All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
546 Chapters
Meet the professors
Meanwhile, they did not expect for the orientation to drag on for a few more hours. But after that, the students were finally instructed to head to their respective classrooms to meet their subject teachers. Audrey and her squad headed to their classroom together with the other students. Everyone had a gleam in their eyes as they wait inside the classroom with much anticipation. "We will be meeting our subject teachers soon, do you think we will have a hot and sexy teacher for this year?" "Don't even think about it, I heard that the teachers here are all in the Blue realm and some are in the early stage of Indigo realm, I bet they were bags of skin and bones already." "Besides since they were sorceress no matter how good their appearance and body could be you cannot trust your eyes cause more likely they were even qualified to be your father's auntie. In short, they are way too old!" "Cut your nonsense. It's not as if I'm looking for a partner, hello?
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First day of School
Aside from the one on one introduction of each subject teacher, they also left them with something to prepare for tomorrow's lesson. Professor De Belen instructed her student to make sure to prepare their wands and grimoire for they will be doing basic spell casting tomorrow. Many of the new students got excited upon hearing it. Meanwhile, for their Apothecary Class, Professor Eres said that they will be concocting the simplest Potion available which is the "Elixir of Oblivion". The formula in making this draught is written in their potion book that they are supposed to prepare, the "Elementary guides on how you can concoct your first potion". On the other hand, Professor Huges makes them memorize one hundred Common Mystical Plants for their Plant Mysticism class.  The study material for this is also included in their botany book, "Everything you need to know about Magical Plants" It seems that Professor Huges is planning to conduct a practical test on their f
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Elixir of Oblivion
"But Professor Eres, does it mean we have to do it right the first time? How could we guarantee success at first try????""It will be best if you can successfully concoct your first potion on the first try. But of course, it is also inevitable for your concoction to have an occasional mistake here and there. Affecting the efficacy of your concocted potion or even turning it into a failed product. If you wish to try again, you can always purchase another set of ingredients but the expenses will be all yours."Professor Eres explains everything with patience."Well, it does make sense for the school to have that kind of arrangement. Because if the students will just keep on making mistakes on their concoction and if the school will keep on providing them for free, it won't take long for the school itself to shut down due to bankruptcy, I suppose."Audrey nodded in agreement. Well, it seems that she still needs to think of an idea to earn more magic stones i
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Let's make some potion
Only a handful of the students managed to accomplish the decoction of Victoria's Pulsing Heart and that includes Audrey and Steve. They were currently cooling the brew with the herbs in it. After it cools down, the students strain the liquid into a bowl. The instruction for the second phase of the Elixir of Oblivion concoction is more detailed so they just have to follow it strictly and everything will be good to go. "Now on your mortar, you have to put three sprigs of  The Seven-Petaled Jasmine and mixed it with two measures of the decoction from Victoria's Pulsing Heart" "Crush the ingredient into a creamy paste using the pestle" Professor Eres's voice echoed inside the classroom as she guides some of the students while she was roaming around. "Put the remaining decoction of Victoria's Pulsing Heart into the cauldron" "Juice your Elfian Worms three times and add two blobs of its thick mucus to your cauldron as well" "Gently heat
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"If I'm not mistaken. Steve also passed today's Apothecary class. We can also ask for his help later on once you guys started your Elixir of Oblivion concoction." "I guess he won't be available anymore. He must be overly booked already." This time it was Jace who spoke as he looked at the corner of their classroom. Following his gaze, they saw a group of female students crowding around Steve. "Steve, can you teach us how to make a Elixir of Oblivion?" "Me too,.. please I need your help, I hope we could be good friends in the future." "Steve is not just good looking, he is also good at Apothecary class. Can we trade insights later during lunch? My treat!" Looking at how their classmates were crowding over their fellow, Allan decided to 'rescue' him. "Alright everyone, calm down. Steve will surely accommodate you all once he finds the time. In the meantime, please give him a breather...." 
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Tutor's f*e
 Feeling exhausted for today's Apothecary class, the squad resigned to bed early. They had been busy concocting for the entire day that they fail to notice the time. The sun was about to set to the western horizon when they finally finished their supposed remedial class for Apothecary class with Audrey's help. It was also only at this time that they noticed that Steve is not yet around. "Being famous sure has a fair share of trouble" Nike commented meaningfully. "It seems that he was still currently busy dealing with the 'group study' together with those beauties." Allan added as he let his body fall to his bed freely. Sighing in contentment he added, "Where is Jace by the way? I didn't recall seeing him return after our class." "Tss...Don't worry much about him. That lad knows how to use his charm to his advantage." Ni
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Professor Nutcase
Walking back to the same classroom, the students leisurely make their way. According to their class schedule, today they will be having their Beasticology class with Professor Morgan. It was still early for the class to start but the classroom was already bustling with activity and discussion. It was apparent that the student sorceress of the class was all in high spirit. They had been anticipating this class ever since they met Professor Morgan during the class orientation. Aside from a known fact that Professor Morgan possessed an attractive face, his valiant disposition does not come short of the word excellent. Match with his unparalleled talent in beast taming, he managed to forge an image of an ideal 'knight in shining armor in every student sorceress' heart. "Good morning little warlocks and sorceress. Today, we will be conducting our Beasticology class in an open field. So I beseech you to head outside and meet me at Forbidden Forest." 
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Cupid's Pony
"Everyone, I believe that I already told you before what will be our lesson for today. Don't worry, this activity is just a piece of cake. All you have to do is feed the Cupid's Ponies, as easy as that. You just have to toss around a Bubble Fruit, once someone from the Cupid's Ponies ate your fruit, you can be considered to pass today's activity." Professor Morgan declared and then as if recalling about something, he added afterward. "Regarding the reward that I mentioned before, whoever among of you managed to offer and feed the Cupid's Ponies using their bare hands, you will be granted a chance to mount them. Of course, I will be assisting you in the process of riding it so there is no need to worry about your safety. This is open for both guys and gals." When the students heard about the reward, it was received by mix reaction. Some, but mostly the girls were quite disappointed about hearing the news because they had high hopes to get something more from t
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Fated Love
Meanwhile, Audrey and her friend fall in line together. Allan being in the front, followed by Steve, Niccoli, then Nike, Jace and last is Audrey. When it was about time for Allan to offer the fruit with his bare hand, the Cupid's Ponies suddenly makes a faint sound."Kneeeiigghhhh...."Startled, Allan drop the fruit he was holding. But before it landed on the ground, it vanishes."This..... does it mean it accept my offering or what?""Rest assured, since it approached you while you were offering the food with your hand, it means that it bores you goodwill. That is enough to let you ride the Cupid's Ponies."Hearing Professor Morgan's reassurance, Allan heaved a sigh of relief. He was still feeling slightly depressed due to his poor result in Apothecary class. But his success to Beasticology class uplifts his mood. Smiling in satisfaction, he waited at the side. Waiting to see how his friends will fair. But before he could walk away, a horn gl
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Enchanted Garden
[Do you really want to become a walking book zombie?]"Nero, as much as I wanted to have fun you know that I can't afford to waste away money and time for unnecessary stuff. Rather than drawing circles and sitting at the corner doing nothing, I might as well make full use of my spare time.""Besides, we do have a written assessment for tomorrow so I need to memorize properties of mystical plants as much as I could." [I know,.. I know. Don't worry about that exam. I got you... Trust me.. okay? Now,kindly let go of that book... and follow your heart.]Tilting his little fur head at one side, Nero declared as he stared outside looking from a distance. His posture was akin to a portrait of a valiant lion and from afar he looks as if a dignified and wise creature who has already seen the vicissitudes of life."Follow your heart? Follow your foot! Stop messing around Nero, can you?"[O
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