All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
546 Chapters
Tough decision
The groups had been running without daring to take a rest even once, but the exit of Echurid was still nowhere in sight. "The heck! The situation is turning disadvantageous!" Since  Audrey was riding Nero, they were at the front line. Therefore, she could see clearly what was lying ahead of them. The group had been running and moving forward while the army of undead continued to run after them. With that, at least they have a way to go. They just have to outrun the army of the undead. But the problem is, there are more of those zombie-like creatures that were lying in wait at their front. Meaning, they will soon be surrounded! The sea of death almost overwhelmed the group of warlocks as more skeleton and rotting bodies continued to come out from unkempt dirt of the cracks. The flesh in their shoulder was hanging like tattered rags, and they were half-dragging their once bloodied ripped leg. The situation is becoming hopeless.  Niccoli and the other'
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If you die, I die too
"Please, Nero, trust me this once. You know me. I won't do something I'm not certain about. I know what I'm doing..." Without waiting for her cat's response, Audrey leaped away from Nero back. She charged bravely to where Niccoli was left fighting his way back to Luna's location. "Bro Andrew, you should not be here. It's unsafe here!!!" "I should be the one saying that to you. You bird brain! If I die today, I will haunt you! Remember that!" "If you die today, I will die too. Don't worry..." "Then I will haunt you even in the afterlife! Hmph!" "Thanks Bro...." Audrey and Niccoli stood back to back as they raised their wands ready to cast a spell. The army of the undead also seems to retain some rationality. When they noticed that the duo had some means to fight them, they also stop attacking them blindly. Instead, they surrounded the duo and eyed them warily. Audrey and Niccoli were like trapped prey surrounded
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Oblivious guardian
Nero was already back to his cat form and he was currently resting within Audrey's embrace. He was looking with sorrowful eyes as Niccoli caresses the sleeping Monami. As much as he wanted to get near her right now, he knew that Niccoli wanted to have Monami for himself. Especially at a time like this, so Nero just contained himself at looking to the love of his life, Monami"Andrew... How did you summon the Lightning Ordeal by the way???"It was Nike who asked Audrey this time. Apparently, his friends already made him drank an elixir aiding his swift recovery. He was now capable of moving around without much difficulty. Others might not know, how hard it was to cast the Lightning Ordeal spell successfully. But as someone who tried to practice it multiple times, Nike knew it. At the very least, he could safely say that he was not able to do it yet. Despite having a more advanced magic level compared to his peers.According to his estimation, he was about to make
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What about a song?
"To say that you met an army of those terrific creatures today, are you telling me that they still exist up to this date ??? Are you kidding me? That is just utterly impossible!"Veronica insinuated with her set orb-like eyes, bugged out in disbelief. On the other hand, seeing the guardian's bewildered expression as though the other party could not bring herself to believe what her ears just heard, Allan could not help but asked her back."But we just fought with those! We're not lying! Do you think we are too free to invent stuff in our heads? Oh, wait…. Don't tell me that you simply don't know about it as well????"If truth must have to be told,  even the mages who belonged at the highest echelon of the Ancient Domains of Mystery were not aware of the existence of an army of the undead within the land of Dystopia; so what more could be expected to those working at lower posts? Besides, Veronica was just a mere guardian, not to mention, a new recrui
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The third guardian
"It's great that Allan and Jace insisted on buying this Nexus Portal despite its sky-high price. They even ended up splitting the payment just to buy it."Steve insinuated on the side. Back when they were looking for useful artifacts to buy from Brujeria, the moment Nike saw this Nexus Portal, he already wanted to buy it. But Allan and Jace insisted that they should be the ones to pay because they want to contribute something. Most of the expenses for the artifacts needed in the mission were taken care of by Nike and Nicolli. But since they were doing the mission as a group, Allan and Jace felt that they need to contribute something at least. Thus they insisted on paying for that Nexus Portal. Most of the artifacts were bought by the two brothers. Yet in the end, they failed to use a single artifact that they bought. It was this Nexus Portal instead that proves to be useful in the last part of the mission.On the other hand, after Allan's blood fell into the whirlpool
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Riddle or a joke?
"Niccoli, you love cats, do you have any idea who was that silly cat that loves flower so much that he ended up turning one???""How would I know??? Monami never talks to strangers before. She was a very nice cat. There is no way, she will know that cat."Gosh! You are focusing on the wrong thing dude! Haaay... Never mind!"How about you Andrew? You also have a cat. Do you have any idea in mind???"Knowing that they can't get any useful answers from Niccoli, the group shifted their attention to Audrey instead."Errr????"Of course, Audrey has no idea who was that godforsaken cat. But she won't back down without trying anything either.."Nero! What do you think? Do you know the answer???"[No I don't, how should I know???]"This...."Since even Nero doesn't know the answer, Audrey doesn't know anyone who could answer the riddle.Thus for the second time around, they gave up."Ohhh... such a pity. You
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The proud professor
The talking oak tree was taken aback when he saw that the group of young warlocks had returned. Recalling the matter about the Antediluvian cat, the guardian tree in the Forbidden Forest looked for Nero. Upon catching the sight of the daggers in the other party's eyes, Nero' eyes shot up and an ominous premonition arose in her mind. Without giving the talking oak tree time to speak Nero said,[Let's talk some other time Old Oak. We still have something to attend to...]Nero did not give the talking oak tree a chance to interrogate him. He still had important matters to attend, just like Monami's safety. Right now, the group was rushing to meet Professor Sonny. Since Niccoli was the one who accepted the mission, he had to report his identity to the Mission Tower. Mission Tower is one of the infrastructures in the school and it was built mainly for the purpose of distributing and accepting missions. There is no one manning the tower because it can operate by itself. Vari
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Reporting to the Highest Master
He just came in from a mission, but instead of taking his rest first, which he highly deserved, he still decided to run straight to Professor Sonny to report his findings. This made the goodwill she felt about the young lad before him shooting furiously up the meter. It is also the same reason why she offered him her help without any hesitation. It was a good thing that Niccoli is at the right timing and he met Professor De Belen. If it was any other teacher, they might need ended up waiting for a few more hours before their request will be accommodated.After a few moments, Niccoli and the rest of his friends can be seen walking at one of the school building that they have never entered before. Professor De Belen was walking ahead of them while the group was following closely behind her. She was leading the way with a smile. After leaving the Mission Tower, they walk for some time before a staircase came into view.This staircase was extremely bizarre. There was nothi
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Luna's state
"Professor De Belen, what brought you here?""Professor Sonny, this are my students and they just came in after completing the school mission. They wish to discuss something with you, the Headmaster.Regarding its content, I'm not too sure either as they refuse to tell it to me. Insisting that they want to speak to you directly. As such, I was left with no choice but to bring them here with me. I hope Professor Sonny can help us.""Ohh???? I see. You can leave them here with me, I'll talk to them. Thanks by the way Professor De Belen for bringing them over."Professor Sonny nodded at the student warlocks and smiled amiably."I will be taking my leave then, Professor Sonny."Knowing that she was no longer needed there, Professor De Belen excused herself. After that, Professor De Belen patted Niccoli's shoulder and nodded to the direction of the other students before leaving the room. She was considerate enough to close the door behind her aft
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Soul Arts
Walking closer to observed the sleeping white cat, Professor Sonny knitted his eyebrow. When he got a clear view of the situation of the sleeping cat, the frown on his face deepened. With a slightly upturned eyebrow, he asked,"You mean to say this little cat over here ended up like this because it tried to save you???It was already a huge blessing that she was not smashed into a meat paste after being attacked by a large platoon with that small physique of her...May I ask how could this small cat managed to do your group any help???"It's not that Professor Sonny was mocking the capability of the small cat or the group. It is just that the whole situation is very inconceivable. When he heard about a magical beast by the name of Monami  tried to sacrifice herself to save the group of warlocks, Professor Sonny imagined it to be some formidable magical beast. Thus, upon seeing a small and seemingly harmless cat, Professor Sonny cannot help but asked
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