All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
546 Chapters
Guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor
   [Little lass, calm down... Don't jump into conclusion right away. Maybe it's not as what you think it is. It could be that he is just meeting an old friend.] Even though Nero was saying that his tone betrayed his true feelings otherwise. It was difficult to ascertain if he was saying that to convince his master or himself. "An old friend you say?? Meeting a friend in this kind of place full of flowers?!!! Why does it look more like meeting a lover instead! What a romantic scene!!!! Huh!" The green-eyed Audrey spat through gritted teeth. She feels like her blood is boiling from frustration and she badly wanted to punch something to vent her rage. The uneasiness she was feeling inside was like rampaging water threatening to burst out. She doesn't know exactly the reason why she was feeling like that. She stood petrified on the spot not daring to make a noise. Those hot tears that she was trying hard to hold back eventually wet her
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Sometimes, a good face is also a curse
Nero, on the other hand, snuggled close next to Audrey's lap. He lifted his gaze to look at the girl before deliberately clearing his throat. [Ehem...ehem... Errr.... do you want me to sing a song for you?] Nero insinuated to which Audrey reacted by raising an eyebrow. "Do you know one?" Intrigued and surprised, Audrey looked at her cat curiously and asked him back [Well, now that you mentioned it, I realized that I don't know a single song. How about this? You sing, and I will sing along with you.] (-____-")7  ... (this is Audrey) (=^__^=)    ... (this is Nero) Knowing that her cat is trying his best to comfort her, to the point that he even requested a sing-off, Audrey decided to play along. Besides, it's a rare opportunity to have her cat sing for her. With her voice still quivering and a little hoarse from crying she started. *** A/n: Insert the tune
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Not my type
Going back on the time before Steve was chased by his crazed pursuers. He was actually in the middle of the group study with those beauties. As promised, he went with them right after their Beasticology class. At first, they were just chatting casually. Trading insights mainly about what they have learned so far. Every now and then, there will be a few mentions of their deep admiration towards Steve. During those times, of course, the young sorceresses did not forget to put more effort into acting cute in his front. Even adding a few good words about themselves to make them appear more attractive on Steve's eyes.It did not take long for the supposed group study to completely stir further away from its real purpose. Eventually, the topic dawdles more about Steve's affair. Upon the mention of the incident during the Beasticology class, the atmosphere started to turn awry. The girls keep on hinting about his 'fated love'. This left Steve feeling slightly uncomfortable.
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Make it worth it!
Steve was running frantically as if his life depends on it. He already lost count of how many turns he made, all he knew is he needed to get as far as he could from those crazed pursuers. When he was able to ascertain that he already managed to escape their detection, he finally took his rest. His heart is still beating furiously and he was having a hard time catching even his own breath. He was panting heavily and his magic robe, as well as his inner shirt, were sticking to his body because of sweat. This causes his shirt to outline his well-defined body. It seems that Steve is also putting some effort into developing his muscles. On the flip side, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Audrey tries hard to avert her gaze. Her girly hormones were turning erratic upon the sight of the biceps and abs. Besides she was not in the condition to enjoy the beautiful scenery at the moment. Audrey is not in a better condition either. Her entire face was flushed and she was breathing h
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  [That's the spirit little lass. Nothing is gonna stop us now. We will start to live anew in this world and make the most out of it. Ajah! Fighting!] "I am someone who had lived two lifetimes and in the modern world on top of that. There is no way I will allow those ancient people to bully me." Those girls are nothing but Steve's admirers. A normal student learning how to be a sorceress just like her. What could they possibly do to harm her. She had been into more precarious situations back then but she managed to pull it off and survive up until now. Even the seemingly impossible feat of transmigration happened to her so what else could she be afraid of? A few months ago, she was nothing but a simple orphan and a penny less nobody living off from paycheck to paycheck on her old apartment. Then she ended up dying tragically by being a victim of ritual gone bad and that led her to being pushed off at their school's rooftop, the same day as their
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Nero almost gave you away
  She was about to head back to their dorm when she heard Steve's voice. "Andrew? What brought you here?" After giving it some thought, Steve decided to give a chase and run after the lady. He believes that the problem won't be resolved by just pretending that nothing happens. But when he thought that he finally caught up with her, it was Andrew that he met instead. "Ohhh... I was looking for Nero. How about you, what are you doing here???" "Ohhh... I was..." Steve was about to say that he was looking for a lady that he just met, but he stops himself halfway. Lest his good friend misunderstood him and takes him as a masher instead. It would be awkward if that happens and he was not sure how he could explain the situation to Andrew as well. He was starting to doubt himself if he had gone the wrong way when he recalled that there is also a black cat following behind the lady. "Ahmm... Andrew, may I ask if you saw a lady on y
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Train your own pet for exam
 As scheduled, Professor Huges  arrived for their Plant Mysticism class the next day.  "Mystical plants can be subdivided into different types depending on its purpose. It can be a medicinal type of plant. Some have a defensive ability used for the attack. While others can serve as a core for making weapons or artifacts."Professor Huges  said in her introduction. Before whipping out a high stock of test papers. With a casual flick of her finger, the paper flew on their own and landed on each student's desk."I have prepared a set of questionnaires to assess what you know so far about Plant Mysticism . I advise you not to think about doing something nasty like playing tricks with the result. Any usage of spells that will allow you to cheat your way on this test will immediately set your paper on fire.""Uhrrrgg... I specifically study the spell that could make me remember everything that I review for exam. To think that I
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That just can't be
LITHOPS  (medicinal type). It is an all-cure poison antidote. It looks no different from a rock when it is in a passive state. But once heated, it will bloom and a sweet-smelling flower will emerge from its middle fissure.STRANGLER (attack type). It thrives in dark places since its greatest fear is light. It feeds from the nutrient of a leaving creature. By the time a strangler vine has rooted down on the ground and can survive independently, it has already strangled and killed its hostDEVIL SMILE (attack type) is a soul-sucking sentient plant. It has pristine white buds of a flower. It only blooms by the presence of breath. Whoever saw the blooming of its flower will have its soul trap for the plant's nourishment. ACHILLEA (medicinal type) is a towering grass as tall as an adult man with white spots and can be used in stopping blood flow from wounds.BLOODY MARY TREE (weapon type) is a weeping tree that activates every full moon. Its red sap
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Brewing headache
 Meanwhile, Audrey heaved a sigh of relief when she finished answering her test. But she was unaware that her action already brought her the hostile attention of others.  Even though she almost had the answer key with her because of Nero' help, she still had a fair share of hard work. After all, writing the answers incessantly is also not an easy task. Both of her hands were all sore from writing!"Phew!"Drawing out a deep breath, Audrey stands up and decided to submit her test questionnaire since she was already done answering it. On the other hand, seeing that the lad is really adamant in acting cool, submitting his test paper earlier than the deadline black lines immediately streaked across Professor Huges 's face. But as unhappy as she was, Professor Huges  knew better than stooping low as to pick a bone with this preposterous student of hers.Once the result of the exam is out, let us see how you can still maintain your
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The last choice
 "Nika, please don't make a scene here. I'm sorry for what I have done the last day. But don't get my friends involved."Steve had experience how bold and daring this Nika could get. So he thinks that he should step forward to stop her before everything could even blow out of proportion."Steve, rest assured that I don't come here to cause trouble. I was just merely planning to invite Andrew to a group study if he is free later?"As she said that, Nika did not forget to touch Audrey's shoulder."I and my friends are planning to conduct a group study later in the afternoon. I hope you can come with us, meet me at the Enchanted Garden. See you there."Nika seems to be confident that Andrew will never turn down her invitation as she already walked away after saying her piece. But not before seductively biting her lips and winking at Andrew's direction. Being targeted with that kind of provocative gesture from a girl, Audrey doesn't know h
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