All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
355 Chapters
S2| 91. Don't Scare Me
"Why doesn't he wake up?" Mia asked with furrowed brows at the manager.Unable to bear seeing the girl's anxiety, the man in neat clothes stepped forward. Without a word, he pinched Julian's big toe with his hand. In an instant, the CEO gasped and kicked what had pulled him back from the dream world."Ugh!" he groaned while greeting the lights. A second later, his very red eyes met the girl's gaze."Sir? Are you okay?" the girl sighed, confusing the man.Seeing his lover's face so close to him, Julian's consciousness was suddenly intact. Paying no heed to his still heavy head, the man sat up."Mia? Is it a dream?" the CEO muttered with round eyes. "You already want to talk to me."As the couple guessed each other's thoughts, the manager bent down, trying to get a better look at Julian's face.“Are you all right, Sir? Your lover is worried if something bad happens to you."“What bad thing? I'm fine," the man replied,
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S2| 92. Like a Fairy Tale
As soon as she opened the door, Mia was surprised that Julian stood right in front of her. However, after one breath of disbelief, she closed the door and walked away ignoring the man.“Mia, I know that you are still angry with me. But, please don't take the news from Gabriella as a lie. No Name is on the loose and it will be safer if we stay together,” Julian coaxed while keeping pace with the girl's speed.Unfortunately, the secretary was not moved to answer. She even treated Julian as if he didn't exist. When the girl stopped walking, she just pressed the triangle button and stared blankly at the door."Mia ..." the man sighed as she did not dare to touch his lover. He could only stand two steps away from the girl, a distance he considered safe to guard and give freedom.Realizing that the secretary would not respond, Julian clenched his fists."Okay. If you don't want to believe it, at least ... allow me to keep you close. I won't s
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S2| 93. Let's End It
Mia blinked slowly looking at the Alps that stretched in front of her. Some of the peaks were covered by white snow, adding to the soothing beauty. "It's so wonderful," the girl sighed, raising the corners of her lips. The tightness that was pressing on the chest had lessened a lot. With eyes closed, Mia took a deep breath. However, even though her throat was no longer blocked, her brows were still wrinkled. The broken heart of the girl was still not completely healed. “Can't you leave my mind? I want to enjoy this panorama,” Mia thought to Julian's shadow. Unfortunately, the longer she hid in the dark, the clearer Julian's face became in memory. Not wanting to be overcome by sadness again, the secretary returned her sight. A second later, a lake near the foot of the mountain cheered her up. Right at that moment, Mia felt someone's presence behind her back. “Why are you still following me? Aren't you afraid of heights?" the girl asked without
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S2| 94. I Only Love You
“Please be honest, Sir! You actually hesitate to continue our relationship. Secretly, you are cultivating hopes of getting close to Miss Johnson,” Mia sighed in a slicing voice. Julian had to hold his breath to ease the pain. “Therefore, stop making up senseless lies. Do what Mr. Herbert wishes to get the best daughter-in-law. Accept your matchmaking with Miss Johnson!” Instead of answering, Julian got up from the chair. With slow motion, he began to bend his knees in front of the girl. Witnessing such an unexpected thing, tears suddenly stopped flowing. "What are you doing?" Mia asked in a low and depressed voice. "I beg you ... forgive me," Julian said with head down. “Forgive me for taking the wrong step.” Shaking her head, the girl sighed. "Don't beg me. I'm not the God." “But my life depends on you, Mia. I won't be able to breathe without you,” the man argued with eyes that were almost overflowing with emotion. After a mom
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S2| 95. The Exquisite Moment
With eyes that never stopped shedding tears, Mia repeated her sincere statement. “I'm sorry for being selfish. I only think about my own feelings, without knowing that you suffer more.” Hearing his lover's wail, Julian's annoyance suddenly disappeared, replaced by a pity that was no less stifling. While letting out a faint sigh, the man finally moved to the empty space beside the girl. "Mia," he called, touching the shoulder that was shaking violently. "I'm sorry, Sir," the girl repeated the words, hiding her face in the shadow of her head. She was embarrassed to show the wrinkles of the eyebrows or the red nose. Gently, Julian cupped his lover's cheek. Slowly, he brought her gaze to meet his eyes. "I am alright. As long as you don't run away from me again, I'm fine," the man nodded reassuringly. “But, I have gone too far, Sir. I was the one who caused all these misunderstandings, but I was also the one who made the fuss. I came this f
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S2| 96. I Have You
Seeing the girl contemplating, Julian let out a faint sigh. He realized that his words had spoiled the excitement. “Hey, you don't have to worry, Mia. As long as we are together, no one will get hurt. Even if that villain attacks, I can definitely defeat him.” "Are you sure? The villain is very strong and his body is … much bigger than yours,” the girl said, shrouded in doubt. While stroking his lover's hair, Julian tugged at the corner of his lips. "Do you know that man's power can be doubled when he protects someone he loves? I have you, while the villain has no one. I certainly win over him.” "Is that true?" Mia sighed as if in disbelief. "Yes, you can find articles about the proof on the internet," Julian said lightly. Not wanting his lover to dissolve into anxiety, the man took a deep breath and exhaled quickly. "Isn't the air here very fresh?" he asked, turning the conversation around. "Yes. I feel my lungs are getting cl
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S2| 97. Enjoying the Warmth
As soon as he entered the hotel room, Julian rushed to check every corner of the room. Carefully, he made sure that no one was hiding there, including in wardrobe, bathtub, and behind curtains as well. The balcony overlooking the mountain also did not go unnoticed. After the inspection was over, he locked the door and propped it up with a chair. “Should we continue this stressful journey? It doesn't feel like a vacation at all,” the girl mumbled as she dragged the suitcase to the side of the wardrobe. A small frown had lodged at the base of her brow since Gabriella's video call ended. “Nowhere is safe, Mia. Even if we return to Quebracha, we won't be focusing on work either. Anxiety will definitely hinder our performance,” Julian said while stroking the secretary's arm. After taking a deep breath, trying to quell the restlessness that weighed on her heart, the girl nodded. "Right," she sighed disappointedly. Insecurity was still lingering at the bottom of her
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S2| 98. Tighten the Hug
"Are you cold?" Julian whispered while pulling the blanket over their bodies. A second later, the girl in his arms shook her head and tightened the hug. "No. I'm never cold when I'm around you." "But we spent too long in the tub," the man mumbled with guilt. "It doesn't matter. That's fun,” Mia said, before smiling. She never thought that she could talk casually with the CEO. "Is that so?" the man sighed while rubbing his lover's arms so that they were no longer cold. "Good." While taking a deep breath, Mia reviewed the memories that had been milling about in her mind. "Do you still remember all that Mr. Max and I did?" the girl asked after failing to count her pranks. "Of course. I wonder why you wanted to obey Max's orders," Julian said, half grumbling. "Because it's fun," Mia answered unexpectedly. The girl managed to make the heavy eyelids lifted to the maximum. With an expression of disbelief, the man asked
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S2| 99. Unexpected Attention
As soon as she opened her eyes, Mia was immediately greeted by the empty side of the bed. In a few blinks, the girl lifted her head and started looking around. After checking in several directions, she finally found her lover, pensive in the chair facing her."You woke up so early this morning, hm?" Mia asked hoarsely. Even though her eyelids were still heavy, she kept pushing her head up from the pillow.Getting the unexpected attention, Julian gasped. As soon as he saw the girl smiling at him, the man also raised the corners of his lips. "Yeah, I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore.""Since when?" Mia inquired while looking at the clock on the wall."An hour ago," the man answered, glancing at the same direction.Wrinkling her eyebrows, the girl got off the bed. After a few steps, she arrived in front of Julian and gently rubbed the man's puffy eyes.“Are you really unable to sleep or on purpose to be on guard? You must be overshadowe
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S2| 100. Sign of Love
“No wonder Mia cares so much for Sebastian. Turns out, they are indeed close," Julian thought behind the flat expression. With a sigh, the man looked up at the green hills that lined the grass. Once again, the sight that should have invited admiration, failed to catch his attention. The glass windows that were installed along the carriage seemed not big enough to satisfy the CEO's eyes. "Isn't this view mesmerizing?" Mia whispered while leaning her head on the man's shoulder. In an instant, Julian forced a smile and rubbed the hand that was not bored perched on the crook of his elbow. "Yes. This is very refreshing,” the man said using logic. “If Cayden comes here, he will definitely run through the meadow chasing the sheep. Or maybe, he'll roll over and overwhelm his mother," the girl muttered before smiling sweetly. Witnessing the happiness of his lover, a sense of guilt rose in Julian's heart. He should have enjoyed the trip. But why
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