All Chapters of Penelope : Chapter 31 - Chapter 35
35 Chapters
MASON  I took hold of her wavy blonde hair wrapping it around my hand, thrusting harder and faster as we both drew closer. I was watching her in the floor-length mirror in the corner of the room, her facial expression of enjoyment every time I slammed into her from behind and the way her breasts moved with every thrust.  I never expected to be doing this on my lunch break, but the opportunity presented itself and I couldn't resist. Despite the 2 pm meeting that I'm probably going to be late for, I couldn't stop myself!  I reached my hand around rubbing her clit and causing her to moan even louder. I was still holding her little black thong to the side of her toned ass with my other hand.  "Fuck!!"I groaned, unable to contain how turned on I was t
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JAMIE Sid and Barb had renewed their wedding vows in a rustic style ceremony and now the party was in full swing. The band was playing sweet music on the stage, while couples danced on the lit up dance floor in front of it.  The garden was lit up with fairy lights above us and amongst the trees and  tables of 6 were scattered to the sides of the dance floor for those who wanted to sit and chat.  It was late evening now and the sun was beginning to set, bringing an end to the perfect day that Barb and Sid had been planning for months. All this effort that they put into this special day and it goes by so quick. Over the years I've heard many brides express how that didn't enjoy their own wedding, that it went by so fast and there was too much stress. I didn't w
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MASON Was this it for us? I was sitting behind my desk for what felt like a lifetime, my body was aching from sitting in the same position for hours on end. I haven't left my office since midday. My laptop screen was in front of me, I was trying to work but I couldn't. All I could think about was her.  Her hair, her lusciously plump lips, her eyes so big and brown. With or without clothes she was perfect either way.  Two nights out of her bed and I'm fucking sleep deprived. Usually, Jamie would rest with her head on my chest and the majority of the time that's the way it would stay until the sun rose. Now I sleep alone and I don't like it.  I threw my pen down on my desk and reclined back in my chair. My head is fucked. I can't do anythin
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JAMIE "Mom-Mom!"I called out as I walked through her hallway towards the kitchen. I heard nothing back. Usually, I would hear the clattering of plates as she put them away in the cupboard or her singing along with the radio so loud she wouldn't hear me.  Where is she? I walked into the kitchen and no one was in sight, which was very unusual for the Harris household. I walked further towards the kitchen island and pulled out my phone to call her.  My Mom's car is parked out front, she wouldn't usually go out without her car because her knees get sore if she walks a long distance. She wouldn't be with my father, he's in work at this hour. Her phone rang aloud and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I instantly had a bad feeling, you know when you can just sense that something
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JAMIE  Oh my God, I could just die. Was what I thought when I looked at myself in the mirror. I was rocking a red dress that was a little below the knee and trying my best to contain my exciting emotions.  Dinner with Mason.  I was excited about tonight, I was excited about seeing him after our few days apart. Those days felt like forever. A part of me was really worried about how this dinner will go. We didn't exactly leave things off on a good note when he left so I still don't know where we stand. "That dress looks stunning on you. Red is so your colour."Sara grinned."I think you should accessorise with gold. Those two work really well together." "Let's move onto shoes next then."I turned and looked in the mirror again. I hope he likes
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