All Chapters of The man behind the Artistic smile : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
363 Chapters
Her dad's surgery
In a while, Lucy was on the way to the hospital. But the crowd was too much today. People and cars were making a traffic jam. Lucy kept staring at her clock. It's soon going to be the time the operation starts.  The sound of the horns buzzing and the hot weather and the sweat trickling down her forehead made it hard for her to breathe. It was then her phone was ringing. Her mom calling.  She can't pick it up now. '' I will be getting off,'' Lucy said opening the door she started running from the pavement. '' If nothing is going to work, I will just run.''  It took more than thirty minutes for her to reach the hospital. She ran up to the elevator and appeared in front of the surgery room. '' Dad,'' she called out in a panting tone. Robin was comforting Lucy's mom sitting in front of the seat of the surgery theatre.  They notice Lucy when she called. She goes up to them. Robin noticed how much sweaty she was. What she had worn undern
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Stealing charges
It was the next following day, Lucy was back at work. She talked over to the finance department. The workers for the new project need to be paid. Just when she was about to go to the department, Chelsa came from behind. She had a very much worried look on her face. '' What's wrong?'' Lucy asked. '' I am the one who should ask you that. How did the surgery go to? I haven't been able to hear anything from you after that. Why didn't you call me?''. '' I forgot, but he's alright now. I am sorry for not calling you,'' Lucy apologized while walking. '' I am glad, where are you going now?'' she asked Lucy. '' To the finance department. I need to ask the team leaders how much money they will be giving to the workers. Then pay them one by one. So, talk to you later.'' '' Oh, your siblings. I don't want to accompany you. Excuse me,'' Chelsa left saying that. Lucy somewhat felt better than she was worried about her. Her team members are starting to be her
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Lucy was on the verge of breaking out in tears. '' I did nothing here. Please believe me, I didn't steal the money or anything. Why would I steal the money? What will I be doing with it? I would never steal money from the company. I could never do something like this.'' she kept yelling. Julia stepped in between them. '' You need a motive? Then...what about your dad? Didn't he had the operation done yesterday? Heart surgery requires money. Who gave you a large amount of money? I know better than anyone that Grandpa didn't give you one. Then who gave it?''. '' Yeah, you needed money, that's why you stole it accept it. You needed it to save your dad accept it,'' Olivia retorted. '' No, I didn't I didn't take the money. I didn't...'' Lucy kept pleading. '' Do you have any proof against her?'' Nick asked. Gray nods. '' We do have,'' he turns to Kevin. '' When was the money withdrawn yesterday?''. Kevin checked the files in
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Who stole the money?
''  Whatever she does, it's proved that she's the one who stole the money. No point in defending for her,'' Olivia said with a smirk. '' Right, a thief will always remain a thief no matter what you do. Stop trying to save her,'' Julia said placing her hand on Lucy's shoulder. '' You better confess soon or else it will go out of hand,'' she whispered in her ears. Robin slapped off her hand from there. Then smiled at her. '' I think Lucy can defend herself. Lucy, are you the only one who was in charge of this?'' Robin asked. '' Well...yes...''. '' No one else was part of this? No one else? Someone who you can remember?''. '' What are you trying to do? She was the one who was responsible solely,'' Olivia roars at her. Gray said something to his subordinate there. He left the place. But James stands in front of him stopping him from leaving. '' Well...I was the only one who was given the task. But yesterday, he met wi
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Going on a business trip
It was one week later, Kevin had called Lucy and others to arrive at the officer during lunch. Lucy's dad was starting to get well in a while. Robin used to take care of him. Lucy was somewhat curious about the reason why he had called them to assemble. Lucy still avoids others in the office. When everyone had gathered, Kevin came with a good attitude and a file in his hands. '' Can you tell me the reason why you called us right after lunch? I don't feel like moving after eating,'' complained Olivia. '' Yeah, I was not done with my nails also. Why do you like making trouble for us?'' Julia remarks with a pout. '' Everyone quiets down What I am going to say is going to cheer you up. Wanna hear it?'' Kevin asked drawing a lot of attention to himself.'' What is it?'' Gray asked taking out his phone checking something. '' That's...'' he showed them the file. Lucy was also watching eagerly. '' A business trip, Now who's interested in a trip
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Last moment change
Lucy had gone to sleep early as she had to wake up before time. When she had woken up it was already seven. She noticed that Robin was sleeping as well. Watching at the clock she was able to understand that she has only one more hour to leave. She called Robin also to wake up. When she was dressing up he received a call. '' Who's calling me at this hour?''. Checking the name on the screen. It was Chelsa. '' What does she need right now? Hello,'' she picked up. '' Yes, why did you called?''. Hearing everything from her she sits down on the bed and the phone calls from her hands. Robin came inside the room asking what cloth she might be wearing right now. '' Lucy, I have pressed them what would you be wearing?'' he asked without watching her. As she was not answering he asked again,'' If you don't answer it will be hard for me to choose your dress, Hurry up please.'' '' What-'' he watched her sitting onto the bed helplessly with the
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Arrival at London
After landing they arrive at the hotel set for them. They carried their luggage. The hotel where they stayed was close to Big Ben and the Parliament. With a little bit away from Buckingham Palace. Olivia was quite pleased with the hotel and the accessories. They were waiting at the counter. Julia went first with her team member Vivian. Then Gray with Tyler, Hughes with Tiara, and lastly Olivia with Hayley. Lucy was the last one who had her chance. The woman there gave them their keys. '' Let's go to our room then,'' Robin said. The luggage had already been taken care of by the servants. On the way to their room, they came across a unique kind of fish in the tank of the hallway. "Seems quite a peculiar fish isn't it?" She comments. " Yeah." "I feel worn out. Let's go to my room. I feel quite tired because of the jet lag," she says leading the way.He stopped in his tracks as the result of it. She glanced over at
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Staying in london
Christina and Noir others chatted for a while. After that, they leave the place to hang out in the city. During lunchtime, Robin and others went to the place where the art contest is being held.  The exhibition site was ten minutes walk away from them. Robin was quite amazed by the event hall. '' Look the painting here,'' Noir pointed it out to Robin. It was the picture of a mom and a child embracing each other.  '' This is drawn pretty well,'' Robin comments. '' The details and the texture and everything. He must have taken ten to twelve days to draw this masterpiece.''  '' How did you understand whether a man or woman drew this?'' Noir asked. '' It's simple for him,'' Christina comments standing beside Robin. Noir was on the other hand. '' He can distinguish painting whether it's drawn by a man or a woman.''  '' You have quite a talent don't you?'' Noir compliments. Robin was fe
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Secret rendezvous
Noir came looking for them only to see Christina hugging Robin. She was kind of surprised by this as Christina has never been so much assertive before. So she is finally trying to get closer to him.  This thought made her clench her fist in anger. Even though she tried to play a composed smile she was not able to do that. "Should I call out to him? That does not seem like a better option."  In the silence between them Cristina speaks up," I had only wanted you to be happy that's all. I wanted to have you all for myself that's all. To keep you as mine. But during the absence of all those years, she took you away from me." "I still love you the same way I used to love you. Why won't you answer my feelings for you? Why's she so much important to you that you can go to any lengths to help her? As far as ignoring your feelings and all? Why? Why does she matter so much to you?''Christina yelled in a scre
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They meet again
Back at the office, Lucy and the other siblings talk with their client Ms.Shouko from Japan. She's one of the best clients they might have. All by herself, she has created her business industry without anyone's help. Even as a woman in her thirties she knows how people are just by their looks alone. Throughout the meeting, Gray was not able to say anything at all as she was talking with Lucy only. '' So we will go with this..''. Gray couldn't stop himself from interrupting. '' Why are you picking the time and the place as you like it? I mean don't we have any right to say anything?'' he yelled slamming onto the table in front of others losing his anger. Even Olivia didn't found it strange. She was just staring at her phone all this while. Julia was taking care of her nails. Hughes was just sleeping in his chair. Ms.Shouko smiled at him and said,'' I am the one who decides everything here or you are the one who has the power to do t
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