All Chapters of Penelope : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
JAMIE My day started with a disaster!! I over slept my 7am alarm by 45 minutes, which meant my usual morning routine of calmness before an 8hr shift at The Ritz, turned into a huge rush around.  I was rushing from one room to another while Penelope sat calmly in her highchair, munching on some Cheerios. Between getting us both dressed, feeding Penelope and packing her things for the day ahead, I had already worked up a sweat.  I was late for work!! I looked down at my silver watch, that my Mom had gifted me for my birthday."No, I'm extremely late for work! Let's go, Penelope."I picked Penelope up in my arms, with two bags over my shoulder and I left my house in a hurry. My day didn't get any better from there. Work was more hectic than usual and Carmen came down wi
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JAMIE I walked out of The Ritz and into the lashing rain, with the feeling of dread for what was about to come. Mason Knight was never one to make my life easy, today was no different.  He turned on the sidewalk and looked at me. I was surprised that he didn't wait under shelter like any normal human being. No, he was stood with the rain pouring down on him, drenched with a pissed off expression on his face."You took your time." Ten minutes tops, but I'm sure it felt like forever for him. I know how impatient he can be. He doesn't like waiting around on anyone, that's what the expression is for. That and the guy he seen me kissing. "Sorry.."I apologised, I don't know why. Mason didn't deserve an apology, not that I was even sorry anyway."So you said that you wanted to talk?" Make it quick, I thought! "Yeah!"He r
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JAMIE  Ethan and I walked through the lobby of The Ritz after a quick lunch and a catch up before we both headed back to work. With Carmens wedding only two weeks away, we had our own planning to do.  Ethan isn't going to Carmens bachelorette party so it's just us girls. He's going to Brent's instead, even though he isn't keen on the idea. He doesn't particularly like Brent, but he can't say as much to Carmen. I'm sure she'd pretty much disown us.  I guess we can't really blame her for that. I don't think I'd be happy either, if my best friends didn't like the man in my life. As hard as it might be sometimes, we need to get along with Brent for this to work.  "Are you sure you don't mind?"Ethan asked.
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JAMIE I was sat across the dinner table from Jack at a cute little restaurant. We were midway through our main course and I was feeling thankfully that there has been no shortage of conversation between us so far.  "I didn't know that you were a vegetarian, Jamie. I'm impressed.. Honestly. I don't suppose you eat fish, Do you?" "Not since I was younger. Some vegetarians eat fish, I choose not to. I don't miss meat really.. I mean except for when I was p..."I stopped myself before saying anymore. Of course that got a look from Jack.  "Except for when you were what?"He asked.  I didn't tell him about Penelope. I don't really know why I didn't, perhaps it's because telling Jack about my daughter means that I have to tell him about Mason. I w
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MASON I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen. Still no reply! She didn't even bother to return my call. Does she really think she can just ignore me, especially when I'm staying at the hotel she fucking works in.  I walked into the hotel with no intention of going straight to my suite. I wanted to talk to her — and I was going to try to be nice about it since I was planning on asking her for a favour.  She wasn't at the reception desk, a blonde woman was. It was a little after lunch, so I expect she would still be here. The blonde woman smiled as I got closer."Hi Mr Knight, what can I do for you?" "I'm looking for Jamie. Can you tell me where she is?"I asked, nicely in fact. The door to the back office was open slightly and I couldn't see her inside. That's usually where she is.
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 JAMIE I tied some pink and white balloons from the tree in my back garden. There was an array of round white tables with four chairs across my lawn, and on top they were decorated perfectly with pink and white roses.  I got down from the ladder and looked around my garden with a smile. A balloon arch we had placed around the double back door to my garden first thing this morning, the doors were open and I could smell my Moms cooking. She's been here since the early hours cooking up a storm.  Carmen was here to help out, or so she says. She's spent more time hugging and kissing Penelope than anything else, not that I minded. I loved that she loved my daughter so much. She's so good with her. I'm sure she will make a good mother.. someday!  I turn
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JAMIE He held my hand as we walked into the club. With drunk people dancing around us I was definitely feeling out of my comfort zone. It's been awhile since I've been in a nightclub, it just wasn't my scene anymore. Jack seemed happy that we were here though, this was all his idea.  "Are you excited to meet my friends?"He asked. He seemed excited about it, but for me I was just feeling nervous.  "Sure, I can't wait!" "There they are.."He was leading the way through the crowd towards the people sitting at the high table.  Jack met my family and so he thought it seemed fitting that I meet his friends. I was nervous about meeting a group of new people, especially since I wasn't sure if we were there yet in our relationship. Things seem to b
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MASON  The Mercer deal was falling through just like I knew it would, which meant that I was left to pick up the pieces. This is the type of shit that happens when I leave someone else in charge of business. They fuck it up!! If I have to take a flight to fucking Chicago, I'm going to make sure that Eoin is coming too.  I father didn't show Eoin the ropes when it came to business, at least not well enough in my book. I'll show him what it takes to run this company.. to run my company.  I knocked on his door and waited impatiently. It was early on a Saturday morning, a day off for us both, but if I have to drag him out of his bed I will. The door opened and he looked surprised to see me."Mason.. What's up?" "The Mercer deal is falling through.."He opened the door wider and
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JAMIE  I pulled my car up into my parent's driveway after getting off the phone with my mom just ten minutes previous. They wanted to talk with me, what about I don't know yet, but here I am with Carmen and Penelope. We have a girlie day of shopping planned after this.  I grabbed a sleepy Penelope from her car seat and the three of us went inside. My parent's home was always bright and airy, windows open and fresh flowers on display ALWAYS! Sometimes I miss my days of living at home, the easy life, that is until I remember how my Dad was always on my case about the whole dating thing.  NO BOYS IN THIS HOUSE!!   YOU'RE NOT WEARING THAT THING IN PUBLIC! 
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JAMIE I was stood in my living room watching out my front window for his car. It was a quarter past three and Jack was supposed to be here any minute. I needed to have this conversation with him, not in public but alone.  It's hard for me to believe that I've made this mistake with a man once again. I put too much trust in him too quick. I let him into my life — into my daughter's life! How could I be so stupid! I regret that now! I regret a lot of things!  Perhaps I should've remained single. Maybe I'm supposed to be alone — maybe I'm supposed to end up being that old lady with the 50 cats and no husband. I thought Jack was a good guy, but in the end, he was the worst of the worst. I found it hard to trust before and he fooled me — I can't do that again.
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