All Chapters of Penelope : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
JAMIE Mason walked into my home like he owned the place. He was pissed, that much I could tell by the look on his face. Usually, he doesn't call by unannounced. Something is up! Carmen sat forward on the couch, surprised to see Mason and not a pizza in my hands. She too looked at his face and knew that something was going on, he had that pissed off expression.  "We didn't know that you were stopping by, Mason. Jamie and I  were having a girls night!"Carmen said, making sure that Mason knew that he was interpreting our evening.  "We thought you were the delivery guy!"I smiled, but it was clear that not even my smile could crack that look of anger."So what's going on?" "I need to talk to you... In private. Let's take this outside."He walked
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MASON Rage! That's exactly what I was feeling while I stood in front of his apartment door. I had to bribe the doorman just to let me inside, but no matter the cost I would've forked out anyway.  I didn't know how I was going to approach this situation... I didn't have a plan either! I banged on his door for a second time, waiting for him to answer. I'm not going away! I'll stay here all night if I have to.  I can't believe this is what my life has come to. Banging on another man's door because he messed with the mother of my child. The woman that I can't get over no matter how hard I try.  My hand was braced against the frame of the door when it finally unlocked and opened. I saw his face, the face of a NO GOOD MAN and I felt furious.
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JAMIE His towel was hanging low on his hips covering a part of him that I haven't seen in a very long time. His body wasn't one that I had forgotten, nor anyone else that had seen it before me I'm sure. Mason Knight is the image of perfection, like a Greek god just with a shitty attitude!  I almost wanted to scream because he was standing before me in a towel dripping wet, and for the first time since he's come back into my life I didn't hate the sight of him. "Where are you going?"He asked.  "Um, home. I have laundry to do."Oh my god! Did I just say that? Instead of staying here with you, I'm going home alone to wash clothes and do a crapload of ironing. Great! I think I've become boring!"And um, I have other things to do also."   "
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MASON When I drove up to her house I noticed the police car parked out front. It took me roughly 15 minutes to get to her and they got here faster. I rushed out of work in the middle of a meeting, leaving Eoin to handle it alone. Desperate times call for desperate measures.  She was scared, It was something that couldn't wait. I can't believe that guy was in her fucking house. Coming back to New York I planned to start over with Jamie, I didn't plan on having to deal with some obsessed psycho.  I left my car and walked into her home. Jamie was standing in the living area, holding Penelope while chatting to the same policeman that took me in earlier.  "I told you this was him. Jack broke in here and stole them."She didn't look scared like she sounded on the ph
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JAMIE   "What's it like waking up to that big cock?"Was the first thing that Carmen asked me when she arrived at my door bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. It was the first laugh of many that we're going to have today. Today is the Bachelorette party!!  Months of planning has gone into this, my hard work to make it perfect for Carmen. Today has been filled with laughs and many glasses of champagne. We spent the day at the spa, which was my treat to her as her maid of honour. Afterwards, we had afternoon tea at The Ritz, followed by a makeup and hair appointment. Now we're standing in my bedroom rushing to get ready for dinner with everyone in thirty minutes.  "It's been a while since we've been out like this, just us
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JAMIE Jack!! Why is he here? He's at this bar the same time as I am, surely it's not a coincidence. It can't be a coincidence! I wonder has he been following me?  It made me feel on edge, the fact that he was stood in front of me and I would have to talk to him. I really thought I knew him, but I was wrong. He broke into my house... He has a recording of me naked. I should be angry... Not scared!! "It's weird seeing you here, Jamie. I'm just out celebrating with some friends from work. I got that promotion after." He's acting like we're okay and nothing ever happened, like he didn't record me naked in his apartment. Fucking Ass!!"Good for you."I replied, sarcastically and turned for the door. What friends is he talking about? I didn't see anyone with him.  "Jamie w
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JAMIE "I can't believe the wedding is tomorrow."I grinned as I grabbed the bags from the booth of Mason's fancy car. I couldn't help but notice how unexcited he was to be here."Aren't you excited?" "Well, it's not as if I'm getting married, Jamie." Well no because you're not the marrying type, remember. I thought about saying but decided not to. I think it'll cause more harm than good. As far as he's concerned, I don't have a problem with it.  "I'm excited! Carmen is my best friend and she's getting married tomorrow. If she's happy then so am I."I picked up a bag and hung it from my shoulder.  Mason pulled out the last medium-sized suitcase and closed the booth."I'm excited that I get to spend the weekend with you."He closed the distance between us and set his lips on mine."Do you plan
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MASON I dialled Jamie's number for the third time, but just like the last two, there was no answer. I've grown impatient waiting for her for the past 30 minutes. I wish she would just pick up her phone for once, it's not as if she's never on it.  Where is she? "Jamie, Where are you? I've been here waiting for you for awhile now. Just call me back — or come back to the room would be even better."I hung up the phone and sat on the bed with a sigh.  I lit 50 fucking candles for nothing!!  It was 10 minutes later before the door to the hotel room opened and I heard her heels on the floorboards. I got up from the bed and walked out of the room."Jamie..." She walked into the living area and threw her bag down on the c
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JAMIE "She's not even here. I knew you were lying. Did you even tell her at all?"I turned my head and asked him.  Brent walked towards me in a way that made me feel intimidated so I took a couple of steps back. He boxed me against the wall."Did you really think I was going to tell her? I'm not going to lose everything because of one mistake." "It's not one mistake. You've cheated on her more than once." He smirked."Oh really, And what makes you think that?"He waited for my reply but I didn't give him one."I'm guessing Mason has something to do with it." "I wish there was nothing to tell. You can't blame me because you cheated on her. She deserves to know the truth, Brent." "What makes you think she's going to believe anything you say, huh? I didn't want to do this because you're her friend but you've given me no
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JAMIE  The clock ticked closer to 5 pm, closer to the end of the workday. The thought of a long hot bath with a naked man has kept me going the entire day.  Speaking of a naked man, Mason is picking me up in 15 minutes as per his orders. He doesn't want me being out alone so I'm basically escorted everywhere I go. He's lucky he's gorgeous — otherwise, I might not stick up with his crappy rules! "I'm leaving now, Jamie," Sam said, as he walked around the reception desk. He was pulling his jacket on over his work uniform."We should plan something soon — I haven't seen much of you lately." "Sure, Text me. We can work something out." "See you tomorrow then. Don't forget it's your turn to bring the coffee and doughnuts."He shouted back and winked at me. I chuckled, but that laug
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