All Chapters of The man behind the Artistic smile : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
363 Chapters
The party and the confession
After that Christina and Robin have a dance together. Christina was staring at his face all along while dancing. Robin's eyes looked all blank as if he could see nothing there, all hollow.His dad and grandpa were watching from a distance. '' He doesn't seem to be happy with this wedding.  What do you think?'' asked his grandpa. '' Happy or not he has to do it. I am paying him a whole lot of money to help his wife now. Don't let everything go to waste. He's my son, he will be able to understand what's better for him one day or later.'' '' The daughter of the Campbells can't compete against Christina. I am sure of it, Robin will come to like her eventually after all they were friends since childhood. She knows him better than the Campbells.'' Lucy was waiting for him. While waiting she fell asleep on the chair and was about to fall from there. Before she did her sleep was broken by the cat who pushed the vase near the window. She get
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Something happened again,
Before she was able to touch the knob his dad stopped her from doing it. '' No need to open the door. Robin's getting ready. Are you done changing my son? Christina is here to meet you,'' his dad called from outside the door. Robin and Noir were able to hear this voice from outside. They pulled away. '' Goodnight Robin, think about what I said very much calmly. I said this for your good. If you need any help call me,'' saying this Noir opened the door to meet Christina. The door was hung open. Christina was also shocked to see her there.'' What is-''' before she was able to say anything Noir left the place without saying anything. Christina was surprised by her actions. '' What was she?'' she looked inside to see Robin facing his back against her. His dad was smiling to himself. '' This seems to be getting interesting.'' After that Robin was back home. He was thinking about what Christina had said to him before he left
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Her dad's condition
Lucy rushes over to the hospital right away.  She asked the woman at the counter about where her dad is placed. Standing in front of room number 234 she was wondering whether she should go in or not. She felt hesitant about what she might have to face there. Before she was able to open the door someone opened it for her. It was her mom. '' Come in,'' she said to her. Lucy goes inside and saw her dad on the bed. She closed the door behind her. '' How's he?'' she asked, walking closer to her dad who was on the bed sleeping right now. '' He's not in a good condition. Suddenly when we came from the home of your grandma he fainted. The doctor checked his condition.'' Her mom was silent after this. Lucy placed her hands on both of her shoulders and asked,'' Tell me what happened after that Mom.'' Her mom looked away. '' After the tests are done he found out that his heart is not in good condition. He had a cardiac arrest. Now we nee
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On the way, Robin asked Lucy while walking through the busy street,'' Who thought that something like this will happen to dad?''.  Lucy was thinking about something while walking. Her mind was not there. Today, more than usual her shoulders seem heavy and weary as if the burden is too much for her to bear.  Robin noticed it. He patted her shoulders to assure her that he's also there for her. Still, her burden is not going to decrease like this.  Robin spotted a shop of cotton candy, Lucy's favorite. '' Hey, Lucy, see you want to have it?'' he asked, looking in her direction.  But she was walking on her own ignoring everything on her way. The crowd, the cars, the evening lights nothing seemed to distract her.  '' can't go on like this. I need to do something about this matter quickly.''  After reaching home Lucy w
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Unexpected saviour
It was the next morning, Lucy couldn't work out any way to arrange the money. She went to the hospital right away with her mother. '' Excuse me, I want to meet my dad. Did the meeting hours start yet?'' she asked over the counter. '' Which bed?''. '' Yes, the...''. '' The patient had moved out. He's not here anymore. He had moved by last night. The bill and everything have been paid out don't you know?'' asked the man. '' What?'' Lucy and her mom was shocked. They weren't able to understand who paid the bill and everything. '' Wait, do you know who did it? I don't remember paying for the bill. Do you remember mom?" Lucy turned to her mom.Her mom pleads in disapproval. "Who paid the bill? And where did he moved into?" Lucy asked."To the Woodlands. He's going to have the surgery today or tomorrow. Please talk with the doctor if you have any queries."Lucy and her mom weren't able to understand what was going around them. Wo
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Who's helping her out ?
After that leaving the cabin she went to talk over to the reception. She asked who transferred her dad and who paid the bill and everything. The woman there replied that they are forbidden to tell who paid the bill. As long the money has been paid they don't care who paid it. Her mom came from behind placing her hand on Lucy's shoulder. '' What's wrong?'' she asked. Lucy turned to her. She replied to what the receptionist said. '' What? So who paid the money? Who's helping us with all of that money? I can't understand what's happening here at all.'' her mom asserts. '' Who's this invisible helper who's helping us. Anyway, we can figure about it later. Did you talked with the doctor?'' Lucy asked. '' Yes, he said they need to do the operation tomorrow. We should come here by the early morning.'' '' I see.'' '' Don't you have to go to the office today?'' her mom asked. '' Yes, today's the execution of the big order. I hope we can pas
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Going to meet grandpa
Later that day, Kevin came, he had a file in his hand. '' We are mostly done with our work. The other employees are working hard as well. Lucy,'' he called. Lucy stands up. '' Make the bill and give the money to others properly on time to the workers who would be in charge of it. We have to complete most of the work by today. Send the files to show me the report of today's works. And come to the office early as possible Lucy, you need to transfer the funds after double-checking everything.'' '' I will don't worry.'' '' Good, hurry up then.'' After Lucy was done, she has decided to go and meet her grandpa for money. She thought as he's his son he's not going to deny her. When she went to the mansion she wasn't welcomed there. The servants were staring at her as if she was an animal in a zoo. She found it very much disturbing. She had texted Robin beforehand that she would be late. Isabella was there sitting
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'' I am not going to give you the money. He's not my son, if he was then he wouldn't have destroyed my money and my business. If he was my son he would not have married someone like your mother. I wanted him to marry the royal class woman of the Wilson family. But he didn't do that, he refused her and then married your mother without my permission. There's no way I am going to save someone as worth as him,'' shouted her grandpa. Lucy couldn't believe her ears. '' My wife was the bad one, she believed that her son was growing up well. But she didn't know that her son is still as worthless as ever. Instead of listening to what I told him to do he used his time without studying and helping in my business. I have no money to give to scum like him. Go away, disappear in front of my eyes right this moment. Your dad can kick the bucket as he can.'' '' And don't forget I had let you in the succession thing just because I consider your efforts in the business. I als
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Robin who was at home waiting for Lucy had a bad feeling as if something is going to happen and it's not good. Lucy's mom went to sleep as it was over ten. Robin went to paint for a while thinking about Lucy. Without thinking he created a portrait of hers, within one hour. But he was not satisfied with it. He saw that the face he tried to make was a happy one. But this one was sad as if it was crying. He tried to change it but nothing could be done about it. '' Where's my mind? Such a mistake like this hadn't happened ever then why?'' he was feeling lost inside. The memory of his mom comes back to him again. Lucy must be feeling sad that this happened to her dad. But he's not going to end up just like his mom. '' I won't let anything happen to him. Back then I didn't have any power. But now I have one. I will use my power to save him and his daughter also. They are the ones I have now. My family, I will do everything I can do for them.'' 
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Small fights
Later that night, Lucy was back home in the care of Christina. She left Lucy at the door after ringing the bell. Robin took Lucy inside. It was the next morning, Lucy had woken up from a headache. Robin placed the lemon water by the side of her table. '' Have it,'' he said to her. He was about to leave the room but then she called from the bed,'' When did I come home last night?''. '' Late, around twelve to one. Don't you remember? Oh, how would you do it? You were out drunk. People get drunk so easily don't they? Even though your dad is in the hospital. You were out drinking, How much carefree can you be?'' he retorted. Lucy felt ashamed of herself not being able to meet his eyes. '' I am sorry, I had gone to gr-'' she didn't complete her sentence. '' You what?''. '' Nothing,'' she took a sip of the water. '' I felt like drinking so I went what does that matter to you anyway?'' Lucy yelled placing the glass on the table in a loud tone. 
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