All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
322 Chapters
Chapter 191: I am sorry! I am late!
They were all shocked and in awe because they had no idea Lucy had gone through such a significant event without their knowledge. “What should we do? Christ held onto his head and nearly fell, "We have always blamed brother Ryan and thought he had bullied Lucy a lot. Ricky and Charles were not much better."No, Cassandra is to blame; she's the one who spread those rumors about Lucy and I having an affair and even..." James remarked and then closed his mouth, unsure of whether or not to share something so important with them. Then again, what was the point? There was nothing to hide because everything what’s done was done!Ricky questioned, "What?" Charled responded, James was indeed right.Back then, they looked into Cassandra and discovered that she had plotted to harm Lucy. And for that reason, they made an effort to keep Lucy safe, but in the end, Lucy ruined everything herself.“You! Why did you guys hide everything from us? Were we not your friends? Why have you done that? Ricky
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Chapter 192: Whom did she meet?
[ Note:- Hello guys, I hope you all are doing well and happy. We soon are going to end this journey of Lucy and Ryan. I do not know if you are loving it or not but I loved the way you guys voted in these few days and supported me. Please give the same support and love to my new book And please leave comments and votes to help me grow and keep on working.]------Even Ericka was astounded to see Lucy in this state of tears; she was unable to explain why. Ericka had never seen her cry, become angry, or be joyful; all she had ever seen was her gloomy face. She had only seen emptiness in her eyes and the aura of a lone wolf surrounding her. But now that she saw her cry like this, she wondered why she had cried with a stranger like this."Miss Wang," Ericka exclaimed, unable to take it any longer; she liked Lucy's smile but not this. Ericka was unaware of this Lucy; she was also clueless about Lucy's emotional rollercoaster, which was completely unfamiliar and ne
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Chapter 193: I don't give a damn!
“What? You— she went to Country A and none of us know here? No one even informed us?” Edmund asked in shock. He had been in a meeting and it was a huge and important project they were woking on. But when he heard that Lucy had gone to a place that gave her nothing but pain, made his heart unsettled, “We are going right away,” He said and told people to wrap up the meeting and postpone it for later.“What are you doing Ed? We had worked so hard and for so long, now you want to delay it more?” Morgan said as he looked at him to which Edmund glared at him and told him that the meeting meant nothing to him if his sister was not fine.“Yes, but I am leaving right away. I will handle things there, ok?” Morgan said as he tried to calm him down. But Edmund was not in the mood to hear any reasoning, “Do you think that I will be able to work here? I— I won’t be able to, and you know that.”In the end, Morgan could do nothing and they decided to go back together. If Morgan had wanted he would ha
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Chapter 194: We Are Sorry
Ericka was having a meal but had her cell phone connected to Lucy’s cell phone and had a video call ongoing when she heard a shriek in her AirPods, she was shocked and ran away from there. She wanted to hear what James was talking to himself but it seemed like she could not be nosy anymore and had to leave. She was startled to see Lucy running here and there in the room as if she was looking for someone. She was scared and wanted Lucy to calm down. Ericka quickly went to find her medicines and dissolved them in the water.“Ryan, please do not leave me, I can’t live without you, I won’t do anything to the babies, don’t leave me,” Lucy was restless and kept saying all these things. Ericka went to her and held onto her hand, she did not know whom she called in this delusional state. She took her to the bed and made her sit and take the glass of water.“He will be back, he is fine,” Ericka said and made her lay on the bed, tugged her into the comforter, and was about to leave. She felt a
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Chapter 195: He Must Hate His Father!
“Damn it! Calm down, you should not be so hard on the kids. As I said, they are just kids, so do not be like this,” Morgan said as he opened the door for Edmund to sit in, “I called that Terrance guy, he is good and keeps the babies safe, so you have to calm down and take care of our sister first,” He said and went to sit in the car too.“I know, I was too rude to them, but you know Lucy is my only child and I am ready to live for her whole my life and give what she wants,” Edmund said.“I know, but you do not need to be so strict with the kids, at the end of the day, they are the kids and have the right to meet and greet their father, so you should not stop them from it, and since they are already in the Mu family, let them be, we will go there and see them after taking care of Lucy,” Morgan said as he tried to make things clear in Edmund’s mind. He wanted him not to act the way he acted before.“No, I want to see the babies first, Lucy is asleep and we can see her later.” Edmund sai
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Chapter 196: You can't see James ever!
“How is Lucy doing?” Asked Edmund as he gazed at Ericka, who tried to hide from him.“Do not blame her, it is all your fault for ignoring her past her and letting her suffer all these things.” Morgan stated as he checked up on Lucy, “She is still sleeping. Ericka, how much dose did you give her?” He asked as he looked at her.“She… Boss had been sleeping for a long time, I— I was freaked out and gave her a double dose.” Ericka said in a guilty tone. Morgan took a deep breath and said, “It’s good that she is fine, but you know, giving a double dose to a patient is equivalent to attempting a murder.”Ericka choked on her saliva, she never had intended to do anything like this, then what happened? Other than praying for Lucy’s safety he could do nothing.“Don’t worry she is—” Morgan was about to say something when Lucy woke up screaming her lungs out.“Ryan!!” She yelled as she covered her eyes with her hands, “No, he— he has to be fine, I— I cannot let him die,” She murmured to herself
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Chapter 197: We are not Orphans anymore!
“No, you do not understand, he— he is going to snatch my kids away from me, I— I just do not know what to do,” Lucy said as she panicked.“No, you need not worry, I will bring the kids back,” Edmund said as he did not let go of her and kept on hugging her in his arms, “I will not let you suffer in their hands.”“Brother, I want to go there by myself and take my kids back,” She said.“But, if you will go there, they will find out that you are not dead but alive!” Morgan told her, as she still did not know what they had done in order to take her away from that place six years ago.“What? I— I am dead? Do… do they think I am dead?” Lucy was taken aback to the point where she didn't know what to say. "Cherry!" she exclaimed. "No, how can she—” She burst out into tears.“Calm down; she is fine and has been happily married to Christian for the last six years.” Morgan said as he went to sit beside her and hugged her from the other side, “We might not have gone to see her personally, but we h
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Chapter 198: Uncle, Will You Marry Me!
It’s been 2 days since Rylan and Lillian were at the Mu Mansion and because James was not feeling good, Ryan and the other was staying there to cheer him up.“I can’t believe that Lucy is no more,” James said to himself as the image of the girl he had met at the food stall flashed before his eyes.“She must be Lucy, how can there me some Lana Wang with the same face and features?” He murmured to himself.“What are you doing? Are you still not over this?” Charles came to him and asked, “Brother Song had acted the same way all along and now you are doing the same. I do not think you should be doing something which can make him restless again.” He said.James heard this and turned around to look at him, “Do you think that I am the kind of a person who would do all these things and be delusional? Dude, I am a soldier and have an eye for the right person?” He said in irritation, “I am sad and broken to hear the news but that one thing is the only light where I can see that she might be ali
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Chapter 199: Brother, What happen back then!
Charles only wanted the person in front of him to understand how much Ryan had cherished them. And he knew deep down that he could not possibly be that stupid as to miss Lucy's heart. There was no way Lucy could keep her thoughts from him since they had spent a lot of time together and had known each other for a very long time.But looking at Ericka, he felt irritated, he glared at her and said, “You are right, I should not be talking about our brother to a stranger, and of course, about Lucy.” He said and fell silent and then said after a while, “You should take the kids and leave here as soon as possible.” He said and called a maid to inform Rylan and Terrance to leave.“What? How could you treat us in such a manner? Do you think we would have been here if you guys had not brought our young miss and young master here,” Ericka asked as she got up from her seat and pointed at him?” As she pointed her finger at him, Charles took a deep breath and told her that he didn't want the other
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Chapter 200: Lucy Is Alive!
[Yippie!! Guys, we have reached 200 marks today! We have reached 200 chapters and with that, we are reaching the end of this book, I am so happy. But if you want to read more chapters about the cute stories of Lillian and Rylan, then I will extend them, so please comment in the review section so that I can get the comments I can't see your comments in chapters, so put your suggestions in the review section. Waiting for your response and also, do not forget to try my new book!]Do you intend to remain silent? "What exactly did you want to show me?" General Mu asked as he snatched the file from James's grasp and was about to open it when Dr. Zhang spoke up, "You see, that girl— who came a long time ago and fell sick," He was about to continue when James grabbed his collar and threatened him, "So? “So? "What exactly did you do to her?" He inquired impatiently."No, I mean, I just drew a little bit extra of her blood and because I thought it was amusing, I just ran a test on her DNA and f
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