All Chapters of Unperfect Marriage: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
265 Chapters
Chapter 151
Harvey called Anne, and he finally found out the reason why Anne wasn't at the inn. Yes, Anne went to the hospital because she was too worried about Sean and Angel. And Harvey understood why Anne was like that. Since he didn't want to make Anne more anxious, he purposely didn't tell her that Harriet had almost followed her there alone."Come on, finish your breakfast, Harriet. After this we will go to the hospital."Harvey's words were reciprocated by Harriet's nod. They were enjoying the buffet breakfast provided by the inn. Harriet got cereal and waffles with maple syrup, while Harvey just had a cup of coffee and a croissant.Harriet looked at his niece who was shoveling a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. To be honest Harvey still doesn't understand what happened this morning. And
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Chapter 152
"Why doesn't Harriet eat the ice cream? Do you want uncle to buy you more ice cream?" Harvey asked as he sat down next to Harriet. They are now in the hospital garden after Harvey bought the ice cream he promised in the cafeteria."No need, Uncle. I'll just eat this one." Harriet answered, and she started to open the plastic ice cream. Harvey smiled, then he took Harriet's ice cream to open the plastic."Be careful. The ice cream is starting to melt." Harvey warned."Thank you Uncle.""You are welcome, honey." Harriet ate her ice cream in silence, and she didn't seem to enjoy the ice cream. So Harvey spoke again. "Harriet, why do you look down? Does the ice cream taste bad?""This is
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Chapter 153
After Harvey led Harriet out of the room, Sean walked over to Anne. Anne was still crying, and Sean felt guilty. For a moment he was angry with Anne for hiding such an important matter from him. If Sean had known since this morning that Angel was shedding tears in a coma, Sean would have called the doctor earlier. But Anne had kept this secret to herself."Mom, please speak. Why did Mom hide this from me?" Sean asked softly. He didn't want to be so rude, and hurt Anne more."I can't, Sean. If you knew, you would definitely get hurt."Anne insisted on remaining silent. Sean didn't even know why Anne needed to hide the meaning of Angel's crying, when Sean already knew that Angel was crying. What really happened?"Mom, please. I really don't know what all this means.""No, Sean. Let's pretend we never saw that." Anne's words were like an irreversible finale.Sean clenched his fists. He didn't want to act rude like before to Anne, but on the one
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Chapter 154
Two days Sean didn't sleep at all. He really just sat in a chair near the bed, and his gaze never left Angel. Anne had to force him to eat, and it was Anne who reminded Sean to take care of himself. At first Sean refused everything until Anne said, if Sean wants to keep Angel, then Sean is forbidden to ignore himself, at least Sean needs to eat so he can still be with Angel.And now Sean was having dinner with rice and chicken soup. Maybe he had only eaten about 3 mouthfuls, then he put his spoon on the table. "I'm full." He said, then he walked back to the chair by the bed. His hand was holding Angel's hand lovingly.Anne, who saw Sean as a walking mummy, couldn't help but take a deep breath. She rubbed her face tiredly. If Sean continues to act like this, it is possible that her youngest son will get sick. So Anne brought the rice bow
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Chapter 155
Ever since Harvey and Sean had a fight, Anne didn't recommend Harriet coming to the hospital often. Sean's feelings are sometimes good and sometimes bad, and that's hard to predict. So Anne told Harvey to look after Harriet at the inn. And Harriet had only been in the hospital a few hours, like right now."Harriet, let's head back to the inn." Said Havey to his niece who is pretending to sleep on the couch in front of the television. "Uncle knows you're not sleeping."Harriet purposely made a snoring sound. Tonight for some reason Harriet wanted to sleep in the hospital. She wanted to stay because here was Angel. Harriet still misses Angel."Hmm... looks like Uncle will have to carry you to the inn." Harvey said, then suddenly Harvey opened her eyes, and Harvey was in front of her fold
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Chapter 156
After brushing her teeth, Harriet got ready to sleep on the sofa. She glanced beside her and Anne was already asleep. Anne had said that Harvey was back at the inn. So it's just Harriet, Anne, and Sean in this room. The atmosphere is now so quiet, only the sound of the machine connected to Angel's body can be heard.Harriet peeked out of her blanket. She quietly watched Sean who had been sitting on the chair near Angel's bed. According to Harriet, Sean seems to have changed recently. Maybe it was just Harriet's feelings, but she admitted that she was a little scared of Sean. Especially when Sean and Harvey had a fight. Sean also made Anne cry that day. Harriet still remembers everything clearly. Even though Harvey said it was just a rehearsal for a drama show, Harriet was still scared to see Sean act angry."Harriet, why aren't you slee
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Chapter 157
At noon the drama show begins. Sean is totally cluless with the cartoon called Frozen. Unlike Harvey, he knew about that cartoon because Harriet had previously told him about Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. Harvey even had time to open YouTube to find out the storyline of his niece's favorite cartoon. He didn't want to disappoint Harriet so he would try his best to impress her."What should I do?" Sean whispered to Harvey."Stretch out your hand. You have the power to turn anything into ice." Harvey replied quietly."Me? I can't do that.""Your character. You play Elsa's character.""Oh, okay."Sean nodded because he finally understood that H
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Chapter 158
"Daddy, I want to ride a merry-go-round." Harriet said to Sean. The little feet were hopping excitedly."Alright, let's try that."Hand in hand, Sean and Harriet walked toward the merry-go-round area. They were now at the amusement park not far from the hospital. Actually, Sean was a bit heavy leaving Angel to Anne and Harvey, because the last time he did that Angel suddenly dropped. But Sean tried to shake off the feeling considering today was Harriet's birthday. Even if his little daughter doesn't ask for anything, Sean doesn't want Harriet's special day to go on as usual.Sean put Harriet on one of the pink horse toys, while Sean chose to sit on the horse beside Harriet. A wide smile could not be separated from his little daughter since earlier.
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Chapter 159
"Daddy! Swipe to the right." Harriet said to Sean."Yes, yes."Sean was playing catch the doll, and now he was pointing the button. Sean has played this game five times, meaning Sean has failed five times. None of the dolls that Sean managed to get. And now is Sean's sixth attempt."To the left a little!" Harriet shrieked as she stared at the clear glass in front of her. "Yes, stop. Lower the lever."Sean furrowed his brows in focus, then he did as Harriet said. Sean had never played this game before, and he thought it would be so easy, it turned out to be the opposite. Sean even thought that this puppet machine was just a gimmick because it was too difficult. His assumption is getting stronger even more now that he has failed to get
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Chapter 160
Sean takes Harriet out to a famous steakhouse. Now Sean was cutting Harriet's steak into small pieces so that Harriet could eat easily."Daddy, please remove the vegetables from my plate." pleaded Harriet with pleading eyes."You have to eat vegetables to grow up fast." Sean refused his daughter's request firmly."I don't like beans and peas. If it's corn and carrots I can still eat them." Harriet now made an offer, at least she wanted two vegetables removed from her plate. "Come on, Daddy. Just this once."Sean paused for a moment as he thought about what Harriet wanted. If Angel was here, she would have scolded Harriet for being too picky about food. But it's a special day for Harriet, and Sean wants to be a little soft with his lit
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