All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
355 Chapters
S2| 101. The Perfect Time
“Wow,” Mia sighed as she couldn't take her eyes off the pyramid-shaped mountain with the blanket of snow on top. "Isn't that very beautiful?" the girl muttered, pressing her palms against the glass wall in front of her."So, how is it, Mia? Is that mountain exactly the same as the one in your favorite chocolate packaging?” Julian whispered while wrapping his lover's back with his body."Yes," the girl nodded with teary eyes. “The person who initiated it must be very intelligent.”While chuckling, Julian kissed his lover's head. "Are you looking forward to going up there?""Yes. Looks like, tonight I won't be able to sleep because I'm so enthusiastic," the girl replied with eyes fixed on the pointy peak of the Matterhorn.“How about we postpone our departure to Gornergrat? Tomorrow morning, we'll go straight up there," Julian suggested.  In a sudden, Mia turned to face him."Are you serious?" the girl
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S2| 102. Express Love with Body Language
With trembling hands, Julian showed the contents of the small box to the girl. After taking a deep breath, reducing the nervousness that tickled his heart, he said, “Mia Sanders, getting to know you is the happiest thing in my life. I hope you don't mind being the reason I smile in the morning, excited at work, and pounding at night."With teary eyes and a mouth that was confused about what to say, Mia shook her head in disbelief. Not knowing what to do, the girl finally let out a short breath and tilted her head, looking at Julian with compassion.“I know this proposal is a little late. But, I want you to know that Julian Evans really wants to be the best man for you. I'm willing to be anything to make you happy. A man who is romantic, caring, brave and reliable. I will always try, Mia.”Seeing Julian's sincerity, the girl sighed faintly. Her chest was congested with a very thick happiness.“Are you asking me to serve you every ni
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S2| 103. Burning Romance
When Mia opened her eyes, she did not see Julian's presence. While furrowing her brows, the girl stretched her stiff muscles. "Why is my body all sore?" Mia thought, not yet fully aware. Just as she was about to lift her head to look for Julian, the memory of last night flashed through her mind. In an instant, the girl's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide. "Gosh! We really did that?” Mia thought with eyebrows raised to the max. After a blink, the girl peeked under the blanket. A body full of traces of the CEO's love suddenly evoked shame. Without thinking, she grabbed the blanket and pulled it over half of her face. While sinking deeper into the bed, Mia reviewed what they did before falling asleep. She remembered how strong Julian was, how helpless she had been, and how strange the voices she made each of the man made her heart fly. The more memories played back, the redder the face of the girl who didn't expect herself to be able acting
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S2| 104. Too Hard on You
“Julian,” Mia whispered when they were only a few steps out of the hotel, “is my gait strange?”With furrowed brows, the man lowered his head, watching the footwork of the girl beside him. After a few moments, he shook his head. "No. Is there something wrong?"“I feel … a little uncomfortable,” Mia said with a small grin.Understanding what his lover meant, Julian automatically smiled. "Am I being too hard on you?" he asked right in front of the girl's ear.With slightly puffy cheeks, Mia blinked through the awkwardness. "Not really," she answered slowly. “But, for some reason … it feels a bit strange.”Being entertained by his lover's behavior, Julian snorted a laugh. While rubbing the girl's arm, the man brought his lips closer. "As far as I know, it's natural for a woman who did it for the first time."“Do you forget? We've done it before. Last night ... was not my first
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S2| 105. Like the Eternal Snow
"Are you afraid?" the girl whispered as she realized that her lover's face was starting to turn pale."No," Julian answered flatly without moving an inch. His head was too tense to shake.While smiling, Mia held the man's hand. “Try not to count the heights. Just focus on the scenery that will never be found anywhere else," the girl said, implanting suggestions.A second later, she pointed out the window. They had just passed the tallest leaf of a tree.“Look! When else can we level with the top of pines? Isn't this really cool?"Instead of paying attention to the direction of his lover's index finger, Julian just glanced at it and nodded."Yes. Very cool,” the man sighed as he had to conserve oxygen. He realized that the place they were going would be much higher than the gondola on Mount Pilatus.Feeling that she failed to calm Julian down, Mia exhaled faintly. After blinking slowly, the girl muttered, “I tho
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S2| 106. Seeds of Jealousy
After observing every form of ice sculptures in the glacier palace, Julian and Mia returned to greet the outdoors. From the platform which was 3,883 meters above sea level, the view of the peaks of the snowy mountains was clearer. It easily amazed the girl and inhibited the blood circulation of the man.“This is awesome, Julian,” Mia sighed as she spread her arms and took a deep breath. The girl was completely unaffected by the thinner-than-usual atmosphere.Meanwhile, Julian was still struggling to shake off the fear. With tightly clenched fists, he forced the joy to stick to his face."Right. If I have another ring, I will definitely propose to you again,” the man joked, trying to beat the rigidity in his cells.After a small laugh, Mia shook her head in slow motion. "Please don't do that again. My heart can soar through the clouds because I'm so touched," the girl said while stroking her lover's face."You are above the clouds,
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S2| 107. The Return of Ex
"So, the news about you and the famous model isn't true, is it?" Amber inquired as she moved a cup of hot chocolate closer to her. "Yeah, it was just a misunderstanding," Julian nodded, raising his eyebrows briefly. “Believe it or not, I was suspicious of the truth of the news from the beginning. Remembering how loyal you were to me makes me doubt that you could betray Mia like that,” the woman chimed in, completely not considering the consequences of her words. Even though Amber had let go of the past, the secretary still didn't look at her that way. While holding back worry, the girl forced her lips to curl up. “I was a fool to doubt Julian's loyalty to me,” Mia mumbled, disguising her newly growing jealousy. A second later, Amber snorted as if mocking the secretary's words. “You're just wasting energy if you suspect Julian like that. He is not a man who easily moves to another heart. Don't follow my stupidity in the past.  Julian deser
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S2| 108. Bitter and Painful
"Do you really love that girl?" Amber muttered, grabbing attention. After shifting his gaze towards the woman, Julian lifted the corner of his lips. "Yes, so much," he said, sitting back down. "Beyond your past love for me?" Amber asked, clearly sounding disappointed. "Yes," Julian nodded without hesitation. He didn't want any more misunderstandings between them. Keeping her lips curved, the woman nodded. "Of course. That girl never hurt you,” she said, thick with regret. After one quick breath, Amber lifted her chin again. “Now that Mia is not here, you can answer honestly. If at that time, you knew that I did love you, would you give me one last chance?” In an instant, silence erupted. Through his flat gaze, Julian observed the look on his ex-lover's face. “Are you secretly hoping to shift Mia's position?” he inquired in a frozen voice. “To be honest …, I used to think so. But, I know that it's impossible," the woman
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S2| 109. Escaped the Surveillance
With a thunderous breath, Julian looked here and there. The man hoped to see his future wife nearby. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he checked every face, none of them could relieve his worries. "No," he sighed, shaking his head faintly. The man was still trying to deny the fact that Mia had escaped his surveillance. Knowing the ex-lover's panic, Amber suddenly tilted her head. "What's the matter, Julian? Why are you scared like this?” With trembling eyes, the man returned the questioning look. "Mia," the man said faintly. After swallowing hard, he stepped forward and grabbed the woman's arm. “We have to find her soon. She's in danger!" "What do you mean?" Amber asked without blinking. Her eyes clearly radiated astonishment. “Don't panic, Julian. Maybe she's just—" “Mia can't go without telling me!” the man rebuked, ignoring the people staring at him with furrowed brows in displeasure. Realizing that they had become th
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S2| 110. A Gang of Kidnappers
“Stop your nonsense, Madam! My wife is not a kidnapper. Why don't you calm your daughter down first so we can hear from her?" Julian asked aloud. Getting such a challenge, the young mother suddenly swallowed hard. “My daughter is crying because she's afraid of this woman. What else do you want to know? Everything is clear,” she denied hoarsely. A second later, the woman knelt before her daughter. After draping the camera around her neck, she stroked the child's head. "Don't worry, Audrey. I won't let bad people come near you again. Now, stop crying." Instead of subsided, the little girl's sobs grew louder and louder. Without lowering hands from her face, she shook her head. “Look how scared my daughter is! How could you possibly believe that this woman is not a kidnapper?” the young mother cried with burning eyes. "Of course the child is scared. She imagines of being scolded badly after coming home from here,” a woman stated from behin
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