All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
355 Chapters
S2| 71. A Scattered Heart
"What's wrong, Mia?" Minnie asked, forcing her weak legs to move faster into the room. As soon as she saw her daughter sitting on the edge of the bed with a forced smile, a sigh escaped her wrinkled mouth. “Lena just made me panic,” the old woman mumbled as she sat down beside her daughter. After observing the tears peeking out, she took the girl's hand and rubbed it warmly. "What's wrong, Mia?" "Do you still remember what Miss Amber ever said?" the girl asked in an unstable voice. A second later, Minnie's brows furrowed, searching for memory. "Which words?" "About how her ancestors believed that the human personality corresponds to the elements of life—water, wood, fire, earth, and metal," Mia said as she looked up, holding back the tears. After taking a deep breath, she continued to speak. “Miss Amber said that her element is metal, while Mr. Max's is earth. Because of that, she used to say that she was compatible with Mister
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S2| 72. Mia's Decision
After pausing for the daughter to think, Minnie asked again. “How about it, Mia? Do you want to meet up?” For three seconds, the girl's lips just trembled without a word. Knowing her daughter's doubts, the old woman let out a faint sigh. "Do you know? His fate is almost the same as yours." "Almost the same?" Mia muttered, starting to wrinkle her brows. "Yes. His name is Liam. He is also the son of a servant, who was educated by a kind businessman. Now, Liam works as the good man's personal assistant,” Minnie explained, successfully getting the attention of her daughter. With a slightly downcast face, Mia pondered. "His background is similar with mine." "Yes. Your lives are too very similar, even though he's not as lucky as you. That's why, I'm sure, he can understand you." From under the raised eyebrows, the girl examined her mother's expression. "Why isn't he as lucky as me?" she asked slowly. “His father died while taking the
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S2| 73. Resigned
Realizing that the CEO would not give up easily, Mia was forced to show firmness through her dim gaze."Let's see later. It's working hour now. Please come to your room immediately. Today, we have an important meeting with the Carter Care Company.”Having an expression he had never seen before, Julian fell silent. Blinking in confusion, the man straightened up again. "Okay. We'll talk again on Friday," he said flatly.After stroking Mia's shoulder, the man turned towards the door of his room. While furrowing his eyebrows, he guessed the meaning of the look on his lover's face.“Why does Mia look like she is holding a grudge? Did something bad just happen to her? Or, she was annoyed that I was too busy yesterday?”Arriving in a different room, Julian finally sighed. “I have to apologize later.”After nodding confirming the decision in his mind, the man rushed to the desk. He had to complete the task as quickly as
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S2| 74. Liam Wood
Hearing a low-pitched voice that spoiled the ears, Mia suddenly shuddered. Her hearing wasn't wrong at all. The young man holding her hand was indeed named Liam. "What is it, Miss? Is there something wrong with my name?” the personal assistant asked while raising an eyebrow. His charm successfully snapped the girl in front of him back to her senses. “Sorry,” Mia sighed as she lowered her hand and stepped back a little. With stiff lips adorned with a grimace, she made up an excuse. "Your name sounds familiar." With a small nod, Liam flashed a wider smile. The man seemed to hide something behind the mysterious twinkle in his eyes. Not wanting to be hypnotized anymore, Mia immediately moved her palm towards the door. However, before she could speak, another voice had already interrupted. "Uncle Howard? Why are you here? Gosh, I should be the one approaching you. Now I feel a little bit cheeky,” Julian chimed in as he approached with arms outstret
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S2| 75. Too Intense
"Like siblings?" Mia asked, testing."Yes. In the past, whenever Julian had a fight with Max, he always ran off to Mr. Carter's house. There, we spent a lot of time together. But, since Julian's heartbreak and fled to another city, we never saw each other again. Our relationship was broken, until finally, you sent a cooperation proposal to our email,” Liam explained as he circled the table and ended up in front of the secretary.After tilting his head and warming his gaze, the man flashed the best smile. "Thank you for making today's meeting happen, Miss."Unknowingly, Mia gulped. Liam's gaze was too intense for her.“Why are you thanking me, Sir? I am only in charge of submitting proposal. The idea came from Mister Julian. So, you should be thanking him, not me,” the girl said, blinking the other way."As for Julian, I should ask for his apology. He's already put Mr. Carter and me in a memory he wanted to throw away. Just because
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S2| 76. Can't Stand It
After a moment of silence, Julian raised his voice again. "She is my lover."In an instant, Mia's heart was beating fast. She didn't expect that the CEO would admit her status in front of Liam.However, before the girl had time to think of a response to show, the man beside her had already snorted."Do you think I believe it? A woman as sweet as Miss Sanders could not possibly fall for a man as emotional as you. She definitely wants a man who can treat her gently and lovingly.”Hearing the ridicule, the CEO's ears suddenly heated up.“How dare you underestimate me,” Julian grumbled before looking straight at the secretary. “Mia, quickly tell this man about our relationship. He really needs an explanation.”Unexpectedly, the girl's hands clenched. The image of Julian with Katniss had clouded her senses. Forcing a smile, she turned to Liam.“Please ignore Mr. Evans' words. He really likes to joke arou
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S2| 77. Hard to Breathe
“What's wrong, Miss Sanders? Why are you standing here?” Liam whispered, making the secretary take a quick breath and lift her head.While blinking, the girl looked for an excuse."I ..." Mia sighed as she waited for the brain to send an idea. Right at that moment, the girl's eyes fell on the tray she was carrying. "I forget whether this tea has been given sugar or not," she continued, nodding.After replaying the memory for a while, the man who was also holding the tray said, “Yes, you have. I saw you put a spoon in it.""Are you sure?" Mia asked, pretending to be stupid. She needed to buy some time for the sadness to sink from her eyes."Yeah," Liam said before sending a signal over the line of sight. "Let's go in. The CEOs must have been waiting.”“Yes,” the girl replied before gulping. Strengthening her grip, she walked towards the table between the sofas.As soon as he saw Mia enter with Liam,
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S2| 78. Mia's Substitute
“Mia, may I borrow Julian for a moment?” Katniss asked between gasps. She completely ignored the expression on the face that was avoiding her. "What's the matter, Katniss?" the man inquired with furrowed brows. Without waiting for the secretary's reply, the uninvited guest grabbed Julian's arm to follow her. “Wait a minute, Katniss. You can't just drag me around like this," the man protested, trying to escape the model's grip. "I have a serious talk with Mia." "But this is more urgent, Julian," Katniss whispered as she placed the CEO's thumb on the sensor. As soon as the door opened, the two of them instantly disappeared from Mia's sight. In an instant, the tears flowed even more profusely. "Isn't that pretty obvious? What else would you like to talk about, Sir?” the secretary sighed, full of emphasis. A second later, the girl staggered towards her desk. After taking a deep breath, she sat down and wiped away the sadness.
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S2| 79. I Don't Deserve to be Hurt
"Hello? Mia? Are you okay?" Minnie asked because there was no sound. "Mom, I'll call you later. I have urgent work to do now," the secretary said, suppressing the trembling of her voice as best she could. "Mia—" Without waiting for the continuation of her mother's words, the girl hung up the phone. While rubbing her burning neck, she put the phone in her bag. "I can not take it anymore. I really can't." A second later, Mia left her desk, walking towards the elevator. The girl didn't care if there was still unfinished work. She didn't want to meet the man who had broken her heart. In the narrow room, the secretary hid behind the eyelids that felt very hot. The tears kept pushing out. As much as possible, Mia locked them in pain. “Stop crying! Aren't you embarrassed if other employees see your messy face?” the girl thought to herself. But unfortunately, the heart did not want to compromise. It continued to struggle, beati
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S2| 80. End of Patience
After signing the affidavit and sealing it, Julian handed Katniss the piece of paper. "Are you sure this is enough to refute the wrong news about us?" the man asked with brows drawn in concern. "At least, we don't just sit back and let people think the news is true," Katniss said while putting the paper in the folder containing her statement. After nodding, Julian tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “Will these rumors affect your reputation?” Without thinking, the woman chuckled. "Of course it matters, but I'm becoming more and more famous." “Then, after the affidavit is expanded, will you receive any bad repercussions?” "No. People will even praise me for being kind enough to help you out in between my very busy schedule,” Katniss replied as she put the folder into her big bag and got up from the chair. "Enough. Instead of worrying about my career, you better think about your lover. Before she hears from someone else, you have to t
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