All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
322 Chapters
Chapter 131: Dude, Calm Down!
"Why not! But you see, I had never seen her before but now, looking at you, I just want her to be like you!"Lucy was feeling weird! She didn't know why his words were making her the feeling like being his sister in real.It was an extraordinary feeling for her to have.“Why? Is there some resemblance or your wishful thinking?”For some reason, She wanted to know what he wanted.“I have never seen her but… I just thought that she might have been like you, If I had seen her!”Lucy was puzzled! She couldn’t tell what the hell was going on! Someone didn’t want to have a brother and here, she was dying to have someone to lean on.“Hm! I wish you to see her soon and let me meet her, so that I can know if she really is a good person or a bad one like me!”Edmund chuckled and shook his head.After a while, they entered the private office of Dr. Lee, which looked kind of mysterious.It looked old from the outside but surprisingly, from inside, it looked really lavish.She was afraid to enter
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Chapter 132: Let Me Help You!
“Dude, It’s all right! I can tell that she is an innocent girl but… I am not sure if her job and life will be implicated if… if the Songs will get to know that she is with you! I know the older generation is close but we are not!”Morgan was in a daze. He had always seen his best friend alone and cold and now, he had a sister out of the blue, whom he wanted to protect, even as his best friend, he wanted him to protect his sister!It was a new side of him but he felt bad for this person!“I don’t know! I feel really helpless! My mother was right beside me but I didn’t get to call her mother and now, my sister is right in front of me, and I can’t even call her my sister! I just feel really helpless!”Edmund sighed and stood up from his seat, “Let’s just forget about this for now and go to see what is she doing!”“Hm! Let me get changed! I will come soon!”Morgan smiled at him and went into his private room, while Lucy was still standing in her own place, not knowing what to do and wher
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Chapter 133: What Is The Goal Of My Life, Now?
Cherry was confused and scared as she was about to meet her real family.She was still in a daze, not knowing where the hell her real family come from.“I don’t care! I will just go and see that man and tell him not to think that I will ever call him brother! I mean… Lucy is my only family and now, I have Christ and even brother Ryan, he is really good to me!”Thinking about all those things, she got ready to leave.“Miss Cherry!”John came along with a confused look, he didn’t know why the hell his young master was taking so much interest in this little girl. She was just a girl who was his secretary’s sister in the name!“Oh! Mr. Xu! I… I am was about to leave for somewhere!”Cherry said with a sweet smile on her face.“I know, Young Master Song told me to help you go the place wherever you want to go!”John said with a smile.“Hm! I will go!”Cherry still had a lot of thoughts in her mind, not knowing what to do and how to go to that place, as she had not been to that much of high-
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Chapter 134: 'If My Father Was Like Him!'
“I just want Cherry to be happy, mom… now since I have completed the task and did what the goal of my life was… tell me? What should I do from now on? I just… just don’t want to live! Should… should I follow you up there!”Hearing this, Edmund ran to her and said in a cold voice, “You can! But trust me, with you one more life will follow you without any sin.”Lucy looked up the source of the voice with groggy eyes and messy thoughts, “Huh?”Edmund didn’t mind the dirty floor and sat beside her, “You see, I don’t mind if you don’t want to keep your child but trust me, if you do and take such an extreme step, you won’t even have time to regret and become the murderer of your own child!”Lucy was stunned when she heard him talking about the kid in her belly, whom she had forgotten completely.“No! I… I didn’t mean to harm the baby!”She said dazedly.“So, you are going to keep the baby?”Edmund wanted to know about it for a long time and the father of the kid.He wanted to go and beat th
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Chapter: 135 Let Go Of Her!
Cherry and Ryan went out for a long drive and they talked about a lot of things! “So? Are you happy to meet me?”Ryan was still in doubt if she was happy or not.“Of course! To be honest, I liked you the moment I met you but you see, the way you treated my Lucy coldly, I just couldn’t help and dislike you!”Cherry was an honest person, she would always say what she had in her mind.“Is that so? It’s alright, but this is how I am! You had Lucy to teach you but I had none!”Cherry felt bad for Ryan! She wanted to hug him and tell him that no matter what, she would be there for him from now on!“I am sorry, I know! But you see, this is how I am too!”Cherry said in a soft voice, making Ryan chuckle.“I know! Let’s get along well and get to know each other more than before.”This was truly what Ryan wanted from his heart.He wanted to give her time so that they could get to know each other and learn about each other’s past.He was still not sure if she would be able to accept the fact th
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Chapter 136: She is cute!
Lucy was sent back by Edmund! Even though he didn’t want her to leave, Lucy kept on insisting on going back.Before that, she had even asked him to help her find a place where she could see Cherry from afar and take good care of her baby in her womb.All the way, Edmund kept on thinking about how to tell her that she was not alone and he was her brother. He had seen how Cherry was not able to accept this fact but because of Lucy, she took it easy and accepted it.In the case of Lucy, there was no Cherry to back her and help her in all these conditions.“Lucy, I… I am going to look for my father!”Lucy was in her own thoughts when suddenly she heard him saying that, making her look at him in shock.“Wh… What?”She looked at him in confusion, not knowing why was he telling her all these things.“I know you might be thinking why am I telling you all these things but you see, I… I am the same as Ryan Song! I don’t know what to do in these circumstances! I am seeing my sister almost all da
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Chapter 137: He Is My Brother-in-law!?
Soon all four of them reached their usual place where they saw Lucy waiting for them.“Look at her, looking for us everywhere!”Ricky chuckled and looked at his friends to approach her.While, even though Edmund was told to leave, he didn’t leave and followed Lucy to keep her safe.“Hi! Wass up!”Charles patted her left shoulder and came to her right side.“What?”Lucy looked here and there and smiled.“You guys are all here!”She was a bit stunned as she looked at them.“Uh hu! We all had been waiting for you to meet us but you see, you made a wall in front of yourself and didn’t even talk to us!”Christ said as he went to her.He could feel that she had made a clear line for him.It made him a bit weird “Are… are you not even going to talk to me?”He went to her and asked in a low voice, expecting her to say something but to his shock, she went around and snake her hand around his neck and choked him, making him tap on her hand, “Cough… cough! What the hell are you doing? Cough!”H
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Chapter 138: Young Master Wang!
I am not telling you to be scared! I told you guys because Cherry just got to know today and I don’t know if she would be able to tell you or not but you should know this!”James became serious hearing about all these things and said, “Yes, you shouldn’t blame her if she wouldn’t! I mean, she might be able to accept young master Song but I am sure that she must have been racking her brain about how to tell you and what your reaction will be!”They all were too stunned to talk about anything.“I… I know it’s really hard for you guys to accept this but you see, it's harder for me than you guys even think! I… I didn’t know what to do at the moment!”All four of them looked at her and somehow understand what she might have been going through!“We are sorry but is there anything we can do for you?”Christ asked looking at her, while James sensed her hand shaking, he held her hand under the table and gently rubbed it and tapped it, trying to calm her down.Lucy looked at him and took a dee
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Chapter: 139“I will always be in your heart!”
James spoke up, "Young Master Wang, Don't be like this! We are really sorry to have you see all these things! You see, when it comes to Lucy, we are always like this!""Yes, Yes! He is right! Little Lucy is the light in our life! She is cute, and shows us the right path to take! Otherwise, the way we were addicted to drugs and whatnot, we might have become killers and bad people a long ago!Edmund was stunned, not knowing what to say.“Exactly, the humanity we learned was from her!”They all said making Edmund look at Lucy, “Ah! Why the hell are you guys being like this? It’s just that, you guys were so stupid that I need to give you a lesson!”She said shyly.“Ok, fine, let’s eat now and leave!”Ricky, said as he took the bite that Lucy fed her and looked at the other three.“Hm! I have to go and talk to my parents!”Christ said as he too took the bite that he was being fed.Lucy, “No! I mean, You can’t tell them that Cherry is Young Master Song’s sister! I don’t want her to feel lik
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Chapter: 140 You Are Not That Bad!
Cherry, “No! I… I want you and my brother to be by my side when I walk the aisle!”Lucy’s body stiffened when she heard her demand!Soon she recovered and said, “Come on! I have a lot of things to do and you are making me walk with you? I…”She was about to say something when 3 people came inside.“You guys are here? Take her to the room next to mine and get her ready! I don’t want her to look like this! I mean, I don’t mind however she looked but you see, she is my ‘mother’ and she must look next stunning person after me!”“What the hell are you guys doing to me? Cherry, you brat! I told you I don’t need to get ready and do these things! I have to take care of the guest and I can’t do this when I wear all these things!”She kept on yelling but it seemed like there was no one to hear what she wanted to tell.“Just do the makeup! She is the evilest person, planning to run away from me! How dare you!”Cherry laughed evilly and gestured for the other makeup artist to get her ready.Ryan
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