All Chapters of The man behind the Artistic smile : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
363 Chapters
Hey there Handsome,
'' Are you going to divorce your wife like that? I mean, aren't you both close to each other?'' Noir asked. The waiter came and brought the food. '' Yes, but not so physically or emotionally. We don't even share one bed. And I would've had a hard time thinking of divorce if it was some time ago. But I have found something now,'' he confessed. '' What? What made you take this drastic decision like this in such a short time?''. '' I have seen divorce papers which she's hiding very much carefully. Even she wants to divorce me, that's what helped me make this decision. We both seem to be fed up with each other. So it's better if I help her and leave her life when she's strong enough to stand on her own. I am just working as a ladder or steps, which will help her to reach her aim and goal.'' Noir's eyes squinted as she was feeling down hearing that. '' Listen,'' she went to sit by his side. '' If you ever feel down I am with you. Don't worry about a
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Staying over
Elise had her heartbroken, Robin is trying to break down his life. He will leave Lucy eventually. By the time Elise was awake, it was evening. In that bar. She looked up and saw him drinking something. '' Oh, when did I fell asleep?'' she asked him. Her vision was blurry and her voice was on the edge of breaking apart from too much drinking. '' While you were talking,'' he replied reaching out his hand to her. She looked at his face and watched it for a while. '' Did you waited for me?'' she asked him. '' Yeah, I can't leave my drunk friend behind can I? Get up, we have to leave.'' She smiled. '' You are a strange guy aren't you?'' she said taking his hand. They paid the bill and gets out of the bar. On the way she asked,'' Do you think I can....'' she looked at her feet. '' You can what?'' he asked. Then fixed his collar. '' Can I....go to your house with you? I don't want to be able for now and I live a little bit away. My parent
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Trouble heading her way
It was on the same night. Lucy and Elise had gone to sleep. But Elise couldn't sleep at all. She had been thinking about Robin. When Lucy fell asleep she gets up from the bed to check upon him. She sneakily went to the door. Then peeked behind at Lucy again. She was in a deep sleep. Elise walked out of the room. She looked around and somehow stumbled upon the room which she hadn't seen before. It was the room where Robin draws. She opened the door. Then saw a figure inside, it was Robin. She stepped in without thinking. He was drawing as if he was enchanted by the painting. As if he could look at nothing but the painting itself. There was a man there along with a woman there. She seems to have forgotten about the man there. They both had a sad look on their face. '' Is that man resembling you and the woman Miss Lucy?'' she asked him. '' Who?'' he looked back to see her there. '' What are you doing here?'' he asked her. 
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Robin went inside and closed the door behind him. Inside it sat a woman, in her thirties. '' So how may I help you? And who are you?'' asked the woman taking out a cigarette from her pockets. '' I am Robin, I am here on behalf of my wife Lucy Campbell,'' Robin said in a pleasing tone. '' Take a seat, I don't want you to keep standing.'' Robin sits in front of her. '' So your wife what's her name? Lucy, What are you here to tell me about her?''. She had already figured out why he came here. Her years of experience and knowledge in the business world had led her to understand how people think. Robin had an ulterior motive for coming here. '' Yes, my wife was supposed to get the tender for the new project. May I know why she was removed from it?'' Robin was being blunt here. He was not going to back out anytime soon. That woman looked at him from the corner of her eyes. '' I don't remember doing such a thing. Are you tell
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Hughes came inside the door without any invitation and he growled at Min Lee,'' What are you doing here? Wasn't I supposed to receive the tender? Then why are you here to meet Lucy?''. He banged on the table loudly. Min Lee took off her glasses then replied,'' I am sorry to inform you. But I have already sent a mail saying that we will give the tender to Miss Lucy instead of Hughes. You should check your spam folder.'' Blood was running to his head now. He glared at Min Lee in response. '' How could you do this?'' he yelled at her. '' Oh, Mr.Hughes, it's not like we signed the contract so I can do whatever I want to here. You may go back we are in the middle of a meeting here,'' Min Lee replied. '' What? There's no way you can do that. You don't know what I can do. You haven't forgotten about your past did you?'' he yelled. '' No, I haven't but you won't be able to put pressure on me like this. I hope you refrain from your behavior like this. P
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His birthday planning
It was the following month. Lucy was checking the files all of a sudden he noticed the date. '' Wait, tomorrow is his birthday? I need to prepare something for him shouldn't I?'' Lucy thought in her mind. But he doesn't like celebrating his birthday that much. What should Lucy do now?  She thought of several plans but everything came to added-end thinking,'' What if he doesn't like it?''. It was after that she went to the office. And kept thinking of plans. Then Chelsa advised that Lucy should wish him at midnight then he might be happy. Lucy kept that plan in her mind. She's going to buy the cake on the way that was her plan. Meanwhile back at her home, Someone called Robin. '' Hello.'' '' Greetings my son, do you know what's the day tomorrow?'' asked his dad in an ecstatic tone. '' What's the day?'' he asked. '' Your birthday, how can you forget about it? This is the first birthday we will be able to celebrate in a while. Wo
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His birthday party p1
It was the morning the next day. Lucy had gone to the office. Robin was in the house. Lucy had promised before going that she will Come back soon to celebrate her birthday. Robin had promised to wait for her or come back soon. He took out the picture of his mom that he had been hiding away under his bed all these days from Lucy. He only looks at them when his birthday comes. Then he puts it back again.  He treats it like an heirloom. Like the old antique, but she was more important to him than that. As it was his special day, Lucy had handed him a paper saying," He needs to do all the things that he wants to. He doesn't need to do any housework at all." He was smiling to himself looking at it. It was then he received the call. It was from Noir. She wants to take him out. He had declined the offer but felt bad so he agreed to go.She came to his house to pick him up. Afterwards, they went together. Noir took him out to their
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His birthday party p2
In their primary school, Robin was able to feel nostalgic about his old days. His childhood was the only Period in his life where he had made one of the best memories. Though he can't say that the Timothy orphanage is bad to him either. This is like the place where he can never get enough out of. It was the only he learned to paint. But his dad was against it, still, he used to paint. It was the only thing that kept him going. Even as a little child he was able to understand people's feelings. What they think and what they try to say. He had no problem thinking that his mom is always insulted by his grandpa.Though his mom tried to keep the matter secret she wasn't able to do that. Robin is always careful about what people around him might think of him. He acts after thinking of every possible way.When they walked inside the classrooms Robin could recall the times they spent together. "There were you and me and everyone. It was the best perio
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Plan ruined
Chelsa wasn't able to understand what Kevin was saying. Lucy gets up and walks to him. '' But I had submitted them properly. Was there any mistake in it?'' she asked him. '' Problem? Just take a look at it,'' he throws the paper at her. Lucy picked them up and saw that all the papers were dipped into paint and there were scribbles on the paper. Lucy was horrified by this. How can this happen to her? She made sure that there are no more faults in it and this happened?.But how did this happen? Meanwhile, Olivia was standing at the door she was smiling to herself. '' You deserve this Lucy." "I hope you will not forget that this is an important project. Please do something about it. You have to do everything from the scratch right now and submit this before the day is over. Or you can do overtime also. But I want this over by today," Kevin left after saying that.Lucy was shocked by this. Chelsa patted her on the back to assure her. "I will also
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A sense of loneliness
 Lucy came home with a happy feeling in her heart that she will be able to celebrate with Robin. '' I am home,'' she yelled ringing the doorbell. But no one came to get the door. '' Strange? Is he asleep?'' she saw that the door was open. So she went inside. She walked towards the living room and saw no one there. She searched for him in the whole house but there was no one there. Robin left. She looked at her watch it was over eight pm. '' He went to his dad? Without telling me about it?'' she felt a pain striking at her heart with the thought of it. He was supposed to go meet him but he could've at least wait for her, couldn't he?. She sits onto the couch as the bags dropped from her hands. She was feeling cornered and lonely. When all the bad thoughts in the world were filling her whole she decided to discard her thoughts regarding this matter.She stands up and cheers herself up by saying,'' I am not alone. Even if he's not here
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