All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
322 Chapters
Chapter 161: What to do?
Lucy wanted to teach each and everyone lesson but she had to be calm.“Mrs. Lee, I do not even call you auntie now! I really liked you but now that you have shown true colors of yours, I really want to say a lot of bad words to you, once I thought you were just like my mother, I saw you as my mother and now I regret it a lot”Lucy scoffed, “You all are ganging up to leave my Cherry in the hand of people who are tormenting me? What are you doing this for? So that rich people do not bully her for having a person like me in her life?”Mrs. Lee was shocked, she was not sure what she should say. Even though she liked Cherry and Lucy as a person but having them in her family, she was not sure and when she said, she had looked at her like her mother, she felt bad for what she had done.If it were not for the influence of this two sister in laws, she would never have done it but… they were not wrong either, Cherry would be the one to suffer if Lucy would be in her life.“You know what, even i
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Chapter 162: A Brother's Worry
Edmund reached the terrace along with Morgan and started looking for Lucy everywhere.“Where is she?” Morgan murmured and looked around everywhere, “Let’s split up,” said Edmund.Morgan hummed and walked to the left.They looked for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found until Morgan heard the sound of sobs.“Is this Lucy?” He asked himself and walked towards the sound of sobs, yes it was Lucy. She had sat in the corner and was bawling her eyes out.When his eyes fell on Lucy, his heart shivered to see her in this state, and he immediately called Edmund and told him that he had found Lucy and he should go there and see him.“Hm, I am coming,” replied Edmund and ran in the direction he was told.He went there and found Morgan peeping at him, “You are here, I was waiting for you,” Morgan said and looked toward Lucy’s side, “Look at those people, what they had made her into.”“Let me handle it,” said Edmund.He went near her and heard what she said to herself, “No Lucy! You cann
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Chapter 163: The Cause of Her Problems
Morgan went to see if the Song family and the other people had departed from the hotel or not. He went out and looked everywhere for them. Within one hour, they were gone.He was relieved that he could take Lucy back now. But before that he had asked the same hotel staff who had found Lucy on the terrace, to take the water bottle to her.“Yes, sir.” The hotel staff bowed her head to him and left in a hurry.Mogan was equally worried for Lucy, as Edmund. He wanted her to be safe and sound.Later, when he got the confirmation that no one of those families was present there, he called Edmund.“Hi, the path is clear, we should leave, now,” Morgan said, the moment Edmund received the call.“Morgan, I think she is not in the condition to walk or to leave the place, come up, I have already called my chopper,” Edmund informed him and Morgan said nothing, he knew it was for the best for Lucy.“Ok, I will be there in a minute,”Edmund’s heart was heavy, more than Lucy's. Just by thinking the un
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Chapter 164: I Want To See James
One and half a month later, “Lucy, where are you? Come here and have some nutrition,” Edmund called for Lucy as he setup the dining table.“What the heck with the ‘nutrition’ thing? Can you not simple call her to have dinner?” Morgan said as he rolled his eyes, instead of Lucy he had appeared in front of him.“What the heck, why do I have to see your face all the time,” Edmund looked at him with disgust.“What? It is you who are so boring that your sister likes to play with me, more than you,” Morgan said and chuckled as he picked up a piece of carrot.“Pak,” Edmund slapped his hands that were trying to steal the food he had prepared for his sister, “Do not even dare to take any thing from here, it is all for my Lucy,” He said and looked towards the stairs, waiting for her to walk down and come to him with a smile.Within 10 minutes, his wait ended with the smile he had imagined was not there, she wore a gloomy face and eyes full of tears.“Hi, why do you have tears in your eyes?” Mo
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Chapter 165: Where Are You Lucy?
All this time, since Lucy had left her people behind, there was never a day, when she was happy or did not want to see them, but she knew, there was no reason for her to go and meet them.She had her own reasons not to do this. But now that she remembered the date of James’s military service was approaching, she could not sit behind and watch, she might not be able to see him for a long time.Edmund had suggested that she should call him and invite him to meet at a place where she wanted to meet him.“Ok, I will do as you say,” Said Lucy. She knew these two guys had done a lot for her, even more than her own family had done for her, but little did she know the family she had always longed for was right beside her.“Hmn, I will ask someone to send you a cell phone,” Edmund said in a low voice and left.Lucy could feel that he was not happy since she had talked about them once again after a long time.“Brother,” She mumbled and looked at the way he had left. “Hi, Little Lucy, do not wo
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Chapter 166: Be With Me
"Cherry," Ryan said when he noticed Cherry standing in front of him with her back to him. "How come you're here, young master Song?" She said but did not turn to face him.“Can I not even come to see my sister, Cherry?” In a low voice, he asked.Cherry had not talked to him since the day Lucy had left. He, himself had to face a lot of trouble and barely came out of the Song mansion.“Why? Where your this side was when you did all those things to Lucy?” Cherry said angrily and turned towards to face him.“What?” Ryan looked at her in disbelief. He had never thought that Lucy would tell Chery of all people, not that he minded, as he had done something heinous and was ready to be hated and resented but… seeing that expression of disgust on Cherry’s face, he somehow could not tell how to act.“‘What?’” She repeated after him, and said, “Do you still have the audacity to be shocked?” She said and a pained look flashed in her eyes for a moment and disappeared, “Why? Do you think she would
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Chapter 167: Be Happy, Little Birdie
“Lucy, come here,” Edmund asked, the moment he entered the mansion.“Brother, you are here,” Lucy stood up from her seat and went to him, “What are you doing, let me see…” He asked as he wiped her face which was covered in different kinds of colors.“I… I was painting something,” She said in a low voice, she knew he was not happy with her since the moment she had mentioned James and showed her desire to see him.“Is that so? What are you painting,” He said and took out his handkerchief when he could not wipe her face with his hands, even his hands got covered in those colors.“I… I wanted to…” She was not sure how to tell him. Lucy wanted to paint Ryan Song for her child, she had no pictures of him but at the very least, she wanted her child to see him through the painting.Edmund said nothing and sneaked to watch what she had painted, “Oh, so… were you trying to paint your baby’s father?” With doubt, he asked.Lucy was stunned by the sudden and direct question, she was not sure how t
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Chapter: 168 A Note
A NOTEA few days later, It was finally time for Lucy to see James, she wanted to go there as soon as possible.“What are you doing?” Edmund knocked on her room but was stunned to see that she had Lucy had spread all her clothes on the bed, on the table on the floor, everywhere.Even though Lucy had not had many clothes but Edmund had brought a lot of clothes for her to wear, she did not want to use them much but since she had not a single belonging there, so she had no choice but to use them.“So what do you think I am doing, brother?” Lucy said and turned around.“Well… as long as I can see, I can tell that you are trying to select a piece of clothes to meet James Mu, but I do not understand why?” Edmund was startled when he felt that he sounded annoyed.“I mean, I am not saying that you should wear what you are comfortable with, you see… you are the prettiest person in the world,” Edmund said as he flicked her forehead lightly.“Ouch, brother! You… you are rude to me, you should n
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Chapter 169: I Can Be Your Brother!
James had run through a lot of red lights, and three police cars had been trailing behind him. He knew, as a soldier, that what he did was extremely unlawful and unprofessional.He accelerated his car, and the 30-minute journey was completed in 10 to 12 minutes.James went out of the car and ran towards the building; he was not in the mood to go to the parking lot and park the car, so he threw the key at the guard and said, "Take care of the car and also." He motioned towards the approaching police car and said, "Also, take care of those people, and I apologize for the trouble," before fleeing without waiting for them to arrive."Young Master Mu," The front desk clerk said and bowed her head to him; he simply nodded and did not bother asking them to notify Ryan of his arrival, as he usually does."What happened? Why is young master Mu in such a hurry?" She said this while dialing John's number."Master Xu, Young Master Mu is here; he... He was in a hurry and... I do not know what he w
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Chapter 170: Lucy?
Charles was full of excitement when he got to read the letter, he could not believe that the person he had been looking for all this while had appeared in front of them on her own. It was a blessing for them.But what he did not know was that… a blessing could turn into a curse anytime.Charles ran towards his friends and said, “Guys, let’s leave here, James has prepared a big surprise for us, let’s go,” he said and took Cherry’s hands in his.“What? Was this not the last destination for today? Or is he going to take us to the airport where we are about to go anyway,” Ricky and everyone was tensed already, they had never been separated before for this long and now that James was about to leave, it felt like everything was about to shatter.He was being grumpy on the surface but was all excited to see what he had planned for them now.“Leave her, I will take her with me,” Chris saw how Charles was holding Cherry’s hand, he slapped his hand and took his wife back to himself.“What the h
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