All Chapters of Unperfect Marriage: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
265 Chapters
Chapter 141
Harriet, Anne, and Harvey return to the hospital. They brought a lot of food for tonight from pizza, salad, fries, and many more. Sean had even told them before that when they got back to the hospital they didn't have to bring anything, but now all the food was on the table on the sofa."It's useless if we don't eat them." Sean said as he put his hands on his waist. "Come on, Mom and Harvey. There is the hospital canteen. We will not starve."Harvey shrugged his shoulders. "I've warned Mom many times, but Mom still can't do that. She's afraid you and Harriet will starve by midnight."Anne laughed as she covered her mouth. "If all these foods doesn't run out, you can give them to the nurse who is on duty. But you have to eat this pizza first."
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Chapter 142
Sean is not a vindictive person. In the past, Sean was a jerk, liked to play with women, and many other bad things attached to a Sean Ackles. His disdain slowly faded once he got to know Angel, and sadly it only got worse once Angel married Harvey all those years ago. Sean's consciousness recovered as soon as he found out that Angel was actually carrying the baby, then after that he decided to divorce from Jessie.Sean thought his relationship with Angel could return to how it used to be. It turned out that all was not as he imagined. There are so many obstacles that Sean and Angel can finally be together again even without their marital status ever. Every day Sean would learn to accept that fact, until his heart could fully accept it.Now Sean has become a very good lover to Angel, and of course Sean is also a good father figure to his
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Chapter 143
Sean's schedule at the office was busier than he had anticipated. The investors, supervisors, and other directors who had wanted to meet Sean for a long time were gathered on the same day. Sean's meeting schedule continues without a break.Sean's prediction, which was originally only 1 hour in the office, turned out to be 7 hours. If he adds the time from the hospital to the office or vice versa, the total time spent is 11 hours. This is the longest time for Sean to leave Angel since his girlfriend was diagnosed with illness. And during that time Sean was so tormented because he missed too much."Is my meeting schedule over?" Sean asked his secretary."There is one director from Kalbe who has postponed the meeting to tomorrow. Can you come tomorrow or not?"
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Chapter 144
Seaan's job ends at exactly 8 pm. The meeting with the director of Kalbe was quite long because there were many things that needed to be discussed. Now Sean is driving thru hot coffee at a restaurant. His head felt heavy after such a tiring day's work. And he still needs to drive about 2 hours to get to the hospital. So he felt he needed a cup of caffeine to accompany him to drive."Is there anything else besides hot machiato?" Staff voices came from behind the drive thru machine."Are there any snacks?" Sean asked because he was quite hungry considering the last time he ate was at lunch."We had toast and sandwiches.""Alright, please make 4 toast beef. 1 toast made without sauce." Sean also ordered for Harriet, Harvey, and Anne. For
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Chapter 145
Sean entered the hospital with a big smile. He had a plastic bag filled with toast beef in his hand, and he bet everyone would love that. Sean's feeling good even though he's been working all day. The photo of Angel in his office and Angel's favorite song that Sean heard in the car made him happy. Anything that is always related to Angel will never fail to please Sean.As soon as Sean opened Angel's door, he froze for a few seconds in front of the door. It took Sean a while to realize that no one was in the room. Did he enter the wrong room? Sean immediately looked at the room number in front of the door, and there was written the number 303. This is indeed Angel's room, but where did everyone go?"Oh, are you the family of Mrs. Angel?" A nurse walking down the corridor happened to see a confused Sean.
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Chapter 146
"Sorry we didn't get to contact you. The situation here before was very chaotic." Harvey said as he handed Sean a can of soda. Seeing that Sean was silent, Harvey opened a can of soda for him to place in his younger brother's hand.Now they were both sitting on chairs outside the acacia room. Not many people passed by in front of them. Apart from the fact that the 3rd floor is only intended for patients in emergency conditions, it is now 10 o'clock at night. Visiting hours are over, and some of the workers at the hospital have gone home. Tonight was quieter than usual. And so did Sean's feelings."Are you mad at us because we didn't call you?"Harvey said again, and that made Sean respond with a shake of his head. Sean couldn't possibly be angry because he could imagine how chaotic the
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Chapter 147
Last night Sean didn't sleep at all. He faithfully accompanies Angel who is still in critical condition. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Angel again, so he decided to keep an eye on Angel. This acacia room is now quiet. Harriet, Harvey, and Anne were staying at the inn next to the hospital. This was Sean's idea because he didn't want to let his little daughter sleep uncomfortably. What's more, Harvey and Anne insist not to go home. They are both worried.Sean turned off his cell phone, which was ringing because of the alarm. It's already 5 in the morning, but Angel still doesn't move at all. His girlfriend is still in critical condition just like yesterday.Sean's steps led him to the toilet. Sean felt his head going to burst. Either it's because he doesn't sleep at all or because he has too much on his mind. Sean didn't even k
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Chapter 148
Harriet got up early in the morning around 5am. She rubbed her eyes a few times before looking around the room. Uncle Harvey is still asleep, but Granny Anne isn't here. With sleepy eyes, Harriet got out of bed to check into the bathroom. Their inn was a simple inn, so this place only had a bed and a bathroom. "Grandma?" Harriet knocked softly on the bathroom door, but there was no answer from inside the bathroom. Where did Anne go so early? Harriet looked at Harvey who was on the bed. Harvey was still fast asleep. Because Harriet couldn't bear to wake Harvey, she finally chose to take her sandals and walked out of the room. Is it possible that Anne went to meet Angel at the hospital? Then Harriet had to catch up there. Harriet's small steps led her out of the inn. There weren't man
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Chapter 149
Darla hates it when she has to pay big taxi fares just to get to her client. She even had to go back near the hospital when she used to give birth control. And what Darla hated the most was that this place wasn't a luxury hotel, but an ordinary inn. Darla is sure that the taxi fare is more expensive than the fare for an overnight stay here. But her annoyance disappeared when her client had put a lot of money on the nightstand. This was even enough if Darla didn't work for the next three days. Maybe she could rest for a while. Ah just imagining that made her happy. After cleaning her body and dressing in last night's dress, Darla put an envelope filled with money into her bag. She glanced briefly at the 40s on the bed, and suddenly her stomach churns. Darla might have been a prostitute for a year, but she never got used to it. She always wanted to throw up, every time she remembered
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Chapter 150
Harvey opened his eyes slowly as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. His head looked left and right in a daze, then he realized that there was no one in this room. Where did everyone go? Did Anne and Harriet go for a morning walk? Remembering that Harriet liked to walk around and breathe in the morning air. Oh, surely they're back right now."Wait a moment." said Harvey, then he got off the bed. He opened the bedroom door with a big yawn. He had originally wanted to talk about Anne and Harriet leaving him to sleep, but that didn't happen because he suddenly froze. The problem is that the figure in front of him is not Harriet with Anne, but Harriet with a young woman. A young woman wearing a mini dress. Harvey didn't mean to judge, it's just that it's still too early to dress up so early. "Who are you? Why is Harriet with you?"Harriet t
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