All Chapters of LADYS GUY PRINCE DOUGLAS: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
664 Chapters
Chapter 161
Chapter 161 I could see that May, was very furious and had decline to stand up. I saw that a signal had been given to the old lady of the arrival of the army officers. May stood to her feet and took the microphone and said. Grandma, I am sorry that you wanted your birthday party not to end in a peaceful atmosphere like how it was started. Anyway, Grandma, I am sorry to inform you that I had married already and the extraordinary beauty you see today has come about from my lovely husband. Grandma if you don’t care I humbly introduce my husband to you. Honestly, that has been our plan to introduce my husband to you today and the opportunity had unfolded itself. The old lady was calm and nodded, Mayfair said Prince Douglas could you please come forward, my dear. I walked calmly towards the high table from behind. I stood near John more. The crowd began their discussion. Some said the young man is more handsome than the one in the s
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Chapter 162
Chapter 162 The accountant brought a new machine and inserted the bank card. It began to read all of sudden all the workers including the accountant and the manager knelt before him to apologize. In no time the overall boss rushed to the scene. And apologized to him for the humiliation he has gone through. His last words were very touching. He said don’t judge a book by its cover but the content of a book determines its worth. The reason was that this young man standing before you is the current wealthiest person in the whole Indo continent. Her card balances were reading in billions and in trillions of dollars. It was the manageress who attended to him. Strangely he gave one billion dollars to her for serving him faithfully. Immediately he decided to rush out because people were rushing to have a grip on him. At the car park, some reporters had blocked his movement, but to the surprise of the crowd, his car lifted up from the ground and m
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Chapter 163
Chapter 163 Grandma said you have got it right then let the officers come and take him away immediately. About ten military officers in uniform rushed into the hall and moved forward towards the high table. The room became more tensed and some young girls about fifteen had gathered that there was no way they were going to allow the officer to take me away. May came to stand by my side. She raises her hand slapped one of the officers. It lifted the officer to flew in the air and landed at the back of the hall. He spat out a mouthful of blood. The officers were shocked and pointed their guns towards me and the guns started melting the crowd yelled in excitement. The officers were shocked but because they had been ordered to arrest me they ad no option but to fulfill their mandate of my arrest. As I stood calm I said May stop it you can fight for me. Take the keys of Saint. I said grandma you didn’t explain or state the reason for my arrest.
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Chapter 164
Chapter 164 When the officer’s car took off grandma Philippa suddenly turned partial statute. She couldn’t do anything she could only move her eyes her whole body had become stiff like stone. Those guys brought some marriage documents before May and they asked her to sign them by force. She just took the papers and tore them into several pieces. Those men were annoyed and wanted her to sign another one in their hands. She activated her inner strength and started to beat them up. Rose scanned them and saw that one of them was a conjurer and had reached far on the energy strength ladder. Rose was annoyed she just pulled her super sword and cut off the head of that man who was leading the by force signing of marriage signature. She said if you don’t want to die just leave now one of the guys looked at her with a frown face Rose just raised her sword and slashed it on his chest and blood started oozing out and he started crying in pain, all the man di
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Chapter 165
Chapter 165 They rushed to meet them. Oh May, you are here too? Yes, Pro Rose made me aware that you are already here and we rushed here to catch up with you. Prof Kudi said they had come to fixed one of the machines to access its performance and if it is in order. We, therefore, need some money to buy few materials to enable us to fix others too. Sir, how much money do you need at the moment? Oh, one hundred thousand dollars would do. Rose ran to check at the booth of her car and she could raise about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Rose brought all the money but they took only the hundred thousand they quoted. And quickly drove away because it was getting late. May and Rose felt the place was not secure for them to leave one of their cars over there so they drove both cars down town parked Rose BMW and went with the saint. They had bought enough fruits. They sent me a text message to enquire from me what they had to do. I b
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Chapter 166
Chapter 166 I said Daddy I am in prison because of marital issues. The family of the lady I had married doesn’t like me because I don’t have a family. The grandmother of the lady invited her granddaughter that she was celebrating her birthday. I went with her and the old lady made sure that I was arrested by the military so that she would get the opportunity to give her granddaughter to another man. Are you sure you are telling me the truth? Yes my daddy I can’t lie to you. It is even against the rules and ethics of the chanting profession. So I would never lie to my daddy. You said you chant right? Yes, daddy. What is the level of your inner strength? I am saint divine level 5. How old are you? I am 19 years of age sir. You have achieved a lot at your age what is your secret? Daddy, it has been by the mercies of the celestial world who have directed my steps to this far it is not by my own efforts and tactics but by the mercies of the
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Chapter 167
Chapter 167 He drew a horizontal line and a vertical line across the horizontal line and tapped on the meeting point of both lines. I tried it and I was on the ground. He said to start from the beginning. I want to show you something. Yes, daddy. I turned east and did those signs and I was hanging in the mid-air as the brightness of light hover around me. Daddy, I am done. He said if you are hanged in the air the following are the words you are to chant continuously without breaking for one hundred and eight times. “DIVINE SUPREME YOU ARE HOLY” after you have said a hundred and eight times then you say the following words one hundred and eight times each to complete a circle of chant. JEHOVA YOU ARE HOLY, 108 timesADONAI YOU ARE HOLY, 108 times ELOHIM YOU ARE HOLY, 108 times TZABOTH YOU ARE HOLY, 108 times ALMIGHTY GOD YOU ARE HOLY, 108 timesTHE LORD IS HOLY. 108 times As a chanter, you chant these words twi
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Chapter 168
Chapter 168 At Old Town Boating’s family The entire family members were confused. They don’t know what they should do. They wanted to take grandma's statute to the hospital but all their efforts had failed because they couldn’t move grandma Philippa’s body. The ladies and children are gathered around grandma Philippa’s body with tears. It was getting late and grandma could only blink her eye and nothing else. The men returned with an idea that they had to cover the body of their mother. They asked all the women and their children to go and sleep and the men would have to sleep at the hall to watch over their mother. The next morning the elders in the Boating family had a meeting and they all agreed that what they had wanted to do to their daughter Mayfair and her husband was totally wrong and for that matter, they have to go and apologized to them. One of them drew their attention to the fact that the husband was taken to a
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Chapter 169
Chapter 169 The promotion for inter universities martial art competitions has started running massively and Nora and Beauty had wanted to inform Prince about it so that he would start training. But all their efforts to contact Prince proved futile. They were confused and thought that the program may be caught Prince unaware. In that sense the probability that Prince might not get the ultimate was high. I had a thought that I had wanted to join the military offices training in the morning. But just as I had agreed to follow my thought the man in the guard room with me said he had a plan to train with me. I was shocked and confused at the same time. I asked Daddy do you think this small room is enough for our training? He smiles and responded no we have to go out from this room to the main yard. Our training is supposed to last for four hours. Daddy, we are in a guard room it means that we are not on our own so how do we go out and t
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Chapter 170
Chapter 170 He said my son you are improving but your speed is too slow you have to learn how to be fast even if your inner power is not active. I said thank you Daddy but how should I do it? That is all that I have as a human So daddy may it please you to activate the keys of your servant at normal fighting speed. He looked at me and smiled. He walked to me and held my both hands for ten minutes and said your body is dully turned into the fastest mood. Come on let’s fight for one hour without brake make sure that you would not allow me to hit you I will also do the same. The little mistake you do I will have capitalized on it to finish you. Do you understand.? Yes, Daddy. I responded. We started to fight fiercely. We clashed and block each other I was too fast. I jumped to sustain myself in the mid-air and wait to demolish him, to my surprise he rolled upwards several times and charged towards me. I also rolled upwards above him.
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