All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
355 Chapters
S2| 81. Don't be Stupid!
"I'm sorry, Julian. Sorry," Herbert said as he bowed deeper. “I want to give the best for my sons. But ... everything I do always ends in fatal mistakes,” the man sighed, sounding like an afterthought. With blood already reaching the crown, Julian wanted to vent the anger. His forefinger was itching, about to blame his father, while his lips twitched, almost spitting out regret. However, before the CEO exploded with emotion, the image of Mia flashed back into his mind. Instantly, the man remembered that he had promised to be a man the girl could rely on. Looking up, Julian took a deep breath. Gradually, the burning feeling in the chest subsided. Fingers that were originally clenched tightly, began to stretch. A second later, his hands rose and landed lightly on both of his father's arms. "It's not your fault," the young man said in a low, trembling voice. After swallowing hard, he continued speaking. “I was too stupid and cowardly to be dishon
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S2| 82. Give Me a Chance
"Mia!" Julian called at the door of his lover's apartment. He had made loud noise several times. However, the girl who always filled his mind was nowhere to be seen. “Mia, please open the door! We have to talk!” Two seconds, three seconds, the atmosphere remains silent. Only Julian's roar shook the air. Not wanting to despair, the man banged on the door again. Right at that moment, his senses tapped. He just remembered with the bell that could be used near the door. Wasting no time, the man pressed the button as much as his heart screamed the girl's name. “Mia, we really need to talk. What the media reported is not true,” Julian exclaimed, regardless if his voice reached the back of the room or not. "Mia ..." Can't wait any longer, the man finally started inputing the passcode. However, as soon as he pushed the door, the digital key flashed a red light and again asked for numbers. In an instant, cold sweat covered Julian's nape. "No wa
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S2| 83. A Good Talk
While swallowing hard, Julian clenched his fists on the knees. After taking a deep breath, the man replied, “Please don't believe that news. Everything reported is not true.” "What's not true? Isn't it obvious that the beautiful model looks very happy holding your arm? You even smiled when you put the ring on her palm,” Minnie replied with a rock-hard expression. "But it's not what it seems. The media has been exaggerating,” the man whined. “The model and I—” "That's what Mia saw with her own eyes," the old woman interrupted while looking the other way. Tears could fall if she kept staring at the man who was still kneeling. Hearing the statement, Julian fell silent. His eyes quivered at the thought that his lover had been in pain longer than he imagined. "So, Mia was there ...," the man sighed, hard to accept reality. "Do you know how many tears my daughter has shed as the result of your behavior?" Minnie asked, still looking the other
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S2| 84. Meet Mia
"So, all this time, Uncle and Auntie doesn't oppose our relationship?" Julian exclaimed, emphasizing his question just now.Taking a deep breath, Minnie blinked at the memory. “In the beginning, we did object.”“Is it true because of my incompetence?” the man guessed with round eyes.With a crooked smile, the old woman shook her head slowly. "No. My words which you heard back then, were not true at all, Sir. I said it because Mia asked. She wanted to try to hate you. But as it turned out, she couldn't."Hearing that explanation, Julian's heart became even more relieved. However, after one breath, confusion again shrunk his smile.“If it's not for that, then what? Is it because of people's views? Uncle and Auntie are afraid if Mia gets ridiculed?”After a faint sigh, the old woman nodded. “Yes, we are afraid that people will dislike Mia and try to bring her down.”“You shouldn't hav
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S2| 85. Chasing Mia
While ruffling his hair, Julian took a quick breath. His face was gloomy again. The hope that once colored his eyes, had disappeared into the restlessness."Mia, where are you?" the man groaned as he looked up with hands on the waist. While staring at the ceiling unable to give an answer, he sighed. "What should I do now?"Realizing that his mind was stuck, Julian picked up the cell phone. Without wasting time, he contacted someone who could provide him with a solution."Hello?" a man from across the phone answered."Max, where's Gabriella?" Julian replied as fast as the wind.“My wife is bathing the Little Prince. What is it?"While massaging his temples, the caller asked, "May I speak to her?""Of course," the younger brother answered in a low intonation. After a while, the man's voice was heard again. "Gaby, Julian is looking for you.""Why?"Without having time to say hello, the CEO shouted the answer. "Mia's g
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S2| 86. Passport Hunt
Cayden stopped wiggling his feet when his father led him into Mia's apartment. The condition of the space caught by his round eyes was a sight he had never seen. Nothing was set in place. “Mi … ya … jajajaja!” the baby babbled, pointing his forefinger forward. After letting out a faint sigh, the woman standing beside her husband nodded. "Right. Mia will be furious if she finds out that her house has been turned into a wreck.” "No one would believe that Julian is looking for a passport," Max mumbled as he continued walking, stepping over the sofa cushions strewn across the floor. "Looks like your brother is starting to lose his mind," Gabriella said as she lifted the cushion and moved it to its proper place. Just at that very moment, a man with disheveled hair crossed the room. As soon as he saw the presence of the guests, his steps immediately froze. "Max ..., Gabriella? Why do you come? I haven't asked your help yet," he said without
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S2| 87. On the Chapel Bridge
No matter how far the eyes could see, how beautiful the sights were, Mia's image continued to occupy Julian's mind. The man did not enjoy the trip at all. As long as he didn't hold his lover's hand, his heart will continue to beat wildly. Calm would not rise in the chest that was tight with anxiety. Arriving at the hotel, Julian immediately approached the reception desk with burning enthusiasm. However, instead of booking a room, he prepared his cellphone. "Good morning," the shabby-faced man with very thick eye bags said. "Sorry to ask. Has a woman by the name of Mia Sanders booked a room at this hotel?” With a friendly smile on the verge of fading away, the girl behind the reception desk grimaced. “I beg your pardon, Sir. We can't hand over hotel visitor data to anyone," she said softly. The receptionist was suspicious of the man's disorganized look. "Please don't misunderstand. I am her future husband. Due to a misunderstanding, my lover ran away f
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S2| 88. She's Really My Lover
"Mia?" Julian sighed as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just like the man in front of her, the girl sighed faintly. Her body had been frozen in shock, while her heart was screaming, begging to be rescued immediately. "Julian? How can he be here?" she thought while swallowed the bitter spit. Before the tears grew thicker, Mia turned to run away. However, before she could take a step, the man had grabbed her arm. “Please listen to me. It's not what you think," Julian said with an expression that was hard to describe. He was squeezed between hope and despair. Instead of showing her face, the girl looked down to hide the gaze. "Sorry, you've got the wrong person," she said in a shaky, flat voice. “Stop avoiding, Mia. Katniss and I are just friends. What you saw that night—” "You've got the wrong person!" the girl exclaimed as she already had the courage to meet Julian's gaze. Her red eyes seemed to tremble faintly. The s
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S2| 89. Can't Forget Him
Knowing that Julian didn't leave her, Mia's heart was suddenly filled with confusion. Should she feel sad? Or happy? Her brain was completely incapable of determining. "Do you know that the clock in this tower strikes one minute ahead of the other clocks?” Julian asked as the silence returned. Realizing that they stared at each other for too long, Mia flinched. While sighing, she looked out the window again. "And your silhouette from here ... looks really pretty," the man continued, flatly. Unable to hear the sound that shook her heart more than the chime of the clock, Mia finally rushed down the stairs. Her heart was tight being in a closed room with the man. Knowing that he had made the wrong move, Julian sighed. "I should have kept quiet," he regretted before following in Mia's footsteps. Cautiously, he descended the stairs so as not to frighten the girl. Again, the CEO trailed his secretary around the city. Silently, the man wished
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S2| 90. Please, Wake Up!
As soon as she entered the room, Mia immediately opened her suitcase and took out a cellphone. Without thinking, she activated the object that had been left off for two days. After connecting to the internet, a message appeared on the screen. With furrowed brows, Mia checked the words from Gabriella. "Mia, have you met Julian? Since yesterday, I haven't heard from him. My messages and calls have not been answered. I'm really worried. When he left, he was in a weak condition." In an instant, Mia's heart was beating fast. Cold sweat had wrapped her stiff neck. Just as she was about to type a reply message, a video call came in. Swallowing hard, the girl clicked the green button. "Mia," Gabriella greeted with her son on the lap. A second later, that woman breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally, you picked up the phone," she spoke while keeping Cayden's hand from snatching the phone. "What is it, Madam?" Mia asked without further ado. “Have y
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