All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
322 Chapters
Chapter: 121 I Promise, She Will Be There On Time!
Lucy had still not woken up, making everyone worried about her.“I am taking her to the hospital”Ryan stood up and carried her in his hands as he said.“What’s with this out of the blue!”Ricky looked at him and asked!“She is burning and I don’t care if it’s raining or not! It’s 3:30, I can’t let her be like this all the time!”Saying this, he covered her body with his coat that he had dried on the bonfire.“Wait! Let us go with you!”James said as he picked up the umbrella and covered Lucy and Ryan.“It’s alright! Just hand me the umbrella! I can’t let you guys fall sick otherwise… Lucy will scold me for sure!”Having said that, he took the umbrella from his hands and walked away, “I have my car down the mountains, if someone wants to come, then they can!”All three of them followed him to the hospital and Charles was the one who was driving.He had the best driving skills in all four of them.In 20 minutes, they were in front of the hospital.The doctor took a look at her and said
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Chapter 122: You, stay away from her!
“Hi! Bring a set of clothes for me and Lucy also! Ask Nanny to pack for her!”Ryan said as James kept on glaring at him as if he wanted to go and give him a tight punch on his face!‘How dare he act as if he owns her? I really don’t like this guy!’James said as he looked away from him and rolled his eyes.“And if possible, take a nanny with you! I don’t want her to be in touch with some stranger! Also, bring an extra car for me here!”John was confused! He was still sleeping and now, this call?He had to work a lot on his boss’s behalf as his boss was lost in his own world and now, he was even giving him some extra work when all he wanted was to take a long rest and a good nap.“Ok! I will be there!”He knew that he had to go to the airport or something! “How in the world is it possible to be there so soon?”Grumbling and murmuring, he came out of his bed and after having a shower, he left to do what he was told to do!While Ryan was worried about Lucy and as well as Cherry.On one
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Chapter 123: He Is Ryan Song!
“How come you are here? Weren’t you asleep? Are you ok? Is there anything that makes you feel pain?”James said as he put his hands on her shoulder and moved her body from left to right to see if she was injured anywhere!“I… I am fine…”She said in a low voice as her throat was in pain a little for unknown reasons!“Is that so? Let me see… What’s going on with you!”James wanted to take her away from there so that she wouldn’t misunderstand!He didn’t know what feelings she had for this young master Song, he knew that that she had some soft feelings for this man but he was still unsure what kind of feelings she had for him.“No! Let me talk to young master Song! You don’t know what kind of a person he is! He feels offended so soon!”“Ahem!”Ryan was hearing all these things as he went to them and coughed.“Young Master Song, I am really sorry from his side! Kindly, let him go!”Lucy said as she looked down!She still had no courage to look into his eyes.She was afraid of him, after
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Chapter 124: A Sister From Another Mother!
James was trying to see what kind of feelings Lucy had for Ryan Song but it was more than he had thought!Now, he didn’t know if he really should fight with that person or not.Her feeling was way too stronger for him that her attraction for Chris.Now he understood why she was able to let Chris go that easily because she had found the person she had been mad for, for over years.“How… Just how in the world do you want me to react to this?”When both of them were still talking, Ryan came back after informing the doctor, since it was a small hospital, there were not many doctors but a lot of patients, so the doctor told him that he will be there soon as he was looking for an emergency patient.Ryan just wanted to drag that doctor with him and force him to see Lucy’s condition but when he thought that if there was something to happen to that patient, Lucy would never blame him for forcing the doctor to come and rather all she would think that it was all because of her that the patient w
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Chapter 125: She Is Your Sister!
Edmund took Lucy to his private chamber where his grandfather was meditating. “Grandpa! I brought the little girl here whom you wanted to meet last night!”He said as he talked to the person whose back was facing him.“Young Master, you are here!”A girl came to them and greeted them.“Hmm! Take this young miss to have a warm shower and get her dressed!”Saying this, he looked at Lucy, “Go and get changed! We will join you for a tea!”For some reason, Lucy finds the atmosphere a little intimidating.She wasn’t sure when she becomes the head priest’s favorable child.All she knew was that her mother knew him as she had been there God knows when and how!Her mind was blank and since she got to know that she was pregnant, she just couldn’t think straight.She just followed the words of Edmund and walked away from there but before that she looked at him and said, “Sir, can you please inform the temple and tell them that I am back and… and I am here to see the head priest as he was the on
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Chapter 126: Rayn, Take Care Of Cherry!
“Is there any good to tell you? Are you Lucy to tell that ‘I like you?”For the first time in his life, Ryan wasn’t irritated, he was ready to tolerate this guy for Lucy and was not even sure that why he even get triggered with him back then!?Just like Lucy said, James was such a sweet guy!“Hah! Telling me at least make you gain some marks! You don’t know how much the guys hate you and without our approval, especially mine… you are not allowed to like her at all!“Fine! Now you know this, then keep it to yourself! You already know in what pit I am in now!”Healing this, James was stunned!“So? Are you saying… saying that you are going to leave that Su girl and… and”James got all excited! It was not because of him ready to accept Lucy but because a guy like Ryan Song was ready to change himself!Never in his life, he had never thought that he would be able to see this side of this person with whom even the whole mafia world shivers.“Look, I am not the man of so many words, and I ne
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Chapter 127: He Must Accept This!
Song guy, look at Cherry as your sister and handle everything with the thought in your mind that she is your sister and you must do everything for her! Be with her always and let Edmund and Lucy handle the trivial things!”Lucy was mad! Why the hell did Ryan Song have to interfere in all these matters?Edmund didn’t wait anymore as he dragged Lucy away from there, “Where are you talking me, Mr. Wang?”She was already mad that all the rights she had were almost given to Ryan Song and now, she was being dragged by this person whom she barely knew!“Where do you think I am taking you away?”Edmund said as he looked at her.“I don’t know! Please don’t blackmail me! I am already in pain and there are a lot of things going on in my mind! But at the moment, all I know is about my Cherry! I want to take good care of her!”She said and was about to walk away when he held onto her hand and said, “Will you be able to do things better than her own brother?”“Her brother? Young Master Wang? What a
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Chapter 128: I'm Sorry, I Love You!
“Young Master Song! I am warning you before you read this, you must know it’s kind of a bomb for you! It might be emotional or something that you might not want to accept!”Edmund said as he knew how hard it was to accept this! Even he was still in the process of accepting all these things himself.“No! He must accept this!”Lucy said in a stern tone that Ryan had never heard before him.‘What is it exactly? Don’t tell me, she is going to pay the money back and leave me forever?’The moment this thought came across his mind, he shivered! Without wasting another second, he just tore off the envelope but the moment he did, the small envelope fell from it.He bent down to pick it up and was stunned to see that it was from his mother!“Mom!?”He murmured in a low voice as he picked it up and put the bigger envelope on the table, but it fell as well, making the material inside it peek out of the envelope, making Ryan frown.But this time, He did bend to pick it out rather it was Lucy who
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Chapter 129: Go & Meet Him!
“You are not alone now! You have a responsibility on your shoulders! So… I… I want you to make her happy and take control of everything! Lees are not good but I can tell that Chris is the right man for her! He is good but not his family! They might not see this but as a sister and her guardian, I had to take care of everything behind her back! I got to know that they are not good! Before I only had my three friends whom I can beg to take care of her but now I can ask you with full right from Cherry’s side to love her!”Lucy tried her best to console his wounded soul. Even though she was in more pain than him but was glad that Cherry was in safe hands! She believed that Ryan was a responsible person and if he were to give her his word, he would never go back from it.They were still hugging each other when someone knocked on the door, making Lucy push him away from her and said, “Brace yourself young master Song! You have to be strong!”She said as she used her sleeves to wipe his tear
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Chapter 130: I Had A Sister!
Ryan was seeing all the things going on inside the room; he was a bit sad that Cherry didn’t want to know about him but the way Lucy handled the situation and make her ready to go and see him was amazing.After hearing this, he just left from there.While Cherry was in a daze! She just couldn’t tell what was going on and how the hell she had a new family out of the blue!Then who the hell was that man she had called father all her life he had even treated her with all kindness he had.Why?She couldn’t believe that Lucy’s father, who was her ‘biological’ father but he never treated her like one but on the other hand, Mr. Zhang… even though he never said anything on the surface he was kind and even treated her with all his heart! She knew this!“Lucy!”She said in a low voice as she looked at her.Lucy, “Hm!”Cherry, “I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future and when this new life will begin! I… I just don’t want to leave you! I decided to get married this early because I didn
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