All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
322 Chapters
Chapter 211: I Am A Selfish Jerk!
Edmund took Lucy back, and Ryan asked everyone to leave him alone there. He did not want to talk to anyone at that moment. He was not in a good mood, but one thing he had gotten to know was that Edmund loved her, but he was about to get married to someone else. It meant that they had not gotten married yet.“No, Lucy— I have to bring her back! She is mine, and I cannot let anyone have her. I will beg her on my knees to come back; I will do anything to make her come back, and she must come back to me!” Ryan said to himself as he put his hand inside his suit’s pocket and took out a pendant from it.The pendant was a simple chain, which consisted of two rings, one for men and one for women.Those were the rings that he and Lucy had selected together.The memory of that day was still crystal clear in his mind. He remembered that day when he took her to a jewelry shop and asked her to select a good ring for his size, keeping in mind that it would be for his wedding. Lucy had not chosen the
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Chapter 212: I Mistreated him.
Lucy was taken back to the temple with Edmund and Morgan. Edmund had stopped anyone from seeing her. He wanted to be alone with her; he wanted to talk to her and see what kind of feelings she had at that moment.“Lucy, calm down.” Edmund helped her onto the bed and handed her a glass of water. He then gave her some medications to relieve her nerves, as she had just lost consciousness and it was hard for him to see her in that kind of condition.“I am ok, brother, and I am really sorry that I make you worry about me.” Lucy said as she hugged him, “Ge, I really love him, I really do!” She said this as she embraced him.“What? If you really do, then why? Why did you break the screen?” He asked as he hugged her back, even though he felt suffocated in her arms.“I— I just love him, but... but I was shocked to hear that he loved me too, and I hated myself for what I did to him!” She said that she could not know what was going on or how she was going to handle all these things.Edmund was st
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Chapter 213: Our Father
“Then tell me, how should I make it up to you,” Edmund said, feeling guilty in his heart. He was the one who hid her from the world and did not let anyone know that she was alive. He let her stay alone and secluded from the world so that no one would find her. He wanted to keep her safe, but who would have thought that he had ruined four lives? He never tried to look into her past because he wanted to give her privacy. He respected her past, but who would have thought that his respectful behavior might become poison for a lot of lives that he had ruined unknowingly?He felt so sorry at that moment that no one had any idea of it.“Ge, I never wanted to be with him because of my status which I never had back then. I just wanted him and his family to see me as I was! There is nothing that I wanted in return from them—just a little love. And because I believed that young master Song did not love me, I did all of these things. Now that I know he genuinely loved me; tell me, how should I a
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Chapter 214: You are on the top of my list.
“Master Mu, which Master Mu are you talking about?” Lucy asked dumbfoundedly.“You can call him Mr. Mu, Master Mu, or General Mu, and he is our father.” He told her with a weird smile on his face. "You mean that, General Mu, James's uncle?" Lucy exclaimed in shock. She could not believe it. All this time, she had never asked for a father or a brother in her life. Back then, when she found out that Old Man Tang was not her father, she was relieved. She never thought of looking for her father. All she wanted was to keep him out of her life, but once Cherry had her brother, she yearned for someone she could call her family. She knew that after Cherry's wedding and even after she regained custody of her biological family, she would never be able to call her family.But when she regained her memories, she was stunned and shocked to know that she had been living with her biological brother. She was relieved to learn this and had grown accustomed to being with him; however, now that she has
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Chapter 215: They Are Sister Crazy!
The next day, Everyone was ready to see the great Grand Master Wang. Even though Master Mu did not want to see his face again in his life, for the sake of his son and daughter, he decided to confront him."Ge," Lucy said to Morgan, who had been peering out of her room with the kids for a long time, "come inside, you are a bad spy." She stated this and chuckled.“What do you mean? I am not spying on you at all.” Morgan said as he straightened his clothes.“Ok, ok! No, you were not! But just come in here, and you two go play!" Lucy shooed the kids away and called Morgan in.“What is wrong with our mommy these days? She always excluded us from her plans.” Lillian complained as she held onto Rylan’s hands.“Come on! You know in what kind of a state she has been these days; let her be, and we will later take care of everything.” Rylan held her hand tight and tried to coax her, but Lillian was full of complaints. She did not want to budge. She ranted for a while, then suddenly came up with
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Chapter 216: Marriage Certificate
“What? Are you saying that I cannot introduce my children as my own kids here? What the heck is that?” Lucy exclaimed when she learned that she could not tell Master Wang that Lillian and Rylan were her children.“I can do nothing about it! Master Wang is an old school person; he would never accept it.” Morgan said, to which Edmund responded, “You are right; I am the example of his cruelty. "He took me away from my mother and father because I was born out of wedlock, and according to our family rules, he will take away the children; I am afraid they will never see us again.” Edmund told them the reason he never brought them back to the country, but this time he was forced to do so. If he had not come back, he would never have been able to obtain the antidote for Lucy and Ryan that only Master Wang had.Edmund did not care about Ryan, but since the moment he learned that he was Rylan and Lillian’s father, he could not sit back and watch him die.Before that, he had never cared about h
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Chapter 217: You Changed the events
Master Wang was somewhat doubtful about the situation but he had seen that the certificate seemed real and legal but he could not go with the reasoning that she had forgotten about her own marriage certificate just because she lost her memories.It sounded absurd and ridiculous but he could only go with the flow. After all, he too did not want to take Lucy’s children away from her. He did not enjoy doing so. But that was the rule of his family and no rules had ever been broken in their family ever. He even did not let go of his own daughter and was sad that he had to do the same with Lucy. But thankfully, now he did not have to anymore.“Fine, enjoy yourselves, I will like to meet your family, officially, I won’t send my daughter to your family like this.” Master Wang said and was about to leave when Edmund stopped him.“No, Master Wang, she is not your family and you not going to interfere in her family either, I have told you already that we are here just to get the antidote and he
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Chapter 218: We Almost Killed Ryan.
“Ge, you—you said that I almost had a miscarriage or needed an abortion to save myself back then?” Lucy inquired, her voice trembling, to which Morgan hugged her and assured her that everything was fine. She need not worry about anything.“No—I need to know, what happened at the hospital that night? I do not know anything? What does Master Wang mean? Why would I have lost my kids and had been with young master Song since then?” She asked as she had fear in her eyes.“You do not need to know about what already happened, there is nothing we want to talk about that night!” Edmund said in a stern tone.“No, but I do have the right to know! He said that our kids would have not been in the world! Tell me, what have you done to make them live? Why have we been in a coma for so long? Why?” Lucy questioned in a firm tone.She did not understand what she wanted to take out from them but she wanted to know. On one hand, she was thankful to them and on the other hand, she was scared to death, by
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Chapter 219: Have a good chat
“I was never a good person; I wanted to be near you but never wanted to commit anything to you; I wanted you to be with me but never wanted to have any kind of relationship with you; I—I was in a denial until one day I realized I—” He paused as he felt intense pain in his heart.“Te… Tell me more!” Lucy asked in her shivering, weak voice, “One day, what?” “One day, when you were locked on my terrace, I could not find you the whole night and almost became crazy, but I did not know what I was I feeling; at first I just wanted to make you mine, but I had some other feelings from then on. I could not see you in pain! That’s why I asked you to take a leave, but then— you disappeared.” He explained to her that she did not return to work because he assumed she despised him until he discovered that the mayor's people were behind her and she was nowhere to be found. He told her that he looked for her everywhere, but in the end, when he found her, he was quite late, and Cherry was kidnapped.“
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Chapter 220: A Lot of Work to do!
Lucy was dumbfounded. She had never seen Ryan talk this much in the past, but at the moment, he had a lot of things to say to her, and she liked that.She always wanted him to talk with her in that way, rather than in the normal boss and employee way.“Lucy, can you tell me, why you said that I do not deserve to be a father? I killed my own father, so I do not deserve to be the one?” Ryan asked, changing all the sweet topics between them.“I—I never meant what I said! I just wanted to stay away from you because—” Lucy said as she lowered her head. She knew she had done the most stupidest thing in the world. If she had known that Ryan had mutual feelings for her, she would have fought for him for the whole world.“Because of what? for what I did to you?” Ryan asked as he held on to her hand and asked her to tell him. He told her that her words were still alive in his ears and had become the biggest nightmare of his life.“Lucy, this was something I wanted to know, but there was no one
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