All Chapters of Unperfect Marriage: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
265 Chapters
Chapter 161
"Were you the one who came up with the idea for the Frozen?" Anne asked her eldest son."Yeah, it just suddenly crossed my mind, Mom. When Harriet said she didn't like seeing Sean and I fight, that's all I could think of."Anne smiled as she continued to knit. "That's a good thing. And I also like the impromptu shows we do."Harvey chuckled and leaned back against the sofa. In front of them the television was on and playing a funny reality show, but that wasn't why he was laughing. Harvey had no idea that Anne enjoyed the show they were playing, and to his surprise Harvey liked it too. Their main goal was to cheer up Harriet as a birthday present, but it turned out that they all loved the act of the show."I think only Sean hates doin
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Chapter 162
Caroline Hegard is looking at Harvey's profile photo on a chat app. Since she worked as Harvey's secretary, she and Harvey sometimes did use a chat application to make it easier to tell each other about work. And from the start, Harvey never used a profile photo with his own face. Harvey chose to use photos of the stars in the night sky. Caroline didn't mean to protest because the stars were so beautiful, but she missed her boss a bit."I must be crazy for missing him already."Caroline slapped herself on the cheek to bring her to her senses. She immediately shook off her thoughts. It must be because Harvey hasn't been in the office lately. So Caroline made an effort so she wouldn't forget Harvey's face. Yes, Caroline wasn't crazy enough to miss her own boss.When Caroline is trying to
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Chapter 163
Saturday morning Caroline Hegard was all dressed up. Usually on weekends she will laze all day, and only take a shower in the afternoon. Today is an exception. She was already wearing a knee-length floral dress, and sneakers. Her hair was curled at the ends. Caroline's makeup was light, but it actually looked fresher.Caroline sipped her hot coffee slowly. She repeatedly looked outside the restaurant for Harvey. No, Harvey wasn't late, it's just that Caroline arrived 20 minutes earlier than their appointment. She did that on purpose, because otherwise she would keep changing her clothes. Her room was like a warehouse because she was too nervous."Relax, Caroline. Harvey is just taking you for a walk, and this isn't a date." Caroline pressed that in her mind over and over again. It would be a shame if Caroline was overconfident to think
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Chapter 164
After meeting at a restaurant, Caroline and Harvey take a walk in a park. It just so happened that today was the last day of the flower festival. Many visitors came, generally they were lovers holding hands affectionately, unlike Caroline and Harvey who walked awkwardly side by side."Wow, those flowers are beautiful." Caroline said, pointing to a yellow flower. She chuckled as if her words were funny. "That flower is no less beautiful."Harvey who was next to Caroline nodded in agreement. Yet Harvey's gaze was not on flowers, but on Caroline. "Uhm yes, beautiful.""Thank you for inviting me here. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see so many beautiful flowers. I didn't even know there was a flower festival here." Caroline said gratefully. "You must often ask your partner on a date to a
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Chapter 165
The situation immediately turned chaotic. In addition to the sound of the monitor as a sign of an unstable heart rate, Angel also began to have difficulty breathing. Anne immediately ran out of the room to ask for help from a nurse or doctor in the corridor. Meanwhile Sean and Harriet are near Angel. Harriet cried hysterically as she continued to hug Angel. She kept screaming her mother's name with tears that didn't stop flowing."Mommy! Mommy, why?!" shouted Harriet. "Daddy! Daddy has to do something for Mommy!" now she spoke to Sean who had been standing still.Sean seemed to be awakened by the screams of his little daughter who called him. He swore he was so confused. Fear had taken over Sean because he was afraid something bad would happen to his girlfriend."Angel? Dear?" Sean cal
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Chapter 166
Angel's death left a deep wound for everyone. No, it's not just people, the sky also seems to feel the same way. This afternoon it rained around Angel's cemetery. The cold atmosphere made everyone who attended the funeral even more sad. The cries of the mourners were heard among the raindrops that fell on the ground, even more so the sound of Harriet's cries was stifling.The little girl who is only 3 years old is now crying at Angel's grave."Mommy... Mommy why did you leave me?" asked Harriet in a low voice. She put both hands on the wet ground in front of her, then she touched Angel's photo. "Mommy..."Sean stepped forward towards his little daughter while holding her umbrella. He let Harriet cry because it was the right thing to do. It would be so heartless if Sean told Harriet to stop crying. This wasn't a cry because Harriet had lost the toy, but she had lost Angel. They both have lost Angel forever.One by one the mourners left the cemetery with th
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Chapter 167
Harriet almost got hit by a car if it weren't for Noah saving her. Noah ran and he grabbed Harriet's arm to avoid the speeding car. They both rolled on the ground with Noah's hands holding Harriet tightly. Noah didn't want Harriet to get hurt from being hit by the asphalt."Harriet, are you all right?" Noah asked once they were at the side of the road. The car that almost hit Harriet just walked away without showing any concern at all. But it didn't matter because what mattered was Harriet's condition. In front of Noah, Harriet still had her eyes closed. Harriet's shoulders were also shaking with so much fear. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe. You can open your eyes."Noah's confident voice made Harriet open her eyes slowly. Harriet glanced at the street that had nearly hurt her earlier. She almost got hit by a car and she was completely unaware of it."What... did I almost die earlier?" Harriet asked Noah.Noah was silent for a moment because it could have h
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Chapter 168
Noah led Harriet into the room. He helped Harriet to lie down on the bed. For a moment he looked at the contents of this room that looked so luxurious, then after that he saw the photo of Harriet with Angel and Sean on the shelf. They were the perfect little family in Noah's eyes. Harriet was very lucky."Thanks for helping me, Noah," Harriet said gratefully. "Maybe you shouldn't have told my daddy that I nearly got hit by a car."Noah sat on the edge of Harriet's bed while Harriet was leaning her back against it. "Why not?""I don't want him to worry. You know things aren't that great right now."Noah's gaze fell on Harriet's bleeding knee. “Your knee is bleeding, Harriet. How could I not be honest with your father?”Harriet fiddled with her fingers nervously. Even though she was still annoyed with Sean's words, she didn't make Sean any more sad."Where's the bathroom?" asked Noah suddenly."Near the kitchen.""The
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Chapter 169
Now Harriet was asleep. After Sean cleaned the wound on Harriet's knee, now his little daughter managed to close her eyes. Sean's hand slowly wiped the tears from Harriet's dry cheeks. Usually in a situation like this there is Angel who calms Harriet because Harriet is closer to Angel than him. Since Harriet was born into the world, Angel has always been with their little daughter. But now Sean must replace that position. Sean really didn't know what to do now.There was a knock on the bedroom door, then Anne appeared."Is Harriet asleep?" asked Anne in a low voice. She stepped closer and she saw Harriet's knees were blood-stained.Sean nodded his head as he took a basin filled with water. "Yeah, she just fell asleep."“I heard Harriet almost got hit by a car. Shouldn't we take her to the hospital?" Indeed, at first glance Harriet looked fine, but Anne was still worried. Anne just didn't want anything bad to happen in the future. "Come on, let's go
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Chapter 170
Sean wakes up at 11 o'clock in the afternoon. His eyes were puffy and his head felt dizzy. He stared at the ceiling for a long time like he had no intention of getting off the bed. After that he glanced to his right and there was no one. There was no Angel beside him.Can't this all just a dream?Sean's eyes closed again followed by a heavy sigh. There was no spirit left in Sean's body, only sadness. This really hurts."Sean, are you awake?" Harvey's voice came from outside Sean's room. "You missed your breakfast. Come on, let's have lunch together."Sean chose silence and said nothing. Sean's hands are now tightly embracing Angel's photo, hoping that Angel is really hugging him. Three days had passed since Angel's death, but Sean could never get used to it. Sean's psychic was even more shaken because his life seemed to be over. At this rate, must Sean die so he can see Angel again?"Hey, I'm talking to you." Harvey's voice came again. The differen
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