, flashing his straight and white teeth at me menacingly. His arm lashed out before I could get a grasp on what was happening, and grabbed my forearm in a bruising grip. I whimpered at the sudden pain, and tried to pull my arm from his grasp, but he was over twice my size, and it was like fighting against a brick wall. He ripped me towards him, pressing my body tightly to his side before leaning down to whisper into my ear. “Be a good girl,” he purred in my ear, “it’s time to go home.”He turned on his heel with me in tow, dragging me along the farmhouse floor towards the open front door. A girl, no older than I was, was standing in the entryway with her mouth hung slightly open gaping at us. Her dull blood hair pulled into two tight braids at her crown, and her face spattered with freckles gave her and innocent look to her, but we both knew she had been another hand
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Almost There
Chapter 47The only bonus of being kidnapped by a creepy psycho farmer and his evil spawn, is that we were only minutes from the border of the Gold Moon packs land. So, when an opening appeared in the dense clearing of woods we had been driving past, it had only felt like second before that Simon and Keagan had saved me from the little farm house. Simon pulled tight under one of the many low hanging trees, nuzzling the truck into the soft grass at the base of its large knotty trunk. He turned the key, and the rumbling of the engine died in the air, leaving only soft sounds of the creatures chittering in the dark forest that was laid out in front of us.“How did they know who I was?” I questioned to no one, thinking aloud to myself. It had been a burning itch in my mind since we peeled away from the farm, and the thought that even so far away I could be found; had me squirming in the soft leather of my seat.“Probably this.” Simon shrugged at me, and reached into the visor above his he
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Not An Apology
Chapter 48 – Not an ApologyDarkness has come upon us quickly. We had made it to the line of the Gold Moon pack an hour before sundown, and Simon suggested we wait until morning to go an speak with the Alpha. Not wanting to agree with anything he said, I opposed, but Keagan had agreed with him. Thus, leaving me the odd man out in the decision.We walked about a mile back from line, and tucked ourselves under a thick section of pine trees that had long and spindly branches that brushed against the soft ground. It wasn’t a bed or a hot shower, but it provided some semblance of shelter and coverage from anyone who may happen to be hiking through. I had pushed myself as far from Simon as I could go, placing as much space as I could between us in the small area. Curling myself into a small ball against one of the sappy trunks, and covering myself with a sweatshirt that Keagan had pulled from his backpack. We weren’t able to light a fire, as to not attract the unwanted attention, but I co
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Meet the Alpha
Chapter 49 – Meet the AlphaWe were surrounded before Keagan’s words had sunk in. Six wolves of varying colors, each one larger than the next one, had moved in to block any chance of escaping.“Thanks for the heads-up” Simon said under his breath. He had pushed me behind him in an effort to place himself between me and the wolves, but failing as two wolves moved in behind me.“I tried, but I was racing wolves who have been allowed to run much longer than I have.” Keagan snapped back at Simon, the irritation in his voice obvious at he back into the two of us to tighten our small circle.“Now is not the time you two.” I growled at both of them. The wolves were tightening their circle, teeth snapping and hair raised as they moved on silent paws towards us.A gray wolf with blue eyes moved in almost close enough to touch my arm, its hot breath fanning across my skin, and causing goosebumps to rise on the base flesh. I flinched back away from it, nerves fluttering through my belly, and my
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The Gate
Chapter 50 – The GateWe travelled in a tight group through the darkening woods; Terran’s pack spread out around us in a defensive circle. Most of their wolves choosing to stick with their fur and teeth, rather than walk on two legs next to us. The few of them that had changed stood close to Terran, surveying every move we made as we walked closely behind the Alpha. Terran had paid them no mind though, and had kept Keagan next to him, speaking in quiet hushed whispers, as if their very presence would disturb the forest itself.“The pack village is only about a mile from here. Normally it’s much faster on four legs.” Terran spared us a glance, and small tilt of his lips. “We should be there in about ten minutes.”I nodded back at him, and he turned towards Keagan, keeping on the conversation that was too quiet for my ears to pick up. “Well,” I started, and looked up towards Simon’s face; his sapphire eyes glancing quickly to mine. “We aren’t dead yet.”I had meant it as a joke, but wa
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