All Chapters of LADYS GUY PRINCE DOUGLAS: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
664 Chapters
Chapter 151
Chapter 151 She picked the picture and it was Prince. She was calm she just handed over the picture back to them. May activated her inner strength so that she could talk to me. Fortunately, my inner strength was active so we began to talk. I told Rose to scanned them if she can kill them or not. Rose reported back to me that she could handle it. Though they were conjurers they were not that powerful. I asked her to do it gently so that it may not bring tension because they are five people in five groups who have been assigned to assassinate me. We shouldn’t deal it kindly with them at all. After you had killed them search into their pocket if you could find any info about their main office for me. Rose stood to her feet and turned to the young why do you want to kill that man before they could make an attempt to retrieve their guns their heads had been cut already. May searched their pocket and got their id cards. She moved from there with
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Chapter 152
Chapter 152 We were confused because they had some gadgets in their building that make it easy to scan anyone who enters their premises. They watched whatever you do closely at the reception. Haven’t considered so many options the one plan which was suitable for the destruction of that building was to call for the divine miraculous power of destruction. Rose wait for me in the car please don’t come out of it. I vanished in the air and landed in front of their building. My astral mirror vibrates I checked the words and it reads a faithful servant of the divine world is in the building called him out first. I didn’t waste time at all. I said divine servant come out from the building now. I waited for three minutes before the divine servant came out of the building. He was in a white long robe. He was a middle-aged man in his fifties. Indeed, he was handsome with the glory of divine power. I saluted him and said Servant of Divine world can I have you
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Chapter 153
Chapter 153 My Prince is that how you want it? Alright, I Dr. Bruce swear before heaven and earth that I have agreed to help My Prince to solve the particular problem he is going through. Thank you for that bold decision I responded. How is your secretary Barbara? Oh, she is doing well she even called me secretly to enquire about you and your whereabouts. She went further to ask me if I have married. But I decline to answer some of her questions. And she assured me that no matter what she would find out about where you stay so that she would come and thank you personally. Hey, Dr I beg you to be careful not to allow her to bring her troubles to me ooh. As Wife Rose is silent like that she has vowed to skin me alive if she found out that I had accepted another lady into my life. They had drawn their plan to protect me. If Rose is not around with me then May would be here. Even as we are talking she has been sending messages to explain every
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Chapter 154
Chapter 154 What time do they meet? My prince is at 1:30 in the morning. After office, I can join you where you would direct so that we stay till the time and go together. That is great, Rose join his car and show him the place. We will be there to refine some elixir. You can join us after you have closed from the office. Please don’t forget to bring Rose back to me here I am waiting. Ok my Prince he responded. I need some food I am hungry where can we go my pretty Rosaline. My Prince, I wanted us to go to your mansion. I mean your new residence is under construction. I would buy some fruits and we enjoy them there. I am ok with it. Oh gosh, there is one thing I forgot to tell Bruce to do for us. My prince can’t we sent him a text. All right, tell him to release fake news around the place that I am dead. Use my phone. The saint responded my master the text has been sent already in your name. okay, thank you. Master, you are in the newspape
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Chapter 155
Chapter 155 As soon as the person steps on the machine and the person is approved the ground would open naturally and the person would pass through the ground with the help of the machines. Where the person would pass is installed with sophisticated machines that would properly scan the person thoroughly. If the person is found possessing illegal material what happens to the person? I asked curiously.  My Prince, there is an exit door under where the machines would scan you. If you are caught the exit door would open and by the time you are aware you are already outside of the premises. Rose took her time to explain the process properly to me. I see, how is the entrance from the main residence to the airport like? My Prince that entrance is divided into two. There is a special entrance for the inner family of Prince, where the exit door opens right where the airplane would park. And the other door would be at the surface but w
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Chapter 156
Chapter 156 My Rose, My Prince she responded. Can you keep a secret about me? Yes, my Prince why not. Then Please all my inner wears are very old please find some ways to take away all the old ones and bring me new ones ok? Oh my, Prince forgive me. I am even ashamed of myself. It won't happen again. I have to make some transfers into your wallet. No, My Prince, we have enough money at the booth of my car. You need not worry about it. Rose where are the dailies? I asked. I left them at the booth of Saint she responded. This is the key please bring them and let’s go through. Rose brought the papers and they saw the saint when it flew in the air over other cars to be out of traffic block. My Prince Where and when did this happen? It happened at Shine your eyes Boutique yesterday morning. After I had left at the beach. Did you dash the manageress I billion dollars for free? Oh my God such a lady would, by all means, follow you up. Because wha
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Chapter 157
Chapter 157 My Prince, there is this story I think might have something to do with you.The caption is ten thousand criminals killed when they attacked five hundred workers on site. If you look at the picture critically it looks like your school project. Rose have you looked at it? May asked.Yes, it’s the project site. It happened yesterday. Wow, and you killed ten thousand how did you do it I want to know. It was Rose who did all the trick. Sister, I killed one person he was the leader. He sealed my weak points and with my super sword I just cut his head off. And how many have you killed today? I asked her. I have killed two guys. Why did you kill them? May asked. They had been contracted to assassinate my husband and unfortunately for them, they sat near me at a restaurant at the beach when I was doing some calculations about the number of chairs we suppose to buy for the Wonder entertainment center. Sister, I head them planning h
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Chapter 158
Chapter 158 Please Ladies our time is up to get up and let’s go. Let’s plan first, how do we go? Are we going in a single car or each of us should take his car? Bruce, My Prince I want to suggest that we go in one car. I think that would be better because none of you would be entering the premises with me. You have to remain in the car so one car will be ok. Mr. Bruce where are we going specifically? My Prince, we are going to the national cemetery. Behind the cemetery, there are some story buildings over there. Do people rent those buildings? Yes, they are mainly for cult businesses. The owner rents them out to those who want to organize their operations as a cult. How many cults can you guess in the area? Approximately about 55 cults are operating over there. Please we are going in my car. Rose and May you have the two back seats and Mr. Bruce will take the other front seat and I will take the steer. All of us walked into the car and put
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Chapter 159
Chapter 159 I opened my eyes to look at the time on the phone and to check who was calling. I realized it was 34 minutes after midday. I went to check on May and she had already dressed in her new dress and had prepared to wait for me. I went to wash and clean my teeth and about 30 minutes later I was ready to set off to Grandma Philippa’s Birthday Party. I had one thing I seriously needed to do before we could go to the Birthday party. I had promised Justine that I was going to bring all the elixir I had refined to her so that she could work on it. When I got near the saint I remembered that I had forgotten something. I went back to my room and it donned on me to fold my chant white material into my pocket. Without any hesitation, I did and took my phone which I had forgotten. I had gathered all the elixirs into the car so I passionately talked to Mayfair to allow me to go to Justine’s Shop at the train station. Fortunately, Justine was a
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Chapter 160
Chapter 160 Soon as grandma Philippa saw May she spoke into the microphone to invite Mayfair to sit by her side. At the high table. May glanced at me to ask I signaled with my eyes to ask her to accept the invitation. When May stood up the entire hall was silent. She looks so beautiful with her curvy shape shown in her dress. She had no make-ups. But her natural face and skin were shining and brightening. She was too charming to look at. The men around were speechless. As they had opened their eyes and mouth wide at the same time to look at Mayfair. Walking majestically to take her seat at the high table. Though the Boating family ladies were beautiful naturally Mayfair was extremely exceptional. The crowd gathered at the hall were stunned as they applauded her endlessly. The discussion about May at the Hali began. The strangers were stunned to see such a person in the Boating family. Those who knew her also talked about her relationship w
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