All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
546 Chapters
Group bond
Whizmead is located almost at the very center of Brujeria. Meaning it was relatively busier in this area and stopping in one of the exquisitely looking shops Audrey was greeted with a business bustling with customers. Consequently, the wind hanging on the door produce a melodious chiming sound as soon as the group walked in. The place looks livelier inside and as soon as they stepped in, the first thing that they noticed was that Allan seems to be a frequent customer in this place as he was very casual in maneuvering inside. He was able to lead the group to the best spot with relative easeThey choose the table located at one of the corner of the shop where the customers were considerably sparse. If Audrey will be asked to describe the place, it looks like a typical cafe shop on her previous life. Where people usually go to enjoy a cup of tea or their favorite espresso while trying to unwind or have a breather from their stressful life. They did not have to wait long bec
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Sweet Revenge
Sweet RevengeMeanwhile, Nika was brushing her hair in front of her vanity mirror. She was currently in the girl's dormitory and was seething with rage. She does not even feel going out today after the incident that happens at the pantry this morning. All of the students around her were giving her weird gazes every time they see her. This makes her blood boils even further, and the anger that she was feeling right now is really hard to quench."Selene!!!! This is all your fault... Just you wait! I'll take my sweet revenge on you.. Huh!"Unbeknownst to everyone, Nika was actually a close relative of Professor De Belen. Aside from that, she also joined the same sect that trained Professor De Belen into becoming a sorceress of Indigo Realm. She also practices the same fame technique of Professor De Belen, which is the Seductress. Although the level of her mastery of this technique is not yet worth a mention as of the moment. This is the reason why she dares act too
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No bridges burnt
 One afternoon, when Audrey and her friends were on their way back to the boy's dormitory, they saw an unexpected visitor standing in wait at the front of their room. The lady was standing still and from afar, she was like a beautiful painting. The young warlocks passing by in the corridor can't help but turn their heads in her direction. It was obvious that all of them were enthralled by her beauty. But no one has the guts to start a conversation with her. They did not dare approach her for fear of drawing the ire of the young sorceress. Admiring her from afar was already enough for them. But when the beautiful lady saw Audrey's group arriving, her eyes lit up. "Selene, what brought you here???""Hi there, Nike. It is great that you were here."Selene beamed as soon as Nike approached her. She hooked her arms to Nike and asked in a cute manner,"I was just wondering if can you come with me? I want to go to Brujeria, but I have no one t
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The Icy Village
The time came for Audrey's group to depart and head to Viridescent Valley. This time, they were no longer as green as they were before. Their past experience in their mission in the land of Dystopia gave them a better idea about what kind of dangers they could possibly meet outside of their schoolyard. The Viridescent Valley is one of the rare places that are not accessible through simple means like the teleportation portals. Those who wish to venture the place will have to travel it on foot, though not literally on foot. Basically, what it means is that Audrey and her friends have to painstakingly endure traveling back and forth to Viridescent Valley without relying on any teleportation portals for easy access.As the group already made their preparation for this journey, a carriage was already lying in wait for them as soon as they went out of the school. The carriage looks the same as what Audrey used to ride on their clan when they attend the banquet back the palace, duri
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The shared plight of those who seek the Old Hermit
The sun was already about to take a dipped on the western horizon when the group arrived. That is why they decided to hurry their way to one of the brick houses erected in the snowy land. The good thing is that the villagers seem to be amiable and kind in nature. When Nike knock on the door, a granny opened up the door and invited them in without any hesitation. The old lady introduced herself and called out her granddaughter who was playing inside her room at that moment. According to their introduction, the granny was called Grandma Lu and the girl is called Angela. Grandma Lu was raising her grandchild alone ever since Angela's parents died.Angela, on the other hand, is a bubbly and cute little girl. While Granma Lu is a very attentive host, though a little bit talkative. From their conversation, the group learned that people in this place were accustomed to seeing itinerant warlocks that is why they were too accommodating. The eyes of the cute little girl lit up when it
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Do you wanna see my pet?
After a short while, Grandma Lu already wend inside her room and retire early to bed. On the other hand, the bubbly cute little girl was still busy playing with Nero. Angela was also chatting with Audrey and her friends. The group learned a lot of things from the lips of the child. Just like Grandma Lu said, their village was the last residential area before entering the Viridescent Valley. It was always winter in this place. Snows pour so frequently as if it was just raining. As such, the terrain became icy and the place was surrounded by thick mist and snow all year round. Also, as their village serves as the last frontier before entering the Viridescent Valley where the snow dragon was rumored to live, there were countless warriors that visited their village. Some even decided to stay there for good, in hopes of capturing the legendary snow dragon someday."Brother Andrew, I will tell you a secret... But you should not tell anyone about it. Okay???""Uhmm...."
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How old are you?
"Of course not! Big Foot is so shy and kindhearted. Those travelers are the bad ones! They always try to catch Big Foot and hurt him. I was there too, good thing that we manage to shake them off, every time. Or else, we might die back then.""Based on your story, it seems that you had been with Big Foot for a long time now. May I ask how old are you???""I just turned fifty this year..."The bubbly little girl, Angela, said sweetly.Fifty?!!!!  As in five and zero?!!This little girl before me is freaking fifty years old?!!!Heaven!!!!!!!!"You must be kidding right???""Why should I be kidding you?? I'm telling you the truth. Cross my heart.."'Hahaha! Funny. Why are you even taking the words of a child to face value...'Audrey slapped her forehead as she laughed at her own foolishness. Most probably the child does not even know how old she really was and
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Dragon's lair
"Andrew, where do you think he was planning to take us???"Jace can't help but asked when he noticed that they had traveled some quite distance already."Angela told him to take us to the place where the old hermit was probably staying."Angela have no idea that the abominable snowman, Big Foot, that she was treating like a pet was actually acquainted with the old hermit. It was precisely for this reason, that the travelers and old residents of Viridescent Valley were always haunting this beast in hopes of finding the old hermit's whereabouts. As such it was a good thing that Audrey and her pet Nero befriended Angela. Gaining the goodwill of the only person that could recommend them to the best guide. Apparently, the old hermit also chooses to reside near the nest of the legendary snow dragon. That is why, to date, no one was able to locate him. Trailing behind Big Foot, the group realized that the path that they were taking was getting steeper and slippier. If
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It's dead
 "You fools! What are you all looking up there?!! I'm over here!!!"'Looking for the source of the voice, the group soon found out that an adorable fluffy white bird was standing in the middle of the cavern. It looks so pure and innocent, like a white lily. It's cute little head was tilted sideward looking at the same direction were the group was currently looking. It looks like a snowball from afar, and when it look back at the group they were mesmerized by how beautiful its eyes were. The adorable white creature has the most beautiful eyes that they could have ever see. It has the color of electric blue; the color of a newly bloomed bluebell from the valley, so enchanting. They were like the color of a clear blue sky through a broken prison wall; the color of a perfect raindrop on a blue aster; the color of a river hurrying to join the great ocean.How could be the eyes of this small creature be as beautiful as that?"Hey don't you know, staring i
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The fledgling
"And how exactly did I die then, this time? You little rascal, killing me again in your dreams." Another voice sounded on the far-end corner of the cavern. Then not long after, somebody around the age of thirty appeared in their sight. It picked the alleged snow dragon very casually and looked at Audreys' group with a beaming smile. "Pardon me, if I was not able to welcome you properly. I think I was the old hermit that you were referring to. While this pesky little bird is the only fledgling left behind by my deceased spiritual beast, the snow dragon." "Please pardon this silly chick if she ever bullied you." When the group heard the other party say that, they simultaneously turn their heads to the adorable fluffy creature. Their eyes were trying to convey the same meaning------ IMPOSTER! "Hmmmph!" Instead of feeling disgraced, the adorable, fluffy creature craned its neck like a proud dragon she was. "This, my friend
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