All Chapters of Married To The Cold CEO: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
322 Chapters
Chapter 221: You should see them!
Ryan was drained of all his energy. He did not know how to fight it anymore, but he wanted to be at peace and wanted his family to be together forever. Even after all these years, there were still many obstacles in his path that he had to overcome in order to create a perfect happy family.“Do not worry, kids, I just like your mother, I will make you both fall in love with me to the point where you guys would never be able to leave me.” He said, painfully smiling.=====“General Mu, are you not going to see your son and daughter? They are right here!” Ricky said as he gave him a doubtful look. He thought he would be dying by now to see his son and daughter, but to them, he looked like as if nothing had happened.“I do! But I do not have the face for it, and I have been barred from entering the temple for the last 36 years; I am not sure why they let me in again." General Mu answered as he looked around the temple. A lot had changed since he last entered there, but the divine feelings
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Chapter 222: You Can Never Be My Father
“Oh, look who is here! My dear sister is here, wow!” James exclaimed and acted surprised, and rolled his eyes. “You are here to see your father but never ever thought of seeing us, no matter how many times we went to see you!” James said it in anger, but Lucy felt confused. She looked at the men on her left and right and shook her head. “I beg your pardon, young master Mu; I was in the wrong not to come and see you,” Lucy replied in the most polite way possible “What the hell are you talking about? Talk to us in a proper way!” James complained. Lucy smiled and went to him, but before that, Edmund took her hand, yanked her towards his side, and told her to stay put. “What is it? I just want to talk to them; you cannot just—” She was still talking when Edmund looked at General Mu, who was looking at them with an expectant look, but Edmund shattered it when he asked Lucy to stay away from the Mu family; he was not there to do some chit-chat things. “Brother, what are you talking about?
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Chapter 223: He was hurt.
[ Note:- Sorry for the inconvenience in the last chapter]“Edmund, this is what you wanted me to give you, so take it and leave here if you do not want to take up the last name Wang!” Master Wang stated that he had given the poison's antidote and instructed him to flee as far as possible.“Grandpa, this is not what I want! I just do not want to be restricted by you! I do not want to do things like you do!” Edmund said in hushed tones, feeling guilty for what he had said to him.Deep down in his heart, he knew that Master Wang had a great affection for him and Lucy too. But he could not understand why he was all rude and neglecting her. But in the end, he did not want to leave the house.“I have no descendent left; if you leave me, the Wang bloodline ends here, and I am ready to accept it happily, but you see—if you want to change the family rules, you have to be the head of the Wangs and the temple, so that you can change it yourself and not ask favor from me.” Master Wang stated that
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Chapter 224: What Father?
“Lucy, hey! Can you please hear me out!?” Ryan walked behind her and tried to catch up with her, but it seemed she did not want to talk to him.“Ok, I was wrong, even though what I did was wrong, but I was! So, let’s have a talk can we!?” Ryan said as walked behind her, when she turned around with a swoosh and threw two red cards on his face and asked him what those things where and why did she have no idea of that at all.“Lucy, umm… look, can you not see that this is called marriage certificate and, since it has your signature and picture on you, and mine, of course, it is supposed to be ours!” Ryan get her into some detalis but she was still inraged, “What? What’s with that look?”“You are talking about my look here?” Lucy stated and looked directly into his eyes, “I am married for around 7 years by now, and I do not even know what in the world is happening here?” She asked as she glared at him in anger.“Look, what are you talking about? Whatever you saying, makes no sense here.
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Chapter 225: Sadist!
“Look, you were the one who signed the papers; you were the one who allowed me to get the documents; I did not do anything that you did not want me to do! I accepted it with your permission. I did what it after asking you.” Ryan said as he looked into Lucy’s confused eyes.“I never gave such a type of permission to you; I mean, as long as my memory serves me right or I did not lose anything then.” Lucy said, with a confused look on her face."No, I did write you a letter before Cherry's wedding; I told you that we would be getting registered on the same day as Cherry, and after I deal with my family, you will be with me, and—remember, I sent you a paper to sign and told you, you are free from here, but also that this will be the new beginning of our lives," Ryan explained to her and told her that he never forced or lied to her, he had changed for good.“So? Are you saying that— those papers were not to free me from your slavery or something? Were they for us to register our marriage?
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Chapter 226: The Smile!
“No! You never lost the chance! You were always there in my heart, even if I had forgotten you. The thought that I was missing something was always there in my heart. You were always there!” Lucy said as she gathered the courage to hug him for the first time. “No matter how you do things and what you do, I—I am a sucker for you and even if you kill me, I will only that it’s alright, I do not mind, I was killed by the person whom I love the most!” Ryan heard her and could not help but chuckle, “You sound like a sadistic person right now!” He said and wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her hair, “I can never do that to you!” “Let go of me, my brothers are crazy for me and if they see me hugging you like this, they will kill you for sure!” Lucy said and tried to push him away from her but Ryan hugged her even tighter and told her that as much as he want to show that he was scared of her brothers; he loved her more.“This is ridiculous!” Lucy exclaimed and pushed him away fro
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Chapter 227: Betrayed?
“Look, brother! I know you are angry with me and my uncle, but you cannot just abandon our family and leave us alone like this!” James said as he tried to stop Edmund and convince him.“James Mu, right!” Edmund stopped, straightened his collar, and patted his shoulder, saying, “You better know that I am not one of the Mus; I was brought up by the Wangs, and however much I hate the Wang family, I am the only one that the Wang line has! So do not ever try to convince me to go back to the Mus." “No! You are my family, whether you are Wang, Mu, Song, or Lee! As long as you are Lucy’s brother, and my uncle’s son, that’s all that matters to me, so can you stop running away from us and try to accept us?” James said this in a determined tone, not wanting to back out and take his family members back home.“I beg you pardon, Mister Mu! But as far as I remember, I am the only family Mr. Wang has, after all these years of being lonely. "We had been together through thick and thin, and that is wh
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Chapter 228: Deep, Dark Secret.
“No, Lucy, I am not the least bit bothered by their words. Trust me, if it had been me, it would have ended up hurting even more for me,” James said, showing his complete understanding toward his brother.“No, you don’t! You might think that you understand, but here are the things: he needed someone in the time of his loneliness; he needed a family, and that’s what brother Morgan had provided him over the years, the yearning for a brother.” Lucy said as she looked into James' eyes and told him she understood him fully."Jimmy, no one understands the desire for a family more than I do, and when they came to hold my hand and told me that they would make a family with me and my children, I did not even blink and took their hands, because the family was the thing I craved for the most, back then!" "I had all four of you as my friends, the only person I have as my family; she was about to start a new life, and the man I loved and carried his child, he never showed me a“Lucy, we were at le
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Chapter 229: Desicion?
“What was all that, Ed? How can you act like that in front of James, and you even last out at Lucy, do you even know how stupid that was for you to do that.” Morgan said as he tried to find out what Edmund had in his mind.“Look, there is nothing I can say for now. I just had a chat with Master Wang and he pissed me off, I just did not know how to act and ended up losing myself.” Edmund said as he rubbed his head and thought of what he just did.“So, you are going to behave like that? Ed, James is your brother, he was all excited to see you and call you brother, do not get me wrong, but what you did today with him was really wrong. I wish for you to correct your mistakes as soon as you can.” Morgan said as he tried to knock some sense in Edmund.“Yea? But what about you? You also backed me there? Why did you do that?” Edmund asked as he looked at him.“What’s with that question, Ed? I just wanted you not to ramble at him so much. It’s alright If I would have ended you saying something
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Chapter 230: He deserve Happiness
Master Wang and General Mu gathered all the things needed and performed the therapy for Lucy and Ryan.“Ed, calm down; everything will be fine.” Morgan said to Edmund as he tried to calm him down.“How am I supposed to calm myself? My sister is in there, and the man she loves is there too; how can I just calm down and do nothing?” Edmund exclaimed as he felt really frustrated. He wanted to know what was going on in there.“Fine, man, I get it. I get that you are worried about them, but you do not need to be like this. You have to be stronger.” Morgan said as he patted his back that he assured him that everything would be fine.“I know, but what can I do? This is how I am! I just love her so much that I cannot think about the pain she had to go through. The therapy is not that easy to endure.” Edmund expressed his sympathy for Lucy and Ryan."Brother, you should be calm now," James interrupted their conversation and attempted to reason with Edmund.It’s been around 3 days since they ha
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