All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
546 Chapters
Sworn Enemy Number One
 It was clear for all eyes to see that Audrey doesn't have any interest in attending the supposed group study and subjects herself to a more awkward situation if that Nika will continue having weird thoughts towards her. As early as now, she could already see the headache that awaits her in the future, if this farce continues to drag on. But what did she know was that there are more troubles brewing on her way. As it turned out, not because Nika decided to move on to Steve, the other girls will do the same as well. Apparently, the moment they saw Steve running away with a girl on his tow, they already etched Audrey's face at their mind and made her their 'sworn enemy number one!' With the help of magic, they managed to produce a copy of Audrey's image and they were currently looking for her.After attending their respective classes, the student sorceresses who were looking for Audrey's whereabouts started their wide search. For them, looking through some
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How can one be thick-skinned?
 "Andrew, look at that flower hair clip, it looks so good! Do you think it will look good to me?""Hmmm???"Before Audrey could even give her response, Nika already drags her to the stall and picked up the hair clip. Then ssing a seductive voice, she whispered next to Audrey's ear."Ahmm...Andrew actually, if it is not too much for me to ask, can you help me put the hair clip? Pretty please?"Audrey on the inside:      How about if I stab you with that hair clip instead?!Audrey on the outside:    (put the hair clip stiffly without saying anything)"Ah--a--aww! Ouch! Andrew, please be gentle...""Sorry, my bad.""Andrew, what do you think, how do I look with it?"Nika very coquettishly asked Audrey as she carefully put a flower clip to tucked her hair at the side. On the contrary, Nero was almost retching at the side as he watched this lame act of sed
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You better not
"What do you think you're doing?!""Steve, please don't get angry. Let me explain..."The student sorceress was on the verge of crying when she saw that the man of her dreams was getting mad at her. She badly wanted to explain her action but the words were caught at the back of her throat due to sheer fright.This was the same girl that berated the store owner previously, the little Lolita. By the way, her name is Liza."Stop what you're doing this instant and I will consider letting it pass. But once I learned that you guys were up to something, don't blame me for getting nasty."He forcefully snatched the portrait from the other party's hand and crumpled it before throwing it away. Steve intentionally raised his voice and acted a little bit harshly. He felt that there is a need to add some threat in his action to put an end on whatever ill intention they were harboring once and for all. He was shocked silly when he learned that the portrait of th
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First Mission
The Ancient Domains of Mystery is the collective term for the group of mages, that seeks to further the territories of mankind. They happen to uncover another ancient domain this time and it was believed to be the place called Dystopia. Since the trio already decided to accept the mission, they have already done their research, and this is what they found out so far based on the old accounts recorded on the books.In Dystopia, magic comes from previous lives' power. All the power and knowledge one gains in life are passed onto new life through reincarnation, so those fortunate enough to be reincarnated through a powerful life are given great powers. Wars have been fought in the past in an attempt to shift knowledge from one nation to another. By killing powerful people of one nation and making sure there is much birth in another, chances of reincarnation of powerful souls are higher in the latter.Dystopia used to be the place of dwelling for necromancers. Necroma
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Virgin eyes no more
 Early the next day, the group resume their usual school routine. As per usual practice, Audrey let the others prepare and took their leave first before she starts preparing herself. This would allow her to move freely as there are some restrictions that she always has to observe whenever someone is around. Thankfully, her other dorm mates were considerate enough to leave her all by herself after they were done doing their things. They seem to be a believer of the old adage that 'early birds catches the worm', as they tend to arrive early in the class. Staring back at her own reflection in the mirror, Audrey caressed her soft skin. The girl in the mirror smiles back at her and exhaled a warm breath. This in return, causes moisture to accumulate in the mirror and she wipes it away."To be honest, I really miss seeing myself like this."Audrey whispered but she was talking to no one else in particular. She was currently inside the bathroom watching
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Voodoo is not that bad
 As soon as Professor De Belen stepped inside, a fragrant smell that would leave anyone intoxicated drifted in the air. All of the students can't help but turn their heads in her direction. Professor De Belen was as beautiful as ever. Just her very presence spoke volumes of elegance. A true goddess through and through. She looks like an enchantress that steps straight out of a beautiful portrait. A deity that descended on the mortal world to grace it with her charm and grace."Arts of Voodoo is an intricate subject often shun by many due to its relevance to the study of dark magic. But my students, you all has to understand that my class was not just all about putting curses and jinxing others. Yes, it was indeed part of the course, but there was more than that. In my time, I will be teaching you as well useful charms to make your life a lot easier as well as counter curse and defensive spells alike that  could prove t be useful in time of need."Prof
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I have never feel this close to Hogwarts
"First is the spell that can turn someone invisible over a given period of time.APÓKRYPSI TIS PAROUSÍASThis spell is read as 'Apo-Krip-Tisis-Paru-Siyas'"This concealment spell allows its caster to turn invisible for around five minutes. After that, the effect of magic will wear down and it will take around fifteen breaths1 before one could make use of the same concealment spell.""Hmm? So it seems that even spells also have something similar to a system downtime..."Audrey said to herself as she nodded her head in realization."System,...what????"Jace asked in a whisper as he leans closer to Audrey. When Audrey met his eyes, she was immediately reminded of the incident just this morning and it makes her blush instantly."Nothing... I'm not saying anything. Don't get too close to me.. Shoo...shooo!"Audrey was flushed red and she fanned herself using her hands as she
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What have you done?
Likewise, Audrey and Niccoli both headed straight to their dorm to look for their pet, Nero and Luna, respectively. They wanted to check if the spell that they recently learned in Arts of Voodoo class would allow them to store their pets inside their storage ring.Unlike other contractual spiritual beasts that can be summoned by its master through their spiritual link with just a mere thought, Niccoli can't do the same with Luna.That is why he badly wanted to do something about it, and if there is a spell that can help him get Monami to stay at his side at all times, that would be for the better.Everyone thought that Niccoli's contracted spiritual beast is Monami since they always appear together. But the truth is Niccoli doesn't have a spiritual beast of his own yet.He refused to sign a contract with any magical beast and insist on keeping Monami on his side as a pet. Monami is not like other magical beasts that can be contracted or tamed by some mean
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Not a chance; over my dead body
Nero is in the middle of trying out his newfound opportunity of jumping in and out of the storage ring when Nike entered the room. He walks straight to where Steve was currently lying. When he reached the edge of the bed, he just stood next to it without saying anything.  He looks like he was ready to throw a punch at any moment yet at the same time trying his best to suppress the livid expression on his face. To achieve the feat, he deliberately performs a set of breath in and breath out exercise. Steve was startled when Nike abruptly approached him, but he still greeted him with a smile."Nike, is there something that I can help you with?""How did you know this girl?"Instead of answering Steve's question with the same level of warmth, his face asked him sternly. Nike passed the copy of Audrey's portrait to Steve and he waited how his good friend will react. As expected, shock is written all over Steve's face when he saw who is in the portrait. But more
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The Guardian of the School
  In a course of several days, the students continued to attend their respective classes. Time surely flies way too fast. As they fail to realize that they had been in Iridos for quite some time now. Even the classes for the two remaining subjects already passed by in just a blink of an eye. Audrey didn't have much of an impression of the two subjects. There is simply nothing worth a mention. Aside from the fact that the entire class almost fell asleep during the Sibyl Studies class with Professor Shunks. While they become as timid as a frightened lamb in front of Professor Alberts during the Runes and Relic class. Today is a rest day, and during a time like this students are supposed to be hanging out with their friends or they should be having fun. Enjoying their life outside of school away from worries. But contrary to the usual notion, Audrey and her friends are not planning to do the same. They actually decided to conduct their mission at this time. The earlier the
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