All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
322 Chapters
Chapter 141: It won't be healed!
“What the hell! You guys forced me to get ready like this?”Lucy said while looking into the mirror, making her frustrated.“So? Don’t you look good?”Cherry asked as she kept on looking at her from head to toe.She looked ravishing in her lavender dress and her beauty bone was making her even hotter.Cherry knew that she didn’t like wearing an open back and all, she kept it conservative, not much of her skin was exposed, yet the tight-fitting dress was making her look hot!“You looking hot!”She said and hugged her tightly.“What the hell! What’s with the hot thing?”Lucy rolled her eyes and was about to walk away when Cherry held her back and opened her hair.“You look even hotter here!”Saying this, she shooed her away from there.“Ok, I am leaving! I have a lot of work to be done!”She ran away from here, not wanting to be there, and shed tears, making Cherry cry as well.“Woah! Look at you, you looked way too cute my dear little sis!”To Lucy’s surprise, Edmund and Morgan were li
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Chapter 142: The Groom had to chase the Bride!
Christ was already set for his wedding and was welcoming the guests.Ricky, "What the fucking hell is this? I am also a guest so why the heck do I have to receive them? For real?"Charles, "Shut the hell up! Just look at me, the most handsome mafia is bowing his head, what are you ashamed of!!"James rolled his eyes, he knew they all were excited and ready to do this but wanted to tease Christ who just arrived to help them.James, "Correct! I just want to have fun but look at this brat… making his father in law and brother in laws work."All three of them started laughing at his words."What the heck! Can you not see how nervous I am? And on top of that… you are becoming my in-law? What the hell kind of a friend are you guys?"Christ puffed his cheeks in anger. He knew they were joking but because he was extremely nervous, he didn't know how to react in front of them."Ok, ok! Chill. You are acting way out of yourself. It shows how nervous you are!"Ricky said while fixing his tie."Y
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Chapter 143: "If that's what you want!”
"Where is Lucy, brother? It's time for me to go on the stage. But she is not even here!"Cherry pouted when she saw her brother staring at her but not saying anything."Oh… well, she had a lot of work to do!"Ryan was kind of upset seeing Lucy and Edmund hugging each other, he wanted to take those things out of his head but now that his sister mentioned her once again, he couldn’t help but think of her.Cherry, “What the hell? What’s more important for her than for me? She promised to be with me all the time, but look at her! And here, she is like this!”“Stop all these! She will be here when she wants to be! Don’t bother, let me see you!”Cherry was stunned by the attitude of Ryan towards Lucy, she didn’t like the way he acted.“What’s with you brother? How can you act so coldly to my Lucy?”Ryan didn’t realize it until he heard this and apologized, “I didn’t mean in that way!”Saying this, he changed the subject, “Can you not see me? You get her ready but look at me, you didn’t eve
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Chapter 144: I'm Not Worthy!
“Well… I don’t know how t react in front of him as I have not seen him for one and a half years!”“Wh,,, What? You… you have been seeing him all this time? I thought…”Ryan thought she had not seen him for a long time, given the fact how evil her ‘stepmother’ was!“Hm! He used to come to me all the time but I guess, something must have happened back at home”Ryan could tell that even though that Zhang oldie was not a good man but he was not that bad either!Soon the man was escorted by two guards and was stunned to see Cherry in that wedding gown.“Cherry!”He couldn’t hold back and went to hug her.“Da… dad!”She was awkward not knowing if she should call him that or not but since she had done this all the time, she couldn’t help it.“Oh, Lord! Look at you, how beautiful you have become!”Looking up from head to toe, he couldn’t help but admire her.“I just wish your mother was here to see you!”Cherry didn’t say anything! She actually didn’t know what to say! After all, all this tim
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Chapter 145: How Childish!
Lucy was overwhelmed, she wanted to open the things and see what was in the bag, this instant but because she had to be with Cherry, she didn’t open it.“Give it to me! I will take care of it!”James said as she tried to take the bag away from her but Lucy didn’t let him take it, “Don’t take it! I won’t give it to anyone!”She said and smile at him.James, “What?”Lucy, “Don’t be like this! This is my bag and I won’t give it to anyone! This… this is precious to me and…”James knew what she was trying to say, “Fine! You can have it!”“Hm! I… I will go and keep this in my room!”Lucy walked away from there when Cherry called out, “Come soon, I will be waiting for you!”She turned back and smiled at her.Edmund was still in her room and was resting.“Hi, brother Wang! Why are you still here?”She was a little stunned seeing him sitting on the couch as his eyes were closed.The moment his name was called, he woke up and rubbed his eyes, “I… I am really sorry! I was a bit groggy!”He was a
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Chapter 146: Are you guys here to roast me!?
Lucy didn’t say anything and let Edmund be in the room, as she knew what kind of a person he was! And it was not like she had some treasure in the room to hide, other than the bag.And thinking about Cassandra, she might really do something to her things, it was best for her to leave Edmund in the room to keep her things safe.“Ok! I will leave and you can have rest as much as you want!”Smiling she left!The moment she left, he went to lock the door from the inside.He didn’t want anyone to enter the room abruptly and catch him, so it was best to be cautious all the time.He quickly went to see what was in the bag.“What are all these things?’Most of the things in the bag were his mother’s clothes and a ring, it looked costly.“It… Is this the wedding ring?Murmuring to himself, he tried looking into the bag more.“What is this?”He found an album.“It must be Lucy’s childhood album.”Smiling, he took out the album and started looking into it but when he opened it, he was stunned.“
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Chapter 147: Their Eyes Met!
Ricky, “Ok, so… We want to invite our childhood buddy, the man who might be the worst for the world but the best man for our Little Cherry!”Charles continued, “Yes, now please come as soon as possible! All I am interested in is the bride, our sister in law!”Christ gritted his teeth and walked towards the stage with a smile on his face.“My dear groom, if you want to curse, you can freely! We don’t mind!”Ricky said with a smile.The moment Christ reached the stage, he glared at them and said, “Are you guys here to be the host here, or have you guys come here to roast me!”Everyone started laughing at Christ’s words!“Host for our little sister in law and roast our so called best friend!”The more they kept on talking the more people were laughing at them.“Ok, ok! For now, we will just let you go and become serious!”Charles said and continued, “We don’t really know when we grew this old that one of them is getting married! It… It’s really unbelievable that the one who is marrying i
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Chapter 148: The Vows!
After pulling Christ’s leg for a little more while, finally, it was time for them to call the bride.“Well… Let’s not give this person more face, he is tearing now and it makes all three of us cringy!”They all chuckled as Ricky started singing a song and the other two followed him.Soon the song ended and everyone started clapping!“Now, it’s time for our little sister in law to come on the stage! You see, She is the prettiest person here and this brat is lucky to have her in his life!”“Yes, I am extremely lucky to have her! After getting born in this life, this is the second big luckiest thing that happened in my life, and you guys are… the worst nightmare!”His aunts were rolling their eyes, wanting to beat the shit out of them!They wanted to get up on the stage and throw all these 3 people from there but since there were a lot of people and they were not like Cherry and Lucy, they could do nothing.All they could do was to drink the anger and kept on looking at the scene but wha
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Chapter 149: How dare you!?
“So are you talking about the money which I took from Missus Zhang and kept on talking about since then?”She said as she walked down the stage.“Look, look she agreed! She just said she took money from us and kept on taking it from me!”Mrs. Zhang yelled furiously, even Mr. Zhang was stunned when he heard this.“Why would Lucy ask for money from this woman?”Mr. Zhang murmured, Edmund looked at him, not knowing what was going on.“Mrs. Zhang, If you don’t remember? Or do you want me to tell the whole world why I asked for that money? Or do you want me to tell you why you give me the money that easily?”Lucy said and walked down the stage and said, “If you want to discuss then let’s go and talk privately.”She said and was about to tell them to follow her but it seemed like Mrs. Zhang was not willing to give up.In her heart, she was clear that Lucy was not the type of person who would disrespect an elder like this and said, “Do you think everyone here is a fool like us? You… you sol
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Chapter 150: She is my sister!
[ Woah! We reached 150 chapters, a milestone! Congratulations everyone! Please leave a lot of comments on this chapter! Love you all! ]Cherry was furious, she wanted to shred them into pieces and kill them right then and there but before that, she had to take care of Lucy and erase all the allegations against Lucy.In this world, if she had faith in someone, then it was Lucy.She was an angel to her.She need not ask God for her wishes to come true, Lucy was more than enough for her.Even Ryan and Christian did not have that kind of a place in her heart, she was supreme for her.“How did I? You were the one… you had been sleeping around with a lot of men! Lucy just captured those pictures and showed them to you! You had been the one who had been lying about your son! He… He is my dad’s son but what about the other one? Are you going to say that your second son belongs to my dad? Tell them, whom are you sleeping with now?”That was one more shock for Mrs. Zhang. She was tongue-tied, n
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