All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
546 Chapters
"Here are a few stalks of Devil Smile Flower. Use these to make an incense stick and burned three of them besides the sleeping cat. This will help to stabilize the dormant soul of your spiritual beast."As Devil Smile Flower is a sentient mystical plant that used to devour souls for its nourishment, it was inevitable that it has some used in stabilizing or nourishing a weakened soul. Since these flowers had a huge accumulation of soul energy within its body due to its prolonged exposure to soul nourishment. Even though Professor Sonny was helpless about saving Monami at the moment, he was confident that it was not entirely impossible for him to do it. He just needs to read more books related to the study of soul arts. Once he learned more about this practice, it won't be hard for him to think of a way to help his students. In the meantime, what they have to do is to find a way to stabilize the weakened soul of Monami"Thank you, Professor Sonny..."Niccoli accep
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The Cameo
Early the next day, Nero told Audrey that he will be going to Enchanted Garden.[I'll be going out to get some fresh air. Don't look for me, I'll be back in no time...]He said as he bid his farewell. Audrey allowed Nero to have some time alone. She knew that despite her cat's strong and nonchalant upfront, she can feel that Nero was also feeling despondent after what happen to Monami  There is a high chance that Nero intends to go on Enchanted Garden so that no one, especially Audrey can see him wallowing with his sadness. When he reached Enchanted Garden, Nero head straight to the chocolate fountain. This is where he and Monami usually stay during their free time. On his way, he heard the voice of a man who appears to be in the middle of an argument."You useless system! Where did you bring me this time?!!!""What?!!!! Are you serious?????! Shame on you! Why do I have to be stuck to a useless system just like you?!!!"Nero was not planning t
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Breaking the fourth wall
[So what are you doing in this world??? And who is that useless system that you were talking about?] "Oh, well as I've said it was all because of that useless system's fault. If he did not lose the coordinates to the next world that I should head to, I won't even land on this mess. Regarding that system, it was currently residing inside my mind..." [Oh... I get it now. So you mean to say, you are a character from another transmigration story, and your cheat is that useless system?] "You can think of it that way. I was the result of the colorful imagination of  that shameless author, FallenBlue." [Is that so??? Then, welcome to our story! Just like you, I am also the best character that my beautiful and excellent author conceived out from her limitless imagination]     <A/n: Nero, can you please stop bootlicking???? When you're acting like that, I can't help but feel like you are up to something...>
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So here's the tea
  On the other hand, the cute little black cat Nero went straight to the boy's dormitory. He was eager to share the bit of news that someone other than Audrey was able to understand him. The moment he caught sight of his master, Nero went straight to her. Then he immediately recounted what happen to him back at the Pixie Yard."You mean to say you met a character from another transmigration story, with the name of Robin?"[Little lass, you just literally repeated what I just said...]"Wait..wait.. wait... What does it mean? Could it be that there will be some sort of collaboration happening on this storyline????!][Not exactly a collaboration, Little lass. You were over thinking things. He was more like a special guest. Just like in talk shows or video blogs that you watch on TVs before on your previous life.]"Oh, I see... so it's what they called special participation..."[Yes, exactly. Besides, he won't be stayin
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"So??? What is in it for us????"It was Audrey who asked this question. To be honest, she had never heard about this soul beguilement thing before."When I heard them mentioning that there is an old hermit that is capable of soul beguilement, I immediately thought about Niccoli's cat. Maybe.... maybe the old hermit can help us? Or at the very least gave us some crucial information about soul arts..."Allan immediately makes his intention clear. Although he cannot guarantee whether the old hermit can really help them cure Monami's condition or not, the very mention of "soul" gave him a ray of hope."You're right, anything related to soul arts is hard to come by information. If we could be able to meet one who practice anything related to it, even though it is just a simple soul beguilement, it was better rather than having no leads at all."Nike nodded when realization dawn at him. He patted Allan's shoulder to show his appreciation."So, whe
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Will they hate me
According to what Allan learned so far, Cloud Mist Ridge was located quite some distance away from Iridos. It will take them around three days of traveling before they could reach their destination. Provided that they will travel on full speed without resting for the night. As for the old hermit, Allan was not able to gather information about its exact whereabouts. Even his source was not able to meet the said old hermit before. Meaning, the group will still have to comb the area after reaching it. In a nutshell, they were banking on hearsay.Nevertheless, despite the uncertainty of this expedition and the difficulties that they were bound to encounter in this journey to Cloud Mist ridge, Audrey and her friends still chose to brave through it. As long as it will give them some leads about soul arts. Anything related to it, they will not hesitate to search for it wherever corner of the world it was.This is especially true to Audrey. She was not just doing this for Mona
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Humans are greedy in nature
 [I won't be able to guarantee what they will exactly feel once they learned your true identity. After all, it can be said that you betrayed their trust. But if it a true friendship, they will not hate you for it, but you will definitely hurt them...]"I don't want to hurt anyone Nero. I just want to live my own life the way I wanted it to be. I just want to be happy..."[Are you a happy now???]" I don't know... Every time I see them, the more I see how good they treated me as a friend, the more scared I feel. I'm scared for the day to come that they will learn my true identity. I'm scared to see them turn cold. I'm scared that they will be different from how they were right now."[You were scared to lose them because you already see them as your friend.It's up to you. You can always come clean and get rid of that thing that was bothering you. But you must ready yourself for its consequences. Everything you do has a fair share of its boon and bane.]
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Succubus Incarnate
  The next morning, Audrey wake up early. She opened the window in their room to allow the morning draft to caress her face. At the same time, the morning rays filtered into the room. This brings a pleasant atmosphere in the room full of boys. The morning routine went on as usual. Half naked bodies paraded in front of the master and cat duo. Their perfectly toned abs and biceps were all available for Audrey's eyes to feast on. At this rate, Audrey was already immune to seeing their half-course display of human anatomy. [Little lass, I was just curious. Don't you feel a bit of shame whenever you stare at their bodies??? You look as if a ravenous wolf staring at a piece of fat meat.]"Why should I?! It's not as if I asked them to strip naked in front of me? Besides, their half baked muscles is not a sight to be excited over, in the first place. Like duh???"[Ohh yeah... how could I forgot about that??? My little
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The Great Casanova
 "What are you doing in here????"Audrey asked Nika as soon as the other party approached her. But in her mind, she was shouting.. 'STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!'In reality, she have no qualms about Nika staying at the pantry for as long as she wanted to. As long as the other party will stay as far as she could from her and stop bothering her. But Nika is such a pain in the ass. She will always find a way and reason to stay close to Audrey. To be honest, the word close is an understatement. She was staying way too close to Audrey to the point that it looks as if it will be a matter of time before their bodies merge together and become one.How annoying!!!!!"Andrew,... why are you so cold??? Aren't you delighted to see me???"Nika very seductively batted her long, dark curly lashes as she asked that. Those two big black orbs of an eyeball stared pitifully to Audrey as if an abandoned puppy. Meanwhile, afraid that the duo will start f
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Arriving at a place where the people were relatively parsed, Audrey finally halted her step. She just stood there without saying a word. Her back facing Selene.What exactly is she up to this time???"So, how are you, Andrew??? Or should I dear cousin, Audrey?????"Selene asked with a cunning expression reflecting on her face. On the other hand, as soon as Audrey heard how Selene addresses her, all colors were magically drained out of her face.How the hell did she know about me?!But despite her shocked, Audrey did not allow it to show on her face."What are you talking about???"She said, trying to fake her confusion. There is no way she will going to admit it so readily."It doesn't matter if you want to deny it or not. I don't know what exactly are you planning to do. But if you want to continue that disguise, just so be it. But don't do anything stupid and disrupt me with my plan. I will make sur
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