All Chapters of LADYS GUY PRINCE DOUGLAS: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
664 Chapters
Chapter 171
Chapter 171 Rose, why are you in tears? My Prince, you are going through humiliation. My heart can’t take it, I feel pity for you. Rose responded. Well, don’t worry it is part of what I suppose to go through in my life. If I had known my background I don’t think I would have gone through all these useless attacks and humiliation. May, couldn’t take it and started crying. She felt the words from me meant that I am tired of him. My Prince, it wasn’t my fault you know it. How would I lead you to be humiliated? My Prince, please I beg you to forgive me. IF you decided to leave me the very option that might be there for me is to kill myself. Please My Prince don’t let me killed myself. I beg you. She knelt and apologized to me. Rose also knelt and pleaded on behalf of Mayfair who was totally dejected. My Prince when I received your message I rushed to the scene. I realized that they wanted to force May to append her signature on their new marri
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Chapter 172
Chapter 172 May, looked at me with shock and remarked you have forgiven me? Are you sure my Prince? I responded yes I have forgiven you I would not leave your house we will stay together till the appropriate time both of us decide to leave. Are you ok? She nodded. She embraced me as her body began to shake in my arms. I looked at her face, she breathed heavily and pass out in my hands. I didn’t know what to do. She was unconscious. Suddenly I heard a soft voice that resonated behind me don’t put her down kiss her continuously. Let her recover in your hands. I obeyed the voice and kissed her though I had no feelings. After five minutes she responded and kissed me back. She opened her eyes looked at my eyes and said My Prince do you still love me? she asked. Yes, I love you dear I responded. I love you too she remarked. She asked have you eaten I said no. She said I have brought some fruits she walked quickly towards her car and brou
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Chapter 173
Chapter 173 You shall move forward to take your car. Remember the devil sword will take the lead followed by the second wife and you shall be the last. The two of these ladies are the leaders of your sect which you have named the elite club. You shall select 5 strong ladies to stand behind the first two ladies. Again you can launch your sect after you had gotten hold of your enchanted beast. Daddy, I have two animals already, the wonder is a shark in the sea and I have a bold bird in the spiritual realm do I still need the enchanted beast? Yes, my son, I have already said you need it. The enchanted beast will lead you to travel across the world you want to rule. So you need it. Daddy can you tell me a bit about this beast. What type of animal is it? Your enchanted beast is a celestial white horse. Daddy where can I find it? Do I have to buy it or fight with it to arrest it? My son the fact is, in your case, it is the celestial
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Chapter 174
Chapter 174 Now both of you listen to me with keen ears. Tonight at exactly 1; 00 am I will come and take the two of you to travel far for superweapon for Mayfair. May did you hear what I said? Yes, my Prince. Please just prepare you know I have no time to waste because I am in a guard room. Again find some sharp metal that you can use to cut your fingertips for the droplets of your blood. After I had finished speaking I kept calm and Rose took her time to explain the process and how they went through before they got theirs. May, was stunned why we have to go in the night? Rose said it could be an opportunity we don’t have to miss. Again it could also be that because Prince is in the army guard room we can’t go in the daytime. After all, we are all going together so why do you have to be afraid. Don’t you have confidence in your Prince anymore? Sister not that Prince had gone through pains to be with me. After all, I am not
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Chapter 175
Chapter 175 The strong force in the form of light surrounded the sword, to our surprised the sword moved like lightning and landed in the hands of Mayfair. I shouted help her to stand firm, Rose. May couldn’t stand and she began to shake even with the help of Rose they still couldn’t stand. I stretched my left hand and held her to stand firm. Suddenly, lightning flashed across the room in all directions, and thunder stroke GUM, there was smoke and dust all over. I shouted May take the lead. The light on the devil sword brightened across the entire area as May led us to come out from the hidden rooms. I stopped the car after we had exited from the mountain through the main entrance unto the main road. The three of us stretched our swords towards the mountain and I said softly break down, you mountain now. The strange wind started hovering on the mountain. We entered our car and set off. We heard a loud sound behind us wh
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Chapter 176
Chapter 176 He advised that I have to be concentrated because everyone who uses swords in fighting might have been mastered it. Therefore, if you are to confront them you must get the maximum concentration. Again he said that once the fighting has been started there is no way you can stop because your sword is out of your hand. If your sword is out from your hand that does not mean that the fight has ended. As soon as you get that mentality your opponent will kill you immediately. Again if you have the upper hand to force his sword to be out from his hand then you have to concentrate and finished him or her. If you lose guard because your opponent doesn’t have access to his or her sword you may be in trouble. For instance, you can call your sword to come to you immediately. So if someone is fighting with you and you lose your sword out of your hand and the person loses guard you can kill the person because it doesn’t matter how far your sw
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Chapter 177
  Chapter 177 I thought I had an advantage because I had stepped on his sword. The sword lifted me because he had called it. So I lost my guard either to watch the bully sword on the ground or I should watch the fighter. Before I could have realized he had hit me heavily on my chest as I flew in the air and landed on the ground about thirty meters away and I spat out mouthfuls of blood. He didn’t stop and he still matched forward. I vanished into the air and tried to avoid him for some time because I was dazed. I tried to run across the area so that he could not have access to me. Haven’t run away from his attacks for some time, I regained my consciousness and decided to attack him head-on. The swords were making noise. The noise continued for more than one hour and officers around the barracks were marveled. They tried to guess where the sound might have come from but they couldn’t get it right. It was just the sound of sword
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Chapter 178
Chapter 178 He pulled two elixirs and handed them over to me. He said to take the first one to heal your internal breeding. After I had taken the first one he said this elixir solves your biggest problem I was talking about. This elixir removes your feelings as a human. It is effective from now till the day the astral world would release you to marry. Take it now. I took the elixir without any hesitation. Daddy can you teach me how to refine the first elixir you gave to me. The one that heals internal breeding problems. hahaha, he smiled and thought me all the ingredients needed to refine. My son, he called me, Daddy I responded, who is in charge of all your architectural works? Daddy, she is Rosaline Derek. She is your second wife, right? Yes, Daddy. Find out where she is and asked her to be attentive. If she is driving asked her to park her car and closed her eyes. She is to receive divine wisdom to execute more powerful designs and to see w
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Chapter 179
Chapter 179 He turned to look at the bird and Jeeta also turned to look at the other side of the room. Jeeta shouted my Prince you have a visitor. An archangel is here with you. Just turned to look at him and he was brightening with his six big wings. I turned and I knelt at once. He looked at me and said no why do you have to bow before me. Have you forgotten that you shall not bow to any human or angels? No, my lord but I was frightened that the archangel of the divine will be with me even when I am in the army guard room. I said Jeeta get lost. He said why do you have to send your bold bird away. It is good that you have such a spiritual bird with you. They have special eyes to look into your future and see everything around you. I have been sent from the astral world to direct you into your right path. Listen you can’t continue to sell elixir. It is an abomination. You can refine to help and satisfied your members and those aro
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Chapter 180
  Chapter 180 I could feel that the power of the divine was enough for me. I gathered all the checks. I didn’t even bother to look at the face value of those checks. I hide them in my pocket. I laid on the floor to ponder on what I had gone through with the archangel within these weeks I had been at the guard room. In my deliberations, I realized that indeed I am a blessed child. The officer on duty opened the guard room door and asked me to follow him. I followed him to the main office of his superior. We took the back door to enter his office. The man looked straight into my eyes and said who are you? I am Prince Douglas, you said you are Prince? Yes, sir, I responded. He asked what did you do to be kept in the army guard room. I explained the situation to him and he was marveled. He asked me if I could identify those who led me into the guard room? I responded affirmatively and added that sir I can summon th
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