All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
322 Chapters
Chapter 151: Don't worry, I will leave!
The old man was shocked to the point that he almost fell.Even Cassandra couldn’t believe it.“How can this be? Are you believing this bitch?”Even after getting slapped tightly, she was not willing to back down.She was still thinking about what to say when Edmund came forward and said, “Is that so? You are saying that we… The Wangs are liars?”Everyone was confused to see the man in front of them.Only the Lee family and the Song family knew about him being here and not everyone knew who he was!“Who the hell are you? How dare you to interrupt in the family business of the Songs?”Furious Cassandra could not take it anymore and blurt out in anger.“And… you… a lowly, cheap girl, who is trying to step on the ladder of wealth, is telling me that you are part of the Songs? Do not dare you to make me open my mouth and tell the world about the deeds you have done”Edmund was already angry knowing that this was the person who had slapped Lucy and even tried to do this again.“You!!!”Cass
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Chapter: 152 An Emotional Speech!
Finally, the wedding took place after a lot of chaos but most of them were still confused about what was going on and what was happening there.The rings were exchanged and now, it was time for the bride and groom to kiss.“Kiss her, “Kiss her, “Kiss, kiss, kiss, Everyone started chanting the same mantra.Cherry looked at him in shyness, not knowing what to say.‘Oh no! Dad, brother, and Lucy, all are here, what should I do?’She was extremely nervous over this situation, even more than when she was having an argument with them.Christian took her hand in his and said in a low voice, “Don’t be nervous, I am here,”Saying this, he went to her and pecked her forehead, making the crowd sigh in dissatisfaction.“What the heck was that? We were waiting for something steaming,”Charles said rolling his eyes as James handed the mic to Cherry.“The Groom had said what he wanted to and now, it’s time for the bride to share her feelings with everyone present here,”The moment Ricky said this
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Chapter 153: She is such a cutie pie!
Finally, the wedding was done and the cake was cut.Everyone was happy but some people were confused and some were angered to death, and others were freaking mad in happiness.“What the hell! You are about to leave me, we… are about to part, I… I am a bit emotional today,”Lucy was extremely emotional, she knew, she might not be able to see her from here on.Even though she wanted to complete her responsibility for Cherry, after getting pregnant and the feeling of being a mother, since then she was feeling even more emotional towards Cherry. Even though they had not much age gap, but still she had loved her not less than a mother would have done.She stood in the corner with tears in her eyes, she knew there was no way she had much time with Cherry.Today or might be in some days, would be her last day here.“I just hope, you would be happy. I just want you to know that even If I will have a dozen of kids, I will still love you and you will always be my first child.”“Hi what the hell
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Chapter 154: What the hell are you?
Ryan was hearing all these things and felt awkward too. He knew she liked them but saying all sorts of things were really awkward.But he said nothing and his eyes started looking for that person all around, but she was nowhere to be found.‘Where has she gone?’He said to himself and went out to see her.“What’s going on, where is she?”Going here and there, he was looking for her until he heard her voice, she was crying.He was about to enter her room and console her but stopped when he heard a man’s voice, “Calm down, Lucy. No matter what, I am here! I will help you in every situation.”The man said in a low and soft voice.Ryan quickly went there and peeked, It was Edmund Wang.“Brother, I… I am in pain! Mom left me, Dad is… a man whom I never want to see! I only had Cherry and now, she is going too”Edmund was feeling sad for her. He could not even imagine what kind of a life she had lived till now.Just by looking at her, and looking into her life, he could tell how painful her
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Chapter 155: I'm Extremely Disappointed!
Cassandra had never thought he would act this way toward her! She thought no matter what comes in his life, she would be his first priority and that was why he had hired Lucy to be a surrogate for her and his child.But the way his attitude was changing day by day was ringing a bell in her mind.“Grand… Grandpa? Wh… What have I done wrong? Why am I being treated this way?”She looked at the old man Song with eyes full of tears.“Calm down, Ryan is good at keeping his promises! If he said he will marry you, then he would for sure!”Even though Old Man Song had said this, but he was not sure himself if he would really do it.He knew even though he looked cold on the surface, he was soft in his heart and full of emotions when it comes to his mother and sister.And now that his sister was really here, he was not sure if he was going to marry Cassandra and if he denied it, he knew… even he would not be able to get him to marry Cassandra at any cost.“But Grandpa, seeing the way he left me
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Chapter 156: Let's Play Blame Game!
Cassandra and Missus Su went to Lucy’s room, where she sat on her bed, drowned in her own thoughts.“So, here you are!”With a disgusted expression on her face, Missus Su said.“Then what Can I ask why it caused you so much worry to come see me if I am here?”Even if Lucy was in a foul mood, she did not have to give in and lose her composure in front of these individuals.“You still dare talk to me like this? Don’t you know, you are about to get kicked from here? I mean, why are you this selfish?”Lucy looked at Mrs. Su with a confused look, she thought if they were here, they would use their hands to shut her up or something else but they were using their mouth to negotiate with her, “What do you want, just say and leave?”She looked outside, Edmund was gone to bring something to eat for her, but he was gone for a long time now and was still now here.“What are you looking outside for, no one is coming to this side for a long time,”Frustrated Cassnadra said!“Whatever I am looking
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Chapter 157: Take Me Away!
All four of them went to see Lucy but got shocked when they did not find Lucy there.“What’s going on? Did we just come to the wrong place?”Said James as he stood there with a puffy face.“No, I don’t think so,” said Charles as he picked up a few envelopes that were kept on the table, with names written on each.“What’s this?”Ricky turned to him and saw the exact same things and muttered.“What do you mean, ‘what’s that?’ Can you not see, it’s a letter written for us? There is our name written here,” Charles said as he picked up the one with Ricky’s name and shoved it into his hands.“Hi guys, don’t do this! Your act of foolishness is scaring me,” James forced a smile as he looked at them.No one replied to him, as they both looked at their letters.“I… I can’t say,” Ricky read the first few lines and with a thud, she sat on the couch, “How… How is this…”“What the hell,” Charles exclaimed as he snatched the letter away from his hand, Lucy had written letters individually and at th
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Chapter 158: Tears In His Eyes
“What’s going on here?”Edmund had gone out to bring something for Lucy to eat, but he got an important call to attend.He got busy on the call and send someone to deliver the food. But it seemed like the scenario there was totally different from when he had left.“She… She is gone!”James subconsciously said as he was still taking care of Cherry.“What the hell? Where has she gone? Did she tell you guys something?”Edmund panicked. Lucy was pregnant and her state of mind was not well, leaving all alone like this was really dangerous for her.“We don’t really know, she told us not to look for her, we are not too sure,”Charles clenched his head in frustration. He wanted to leave and search for her.“I… I want to leave, I…”Cherry kept on murmuring.“Cherry, what’s going on? What happened?”The moment Christ got to know about Cherry’s condition, he ran to reach her as soon as possible.“Ch… Christ, take me away from here, I… I hate this place, I hate everyone here, especially I hate
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Chapter 159: I Will Find Her For You
James was stunned to see Ryan in tears.He was a man of pride and never in his life had done this.He knew Ryan was not the type of person to lose his composure so easily, and now that he had, James thought he should not be left alone.He had heard that Ryan was a violent man and since he had lost so much in just a few moments, he might become violent.So, he decided to be there and help him.Ryan was stunned when James went to him and hugged him.“Brother Ryan, I know you are suffering, you are in pain but trust me, I know you are strong and make everything better very soon,” Ryan stood still, he had no strength left in his body to say something.“Please, do not lose your composure, Lucy and Cherry would feel really bad if you ever did.”“I… I killed my father when he left my mother and did something really terrible, tell me, whom should I kill to satiate my thirst to calm my anger,”James’s whole body shook, he had heard the rumors that he had beheaded his father with the naked swor
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Chapter 160: I am Lucy Wang!
Lucy was heartbroken, her eyes were full of tears and her heartbeat had fastened in fear and anxiety. She knew what she had done was really wrong and it would be made a huge ruckus among her friends and Cherry.It was really a big step she had taken but in the end, she was not happy.When she had decided that she would leave after Cherry would get married but she had not thought that she had to go through all these things and feel pain in her heart like this.Her heart squeezed tight, which made her feel difficulty in breathing.“Cherry, I am sorry,” She clutched her chest and sat in the corner of the hotel.She had just left her room, not the hotel.Thirty minutes ago, when Old Master Song called her and asked her to leave, she was about to tell him that he had not asked her about this as she was about to leave on her own.But when she saw his scary face and the discomfort she felt, she decided not to talk anymore and just to hear what he had to say.Old Master Song had looked at her
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