All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
322 Chapters
Chapter 201: They should know about their father.
Morgan glared angrily at Edmund and asked, "Why is she like this? Did you not take her there to get the kids back? Then why is she like this?" Edmund said nothing as he looked at Lucy and held onto her hand tight, “I– I do not know anything, I just want her to be fine.” He said as he looked at Lucy.“Fine! I will give her some sedatives and let her sleep, but you must tell me what the heck happen there that she got in this condition.” Morgan stated and injected her and then took Edmund’s hand and walked out with him.“What the fuck happened?” He inquired as he glared at him to which Edmund told him everything that happened there and how he did not hide anything when she asked questions. In the end, she got agitated and could not stop her tears and kept on crying.“Damn! I told her not to go back there but no! She had to go there and now that—” He was about to say something when his mind went to what Edmund had just told him, “Wait! So are you saying that— that Song guy… he loved our L
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Chapter 202: Lucy's letter for James!
Morgan did not initially want to be rude to them, but he had no other choice, Edmund would always make him do such works that he had never wanted to do.“Mr. Lee, we have to grudge against you and even we are thankful for what you did for brother Song, but the way you are treating us is purely unreasonable,” Charles said as he could not take it anymore but James stopped him and gestured him not to say things like that.“Why not? We are here to have a meeting with Mister Wang, it is not like we are here to beg him or something, on top of that, can we not come and see Lucy, even if is not willing to see us.”Charles complained to James to which James patted his back and said, “Mister Wang is my cousin-brother and so is Lucy, they are just angry with my uncle. But I am sure when he will get to know that I am here to see him, brother Edmund would never leave me behind.” James said as he looked at Morgan, who was looking at him dumbfoundedly. He had never thought that James Mu was Edmund Wa
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Chapter 203: Symptoms of Poison!
[ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 EVERYONE!!!]Morgan and Charles saw the letter in James’s cell phone and Morgan asked him to send that letter to him; he wanted to show it to Edmund. After all, he had seen all these years, how sad and in bad condition was Lucy in! Now, he wanted her to be happy forever. “See, I told you, she has never hated Ryan, and even wanted to live for him.” James said as he looked at at them to which Morgan seemed to be agreed to him.“Fine, since I can see Lucy’s heart in this message, I will try to help you guys,” Morgan said as he patted James’s shoulder. “Thank you, I really appreciate your help!”========“How are you doing Ryan?” General Mu asked as he looked at Ryan on the bed. “I think I am fine.” Ryan replied as he tried to sit up.“Let me help you!” General Mu said as he helped him sit, “So, how are you feeling? Is there something you want to tell?” He asked but Ryan said nothing as his mind was full of thoughts of Lucy. He was damn sure that he had seen her bef
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Chapter 204: Who is my father?
“Come on, Ed! Have you not had enough of your sister’s sufferings? Can you please just let go of all the past grudges?” Morgan said as he gazed at Edmund but it seemed like he was not in the mood to hear anything from him, “Look, this will be her decision, so do not try to interfere in it!” Edmund replied as he wanted him to stop talking about Ryan.“What do you mean by her decision? There is a number of misunderstandings they have! I just want you to give them a chance to speak to each other, and end all the past sufferings!” Morgan said he wanted to pursue him to understand their situation and let them spend some time alone.“Do you think that I am the enemy of Lucy and Ryan? But have you ever thought about the pain she had been in? The sufferings she had because of him?” Edmund exclaimed as he felt frustrated at Morgan’s deliberate persuasion and told him that he had thought that he was on his side but he seemed to have changed the party.“Come on! I am not changing any party here—
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Chapter 205: She is my Destiny!
“Yes, almost everything is set; now all you have to do is bring General Mu and Young Master Song there.” Morgan said to James on the call as he gazed at Edmund.“Why? Why do I need to bring Uncle there?” James inquired in confusion. He found no reason for General Mu to go there, but he got no definite answer and was only told that he should relay the message to General Mu that Young Master Wang had invited him. “Whatever, I just want to see my Lucy and be her biggest matchmaker,” James stated, then hung up the phone as he was not in the mood to use his brain. He had already used his brain more than enough on the fields, and all he wanted to do was take a rest, but it seemed like life was not that easy for him; he had to do a lot of things.“What did that Mu guy say?” Morgan caught Edmund's eye as he attempted to avoid making eye contact with him and asked, “He asked why we need General Mu there, and I have the same question as him.” He had the same thought as James but tried to ignore
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Chapter 206: A Mother's Love!
“Mom, are you ready? Dads are calling you.” Rylan asked as he knocked on Lucy’s door, “Yes baby coming in a while,” Lucy answered as she put on an earring. “Ok, mom. We all are waiting in the car.” Rylan replied and walked away from there.It was the day when they were about to leave for the Mountain Temple and where everyone had planned the reunion of Lucy and Ryan, without them knowing anything. “Bro, are you really going to meet that girl whom you are about to get engaged?” Asked Morgan as he looked at Edmund to which Edmund told him that he was not interested in any kind of blind dates, let alone marriage but that was what he read in his mother’s diary and he must fulfill her wish at any cost, “Dude. it’s about your whole life! I mean look at me, Samaira and I had been in a long relationship but I had never given her the time she deserved, I kept on playing around or you could say that I was just trying to throw her out of my life, but see— she never left me and now, I can’t leav
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Chapter 207: Memories of her first love
After creating havoc on social media, the two culprits came out of their rooms, side-eyeing each other; with their eyes, they tried to prove that their suits are the best.The same post was seen by James as well, he looked at it and gritted his teeth, “Lucy! Just you come back once and I will make you design all my suits exclusively by you.” He exclaimed in determination and went inside to look at how the preparation was, “Dude! How is everything going? I mean, we came a little earlier here to set up the whole thing but you know it, General Mu is not the type to come here and might ruin our reunion plan but I just hope that he will get brother Ed’s message!” James said to Charles who was there to help with his plans.“Look at me, a mafia king is here and doing all this stupid reunion stuff for them, and you are saying that he won’t be here after we told them that your brother and ‘sister’ will be here!” Charles stated as he rolled his eyes to which James glared at him and told him tha
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Chapter 208: Let's Go
Lucy could not help but want to forget Ryan and had made a perception in her heart that Ryan must have gotten married to someone else because of his grandfather’s wishes, and even if he had not; she had no place in his life. She was a mere employee for him, to whom he had slept when he lost control over his emotions since he thought she belonged to him!Whatever the reason was, all she wanted was to forget him and not to get involved with his personal life ever. She was still in her thoughts when she saw that she had walked along Morgan to the forest. “What? Why am I here?” She exclaimed as she was stunned to be there.“What do you mean, why? You were the one who denied it and then hold my hands and walked with me here.” Morgan stated and rolled his eyes as if he was wrongly accused.Lucy glared back at him and looked around but said nothing. It was a nostalgic place for her but when she walked further, she was a bit stunned. The whole forest was decorated beautifully; it was impossi
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Chapter 209: The Audio
The forest was full of lights but the place where they had a sitting arrangements, were dark. No one could tell that who was sitting with whom. So, when Lucy went with Morgan and Ryan went with Cherry; Morgan took Cherry away and whispered in Lucy’s ears that he was sitting right behind her but she should not talk while the entire things would go on.While on the other hand, James went to Ryan and told him that no matter what, he had to be quiet and should not make a ruckus, no matter what was about to take place.Ryan had a hunch in his heart that they were upto something for sure, but he decided to wait and see what they wanted to do, in the end, he sat there with a thought that Cherry was the one who sat behind him, while Lucy had the same thought that it was Morgan who was behind her.The audio tape started, it was a video but the screen was totally black, nothing could be see other than a voice that could be heard.[ The moment I saw her, it was a blessing to my life; I knew ther
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Chapter 210: Illusion Or Not?
[ You know, I had prepared a lot of things from my side and after Cherry’s wedding, I decided to propose to her, even before I knew that Cherry was my sister. No factor could have stopped me from making her mine but— In the end, she disappeared and, when she reappeared, she was with Edmund Wang! I even asked her, and she told me that she was with him, she had even said to me that—] Lucy was shocked, she knew what he was about to say after that. She knew that he was about to tell that about their baby that she had informed him she had aborted. But that was not the truth. She had never thought she would meet Ryan again after getting caught in that fire. But now that she was alive and had come back after six long years, she could not believe it and was even embarrassed when she heard that once she had told him that he was in some kind of a relationship with Edmund.After all, Edmund was her brother. She was afraid that Ryan might talk about the ‘abortion’ thing. But thankfully, he had s
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